Deutsche Bank bombshell: It has Trump's tax returns — and Democrats may soon see them


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Deutsche Bank bombshell: It has Trump's tax returns — and Democrats may soon see them
Rumors fly after financial giant that funded Trump's business deals finally admits it has his tax returns

Deutsche Bank bombshell: It has Trump's tax returns — and Democrats may soon see them
Rumors fly after financial giant that funded Trump's business deals finally admits it has his tax returns.

Word is they also have documents showing Donald's loans have Russian cosigners. Looks like were gonna have a good look at Donald finances and he's going to go nuts over it.
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One reason Donald might be going off the deep end lately is the court case concerning Deutsche Bank admitting they have his taxes and documents that show his loans are cosigned by Russian Oligarchs. They are just days or weeks away from ending up with the house committees with no rule about not making these court documents public either, unlike obtaining them from federal sources. Subpoenas are forthcoming.

Let's see, Trump tower Moscow and all of his loans cosigned by Russians, not to mention all the kompromat. They own Donald lock stock and barrel, he's in their complete control. They weren't just loaning Donald money, he was laundering it for them. Remember, the feds also have Donald's bean counter by the balls too, they guy who actually knows shit.

If this comes out about the Russian cosigners on his loans, Deutsche Bank in in deep shit too, investors and account holders will be scattering like cockroaches when the light is turned on.

Perhaps with his spigot of Russian money choked off and his Golf courses failing Donald is getting desperate on a financial front too. Private lawyers for all the hundreds of cases must be costing a fortune by the day and they are gonna want to be paid up front (Donald has stiffed many lawyers). No wonder he was shilling his bedbug and cockroach infested Doral resort at the G7, his businesses are losing money and he's going through cash like shit through a goose.
Lawrence O'Donnell: Source says Russian oligarchs co-signed Trump's Deutsche Bank loans

MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell says he has a source who told him Russian oligarchs signed off loans given to President Trump by Deutsche Bank.

Lawyers for the German lender told a federal appeals court Tuesday that the bank has documents sought by Democrat-led House committees, which subpoenaed Deutsche Bank and Capital One for financial records related to Trump, his family, and businesses, but declined to reveal if they have Trump's tax returns.

While the New York Times reports Deutsche Bank, which has done business with Trump for two decades, does have some of Trump's personal and corporate tax returns, O'Donnell told colleague Rachel Maddow in the hand-off between their shows Tuesday evening he can go a bit further.

"This single source close to Deutsche Bank has told me that the Trump — Donald Trump's loan documents there show that he has co-signers. That's how he was able to obtain those loans. And that the co-signers are Russian oligarchs," he said....
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For those American patriots in despair over the doings of the Donald know this, Donald is freaking out about this, fighting tooth and nail and spending a fortune on lawyers for a reason. This shit could soon be public and that will just be cracking the lid on this can of worms, Donald is worried and very frightened.
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I suspect Putin told trump to run for president in the first place and Russia helped from the start.
You're probably right about that, he helped run his campaign and helped Trump to steal the election and financed a good part of it through the NRA too. Moscow Mitch helped too, is helping still and will continue to do so until the heat gets too high and he throws Donald under the bus.
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Impeach Convict Remove Indict Convict Deport to Siberia
I figure Donald might "self deport" to Russia on AF1 (who could stop him?), other than death by a cheese burger induced stroke, it's his only way to avoid prison for the rest of his miserable existence. I figure it might be the best out come for the country and remove all doubt about treason while destroying the republican party in the process, besides Vlad might give him back after a year or two...
I figure Donald might "self deport" to Russia on AF1 (who could stop him?), other than death by a cheese burger induced stroke, it's his only way to avoid prison for the rest of his miserable existence. I figure it might be the best out come for the country and remove all doubt about treason while destroying the republican party in the process, besides Vlad might give him back after a year or two...
That or something similar could indeed happen. Or at least be attempted.
That or something similar could indeed happen. Or at least be attempted.
People keep saying, ya can't make this shit up, so anything is on the table with Trump, he's desperate to avoid prison and humiliation in a court of law. You ain't seen crazy yet with this guy, just wait for the public testimony or the release of documents to trigger a deep dive into the twilight zone.
Come to think about it Donald might end up costing the Russians a lot of money, he might owe them billions already and he doesn't have the cash, they could sue him in Russia these days and pick him clean, ditto for Uncle Sam in the States who would confiscate everything in sight anyway. He's also facing a ton of personal lawsuits too...
Another thought, they might not be able to prosecute Donald for money laundering, bank and insurance fraud and tax evasion, but they can charge the Trump organization. It's a corporation in NY and the means NY state can prosecute the company too and maybe even indict Trump under state law. Deutsche Bank documents would be useful for a whole spectrum of charges by NY state...

By the time the dust settles they will need an entire roll of news print to list the articles, indictments and lawsuits against this piece of shit, they had better write small too.
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I salute investigative journalists, they are genuine patriots. Now, it heats up. This will be a spectacle. Is that necktie getting a little tight, dotard? A little difficult to suck air?
I salute investigative journalists, they are genuine patriots. Now, it heats up. This will be a spectacle. Is that necktie getting a little tight, dotard? A little difficult to suck air?
They should hang the fucker by this long red neck tie, make him do the long walk and short dance. Putin declared an informal war on America and Trump betrayed it, if it was a hot war he'd swing for sure.

I can't help but recall the words of FDR, "A state of war has existed between...". Maybe a future democrat president will declare that, "Since 2016 a state of virtual war has existed between the USA and The Russian Federation...", and that he is formally declaring it has existed and a democratic congress backs him up, then maybe...

This was America's 21st century Pearl Harbor after all. By now baseball bats would be called MAGA hat removers in most democratic countries.
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Deutsche Bank bombshell: It has Trump's tax returns — and Democrats may soon see them
Rumors fly after financial giant that funded Trump's business deals finally admits it has his tax returns

Deutsche Bank bombshell: It has Trump's tax returns — and Democrats may soon see them
Rumors fly after financial giant that funded Trump's business deals finally admits it has his tax returns.

Word is they also have documents showing Donald's loans have Russian cosigners. Looks like were gonna have a good look at Donald finances and he's going to go nuts over it.

They've lent him money..of course they have them.

What a ridiculous question.
They've lent him money..of course they have them.

What a ridiculous question.
Nobody asked a question, it was a statement of fact, a news article with a small bit of speculation about a single sourced story concerning Russian cosigners, which if true takes this sordid affair to a whole new level. Deutsche Bank have 20 years worth of Trump records and the democrats will get them all once they pry open the door a bit, this will undoubtedly document a 20 year criminal history and much more. Donald is losing his marbles for a reason and this is probably it.

Nobody needs to convince me Trump is a traitor and life long criminal, there's a ton of evidence already and new confirmation of guilt happens daily with lot's more to come. It isn't even impeachment "season" yet and Donald already is dancing, howling and sweating in the summer heat, they should have him primed real good by the time they impeach him.