'First vape death in the US' recorded in Illinois


One crutch for another

I'm a former smoker buddy, 20yrs quit now. So dont get all high n might 'cause you vape vs pay phillip Morris lots a money.

And I take pride in being a DICK! You fn snowflakes cant handle any form of the truth. You need it sugar coated like getting a participation trophy vs actually being good at what you were competing in, and winning a real trophy because you excelled in something.

LMAO Cool story bro. Want a gold star sticker? Amazing how proud you are of being a straight up goof. I bet you play by your own rules too HAHAHA
Anyway great job on adding anything worthwhile to this thread.

Cheers :)
Thanks for the info.

I've actually done it using the bags and didn't like it that much. Seemed like by the time I got the hit it was stale and couldn't really tell I was getting anything. I like the taste a little more gamey.

So the consensus is that the Arizer V-Tower I posted a picture of is a solid unit? I don't want to pay much more than $100. It won't be for full time use but more for the nightstand when I'm in bed watching TV and the lady is asleep.

I'm thinking of this model for $119, free shipping, and next day delivery on Amazon.. It does both the whip and bag. Comes with a 3' whip, 2 bags, and a remote control.

Arizer Extreme Q 4.0 Aromatherapy defuser Medium Black


I would pay the extra 20 and get the one with bags.
You have to keep in mind that the flavor will be greatly influenced by the terpene profile. Some strains will offer great flavor through most of the bag while others not so much. Having said that, its not going to be everyone’s preferred method.
I was initially seriously put off by the bags for aesthetic reasons, just looked fucking weird and goofy. I was coming to it from someone who chain-smoked joints of good home grown for decades. Eventually i came to love vapor from the bags. And for a couple years was downright disgusted by combustion.
Now i do mostly bags. I also smoke joints on fairly regular basis. There are certain strains with an amazing thick terpene profile that are amazing in joints.
And of course, rosin on occasion.
I have a volcano for dry and a Pax. They both work ok. I prefer joints. It has a better high profile. But I don't smoke a lot anymore and I never smoked cigarrettes.

When I saw people vaporizing with PEG, PG and VG because the FDA recognized them as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) for oral administration I figured we were in for lung issues. Then add pesticide contamination and god knows what else and you soon have a health issue.

When I vape it's pure cannabis distillate from my own flower. It's similar to vaping flower without the vegetation. But I don't care for the high profile on that either. But at least no lung issues (anecdotal).
How sad. I suppose there will be many lawsuits like we saw with cigarettes if people develop these issues en masse. Hopefully the long-term effects will not be as severe as traditional tobacco.
Mine does the bags (I forgot there is a similar version without the bags. I have also seen it used with a shorter aftermarket crucible, (check out I think 420vapezone, my friend Troy has a vid up with it)
Remember I can't smell or taste properly... naah, give me the portable vape any day.
Any of us who used an ordinary ejuice vape with a box mod will be able to tell you that even minute changes to the coil and airflow drastically changes the end result.
The best taste is almost at the spot of vaporising.

If you can spare the extra bucks, get the Vulcano at least. It also fills the bags in half the time of this piece of crap.
I had the volcano and hated it. First few months I was into it, impressed my friends but the high is so much better from a joint and I have no medical reasons to need a vaporizer
You can burry me with something like exodus cheese in my Tera. It comes out like a thick sweet juice.
The wrong strains, all taste pretty bleh to me. If you go to and fro between the vape and joints, joints are OK...
Once you use a vape for like a month as the only route of ingestion, a joint tastes pretty bad.

As I said before I don;t like desktop vapes
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Thanks for the info.

I've actually done it using the bags and didn't like it that much. Seemed like by the time I got the hit it was stale and couldn't really tell I was getting anything. I like the taste a little more gamey.

So the consensus is that the Arizer V-Tower I posted a picture of is a solid unit? I don't want to pay much more than $100. It won't be for full time use but more for the nightstand when I'm in bed watching TV and the lady is asleep.

I'm thinking of this model for $119, free shipping, and next day delivery on Amazon.. It does both the whip and bag. Comes with a 3' whip, 2 bags, and a remote control.

Arizer Extreme Q 4.0 Aromatherapy defuser Medium Black


You need something harder hitting if you're used to bong hits. I had the EQ4 and while decent, it's not a hard hitter. I now use the Lotus and VapCaps, mostly through a small bubbler sometimes without. You might also like the Sticky Brick vaporizers, they hit hard as well. The Solo2 is decent too, but has the same problem as the EQ4, it's not a hard hitter.

If you have a lot of money, the Flowerpot seems insanely powerful.

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I have a volcano for dry and a Pax. They both work ok. I prefer joints. It has a better high profile. But I don't smoke a lot anymore and I never smoked cigarrettes.

When I saw people vaporizing with PEG, PG and VG because the FDA recognized them as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) for oral administration I figured we were in for lung issues. Then add pesticide contamination and god knows what else and you soon have a health issue.

When I vape it's pure cannabis distillate from my own flower. It's similar to vaping flower without the vegetation. But I don't care for the high profile on that either. But at least no lung issues (anecdotal).

i have an arizer extreme q vape tower or w/e it's called, and i too, don't care much for the high from vaping.. seems to be very different from combustion imvho.. more heady, much mellower, shorter lasting, etc, etc.. i hardly ever used to arizer, just not my thing..
i have an arizer extreme q vape tower or w/e it's called, and i too, don't care much for the high from vaping.. seems to be very different from combustion imvho.. more heady, much mellower, shorter lasting, etc, etc.. i hardly ever used to arizer, just not my thing..

I keep hearing these claims, but there is no reason why a vaporizer wouldn't get you higher than smoking. You're getting more of the good chemicals and less poisonous stuff.
I keep hearing these claims, but there is no reason why a vaporizer wouldn't get you higher than smoking. You're getting more of the good chemicals and less poisonous stuff.

Yeah, i get completely , throughly high from my arizer (bags,balloons).
While i generally agree with what you are saying , i think everyone is different enough , that some just aren't satisfied with a vaporizer.

I think the effects of a strain are slightly different in vapor than combustion. Quite often for the better. Sometime not.
I keep hearing these claims, but there is no reason why a vaporizer wouldn't get you higher than smoking. You're getting more of the good chemicals and less poisonous stuff.
i've only vaped flowers, never tried me no earl or anything fancy, but yeah, that's just been my experience with it. not sure if the temps aren't quite the same between vaping and combustion, or what the answer is, but yeah, just my experience with the q tower..
i've only vaped flowers, never tried me no earl or anything fancy, but yeah, that's just been my experience with it. not sure if the temps aren't quite the same between vaping and combustion, or what the answer is, but yeah, just my experience with the q tower..

I think the the q tower by itself without the bags is not worth the money. Im not a big fan of the whip setup with this vape, thats why I recommended the one with the bag, balloon option. If someone wants just the whip action i would recommend looking at some other vapes.
If one wishes to duplicate/approximate the high of combustion then the vape has to be turned to max temperature; until you are at max temp, you are effectively doing a selective distillation of various components. That's what I found
Same here, interesting to see what came off and what temps.