What did you accomplish today?

Bottom plate drilled for anchor bolts, dropped down and layout has been achieved. I’ll probably cut the first of the two top plates tomorrow morning, nail em to the bottom plates and transfer layout. I’m fucking beat! Did allot of other shit earlier.
Tomorrow the 12’(11’-4”) 2x6 studs and header package get delivered. Can’t fucking wait! But i probably wont start building walls until the following morning. Lots of other shit going on:hump:
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Bottom plate drilled for anchor bolts, dropped down and layout has been achieved. I’ll probably cut the first of the two top plates tomorrow morning, nail em to the bottom plates and transfer layout. I’m fucking beat! Did allot of other shit earlier.
Tomorrow the 12’(11’-4”) 2x6 studs and header package get delivered. Can’t fucking wait! But i probably wont start building walls until the following morning. Lots of other shit going on:hump:
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Beautifully done, how does your back feel?
Beautifully done, how does your back feel?
Thank you! I can never get enough of that type of feedback although I’ll usually act like i don’t need it, I do lol.

The back feels like it’s one wrong move away from being fucked for weeks/months lol. I couldn’t have switched to framing any quicker. I know how to work smart framing, hanging sheathing etc, its bending over doing other stuff and shoveling that jacks my shit. Too many hours on the tractor screws me up too.
Thank you! I can never get enough of that type of feedback although I’ll usually act like i don’t need it, I do lol.

The back feels like it’s one wrong move away from being fucked for weeks/months lol.
Know that feeling I loaded a job with bricks today of course the young bloke chucks a sickie. 3000 bricks I moved the last barra I slipped nearly dropped it, felt that old lower back twitch. Doesn’t hurt I just don’t feel straight if that makes sense, mind you sickie and barra probably don’t to you either lol
Sickie = sick day
Barra = wheel barrow
Know that feeling I loaded a job with bricks today of course the young bloke chucks a sickie. 3000 bricks I moved the last barra I slipped nearly dropped it, felt that old lower back twitch. Doesn’t hurt I just don’t feel straight if that makes sense, mind you sickie and barra probably don’t to you either lol
Sickie = sick day
Barra = wheel barrow
I got this stupid ass shit called Spondylolysis from a Pars Defect? or some shit like that. It’s a condition from repeatedly fucking my back up. That’s what the Doc said when I was seeking treatment for it. I’m fucked though because there’s no way in hell i’m getting surgery, and that’s what the doc said I’ll probably need after I did all kinds of therapy and shit.
I used to constantly throw my back out, even as far back when I was a 19yo apprentice. Not sure if it’s all related but I think I was doomed from the get go.
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Finally finished converting our guest bedroom from a home gym back to a bedroom. Spent over a week picking off 20 year old wallpaper 'till my fingers bled, added fresh coat of paint, new laminate and a new bed. I sold our nordictrack elliptical machine and pilates reformer that we weren't using on kijiji, that covered the entire project with enough left for a nice dinner out. Pretty stoked that we have a place for guests to sleep other than the sofa.

Today I'm doing nothing but hanging out with this guy giving well deserved belly scratches.
Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

It finally got to my side of town


Fuck! I hate hot days

I got this stupid ass shit called Spondylolysis from a Pars Defect? or some shit like that. It’s a condition from repeatedly fucking my back up. That’s what the Doc said when I was seeking treatment for it. I’m fucked though because there’s no way in hell i’m getting surgery, and that’s what the doc said I’ll probably need after I did all kinds of therapy and shit.
I used to constantly throw my back out, even as far back when I was a 19yo apprentice. Not sure if it’s all related but I think I was doomed from the get go.
A pars interarticularis defect is a stress fracture from overuse. Let me guess L5? That's the most common site. Was it unilateral or bilateral? Bilateral more commonly can require surgery because of anterior or posterior vertebral body movement. Anyway my point is pain is not an indication for spinal surgery only motor loss.

Inversion tables can help by decompressing your spine and allowing for movement of the vertebral body back into neutral position. Sorry you have this.
I got this stupid ass shit called Spondylolysis from a Pars Defect? or some shit like that. It’s a condition from repeatedly fucking my back up. That’s what the Doc said when I was seeking treatment for it. I’m fucked though because there’s no way in hell i’m getting surgery, and that’s what the doc said I’ll probably need after I did all kinds of therapy and shit.
I used to constantly throw my back out, even as far back when I was a 19yo apprentice. Not sure if it’s all related but I think I was doomed from the get go.
I exploded my disk at L5-S1 and couldn't walk, I was eating percocet like candy and it made no difference in the pain level. Dr said 2 hrs for the surgery, 4 hrs later they rolled me out. Had a diskectomy and laminectomy. He had to pick out pieces of disk from my spine and said my spinal cord was red from irritation from some of the pieces. I'm missing the inside of my right calf because of nerve damage, it atrophied without the nerve conduction. I was out of the hospital in 24 hrs and walking again. Sometimes the vertebra will shift and hurt for awhile so I try to hang from something to stretch it out and get it to relocate. I just have to work awhile then rest awhile. Mornin all.
I exploded my disk at L5-S1 and couldn't walk, I was eating percocet like candy and it made no difference in the pain level. Dr said 2 hrs for the surgery, 4 hrs later they rolled me out. Had a diskectomy and laminectomy. He had to pick out pieces of disk from my spine and said my spinal cord was red from irritation from some of the pieces. I'm missing the inside of my right calf because of nerve damage, it atrophied without the nerve conduction. I was out of the hospital in 24 hrs and walking again. Sometimes the vertebra will shift and hurt for awhile so I try to hang from something to stretch it out and get it to relocate. I just have to work awhile then rest awhile. Mornin all.
Key point!
I don't look forward to any procedure ending in "ectomy"
Especially those that start with orchi and pen