'First vape death in the US' recorded in Illinois


Well-Known Member

A patient has died after developing a severe respiratory disease due to vaping in the first
such death in the US, say health officials.

The US state of Illinois' health agency said the unnamed patient was between 17 and 38 years old.

It comes amid an outbreak of lung disease across the US that officials have linked to use of e-cigarettes.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said nearly 200 people have fallen ill from vaping nationwide.

CDC director Robert Redfield said: "We are saddened to hear of the first death related to the outbreak of severe lung disease in those who use e-cigarette or 'vaping' devices."

He added: "This tragic death in Illinois reinforces the serious risks associated with e-cigarette products.

"Vaping exposes users to many different substances for which we have little information about related harms - including flavourings, nicotine, cannabinoids and solvents."

He said vaping devices were not safe for children, young adults, pregnant women or even adults who do not normally use tobacco products.

Also on Friday, the CDC said it was aware of 193 potential cases of severe lung disease in 22 states that could be caused by vaping.

Twenty-two of the cases were in Illinois.

This is a sharp rise in only two days; on Wednesday, the agency was recording 153 such cases in 16 states.

Those affected had symptoms including coughing, shortness of breath and fatigue as well as some cases of vomiting and diarrhoea.

The CDC said it is unclear if the illnesses are related, but that they do not appear to stem from any infectious disease.

"In many cases, patients have acknowledged recent use of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-containing product," the CDC said, referring to the active compound present in cannabis.

The president of the American Vaping Association, Gregory Conley, said in a statement on Thursday that he was "confident" the illnesses were being caused by devices containing cannabis or other synthetic drugs, not nicotine.

At least two people have previously died in the US after their e-cigarette exploded in their face.
Anything in Illinois will die even human's trying to get high. I have vaped the liquod form of cannabis and its fucking horrible one of my coworkersgave me a toke. Just one toke mind you. I got sick for like a month. Now I just vape or smoke flower. First and last time.:spew:
I don't think people understand how easy it is to make FAKE CARTRIDGES. You can buy packaging and the carts from China and just fill them up with whatever you want, often low quality extracts full of pesticides and other shit. News outlets aren't going to understand the difference between a fake oil cart and a dry herb vaporizer. This is really bad for ALL cannabis users since facts aren't being shared at all.

The first time I saw an oil cartridge vaporizer I knew that shit wouldn't end well.
How many people died of cigarettes,just today?

Vaping never did make my lungs feel great, but it did help me quit a 29 year smoking habit, and giving up the vape after a few weeks was pretty easy, it sure helped me.
A few years back, Sweden or one of the other Scandinavian countries did a study where they concluded they save almost $4B a year in retirement cost due to smoking. Glad you quit, but too many poor people stop smoking and SS will be fucked {more than it already is}.
I am coming up on the 3 year mark of not smoking cigs after 22 years of a pack a day. Would not of happened without my e cig. I also made sure to only use the highest quality, nicotine and vegetable glycerin juice I could find.
It is amazing how use to not being able to breath right I was while smoking.

Cheers :)
My friend vapes and buys the cartridges at the dispensary. I've taken a toke or two and I can't stand it. I'll stick to smoking flower. And after seeing some of those vapes explode in peoples faces I'm not ever touching one again. But that's just me. If you vape and are happy with it then vape away. bongsmilie
What I like best about dry herb vapes is that your sugar trim suddenly becomes a daily consumable.

I could probably do the dry herb vapes but I can't stand the cartridges. Something about it. Makes me cough and my lungs hurt. After seeing pictures of those things blowing up in peoples faces there's no way I'm ever putting one up to my mouth again.

I have seen some that have a small tube attached to a base that sits on the table. I was actually looking at this Arizer V-Tower awhile back. Not knowing much about them I didn't pull the trigger. Do you know if this is a decent unit? It's around $100 so not too bad on the wallet.

I have one of those desktop ones, that exact model... got it as a gift from someone I'm teaching how to grow...Not quite as much flavour as with my Tera. Also you have to load pretty big loads in the desktop one
I could probably do the dry herb vapes but I can't stand the cartridges. Something about it. Makes me cough and my lungs hurt. After seeing pictures of those things blowing up in peoples faces there's no way I'm ever putting one up to my mouth again.

I have seen some that have a small tube attached to a base that sits on the table. I was actually looking at this Arizer V-Tower awhile back. Not knowing much about them I didn't pull the trigger. Do you know if this is a decent unit? It's around $100 so not too bad on the wallet.


I cant recommend them highly enough. I have owned mine for over 8 years. I own and recommend the one that can do bags as well. Its only a bit more expensive. Initially i really liked the whip option, but for the last nearly 7 years i mostly use the bags.
I have one of those desktop ones, that exact model... got it as a gift from someone I'm teaching how to grow...Not quite as much flavour as with my Tera. Also you have to load pretty big loads in the desktop one

Yep, i didnt care much for the whip action, but the bags are different ballgame.
I don't think people understand how easy it is to make FAKE CARTRIDGES. You can buy packaging and the carts from China and just fill them up with whatever you want, often low quality extracts full of pesticides and other shit. News outlets aren't going to understand the difference between a fake oil cart and a dry herb vaporizer. This is really bad for ALL cannabis users since facts aren't being shared at all.

The first time I saw an oil cartridge vaporizer I knew that shit wouldn't end well.

Its not just the fake carts. Remember a few years ago when a local paper in cali did a story on these carts. They went to a number of legitimate, legal dispensary and bought different brands of carts. Over 90% tested dirty for some gnarly pesticides.
I am coming up on the 3 year mark of not smoking cigs after 22 years of a pack a day. Would not of happened without my e cig. I also made sure to only use the highest quality, nicotine and vegetable glycerin juice I could find.
It is amazing how use to not being able to breath right I was while smoking.

Cheers :)


That's like saying I'm not an alcoholic, I quit drinking hard liquor, but still drink beer.

Alcohol is alcohol

Nicotine is still nicotine.

You must have been fooled by juul yrs back.
I have one of those desktop ones, that exact model... got it as a gift from someone I'm teaching how to grow...Not quite as much flavour as with my Tera. Also you have to load pretty big loads in the desktop one

Thanks for the info.

I cant recommend them highly enough. I have owned mine for over 8 years. I own and recommend the one that can do bags as well. Its only a bit more expensive. Initially i really liked the whip option, but for the last nearly 7 years i mostly use the bags.

I've actually done it using the bags and didn't like it that much. Seemed like by the time I got the hit it was stale and couldn't really tell I was getting anything. I like the taste a little more gamey.

So the consensus is that the Arizer V-Tower I posted a picture of is a solid unit? I don't want to pay much more than $100. It won't be for full time use but more for the nightstand when I'm in bed watching TV and the lady is asleep.

I'm thinking of this model for $119, free shipping, and next day delivery on Amazon.. It does both the whip and bag. Comes with a 3' whip, 2 bags, and a remote control.

Arizer Extreme Q 4.0 Aromatherapy defuser Medium Black


That's like saying I'm not an alcoholic, I quit drinking hard liquor, but still drink beer.

Alcohol is alcohol

Nicotine is still nicotine.

You must have been fooled by juul yrs back.

Its actually not even close to the same thing. I no longer inhale thousands of chemicals and it costs me a fraction of what smoking did. Plus I can actually breath.

Great job on being a dick though

Cheers :)

One crutch for another

I'm a former smoker buddy, 20yrs quit now. So dont get all high n might 'cause you vape vs pay phillip Morris lots a money.

And I take pride in being a DICK! You fn snowflakes cant handle any form of the truth. You need it sugar coated like getting a participation trophy vs actually being good at what you were competing in, and winning a real trophy because you excelled in something.