Deutsche Bank bombshell: It has Trump's tax returns — and Democrats may soon see them

So if Putin is controlling Donald Trump what favors has Trump done for his masters? Because I am at a lose to see any. Reality does not match your twilight fan fiction. Also if you think I am the one getting shit on in this thread you really are delusional. All I see is a bunch of whiny children who can't back up their opinions with any factual evidence getting upset and calling people names. If that is your idea of winning then no wonder Trump is handing you guys your ass at every turn.
Awwwww, the sad little trumptard is against name calling

That’s so precious
This is what you support or ignore at best and why people here have no respect for you.
'A Death Sentence': Trump Reportedly Moving to Deport Kids With Cancer, HIV, and Other Deadly Illnesses
"This is a new low for Trump. The administration is now literally deporting kids with cancer."

The Trump administration has reportedly ended a program which allowed immigrants with serious illnesses to temporarily remain in the U.S., a move by the White House that rights advocates decried as "a death sentence" for children receiving treatment for cancer, HIV, and other life-threatening diseases.

Reporting from local NPR affiliate WBUR said the "medical deferred action" program permitted immigrants to stay in the U.S. for two-year periods if they could demonstrate "extreme medical need."

"Many of the people affected by the policy change came to the U.S. through a visa or other permitted status and are requesting to stay beyond those terms to receive medical treatment," WBUR reported Monday.

Immigrants living and receiving medical care in Massachusetts learned of the Trump administration's policy change when they received letters from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services earlier this month warning them they will be deported if they don't leave the country in 33 days.

I think you forgot to put the word "ILLEGAL" in front of "immigrants" in that article. Once we figure out how to take care of all the children in need of medical services in this country first then I might be open to diverting those services to people in this country illegally. But until that happens I feel we should take care and lookout for our fellow citizens first.
I think you forgot to put the word "ILLEGAL" in front of "immigrants" in that article. Once we figure out how to take care of all the children in need of medical services in this country first then I might be open to diverting those services to people in this country illegally. But until that happens I feel we should take care and lookout for our fellow citizens first.
How’s your federal felony grow going, ya fucking illegal?
I guess you missed the part where he was forced to clarify his statements and clearly stated that the OLC guidelines on charging a sitting president did NOT play a part in the decision to not charge Trump.
Again, it would be funny if not for the carnage your kind are creating.

Republican line of false logic that you just repeated: "Trump can't be charged for the crimes he comitted as president because he's still president. Therefore, Trump is innocent!!!!"

We'll wait until he's no longer president, then try him, then hang him and then kill him.

You guys can just sit on the sidelines repeating lies to each other in your assisted living facilities. Because you are broke, we'll pay for it. I hope you like oatmeal for breakfast every day until you die.
Again, it would be funny if not for the carnage your kind are creating.

Republican line of false logic that you just repeated: "Trump can't be charged for the crimes he comitted as president because he's still president. Therefore, Trump is innocent!!!!"

We'll wait until he's no longer president, then try him, then hang him and then kill him.

You guys can just sit on the sidelines repeating lies to each other in your assisted living facilities. Because you are broke, we'll pay for it. I hope you like oatmeal for breakfast every day until you die.

Nah its more like the line of logic of: "Trump wasn't charged with any crimes, because there was no evidence to show he did commit crime" Its kind of the same standrad that all Americans should hope is applied.

You can keep parroting the misquote of Mueller about the OLC decision for as long as you want. But this thread is evidence of the type of "journalism" you guys buy into so it doesn't surprise me you still are repeating information debunked awhile ago.
So if Putin is controlling Donald Trump what favors has Trump done for his masters? Because I am at a lose to see any. Reality does not match your twilight fan fiction. Also if you think I am the one getting shit on in this thread you really are delusional. All I see is a bunch of whiny children who can't back up their opinions with any factual evidence getting upset and calling people names. If that is your idea of winning then no wonder Trump is handing you guys your ass at every turn.
Why the fuck should I explain anything to you, logic and data have not brought you to your idiotic position, hatred, resentment and fear did. " Immigrant children are human beings the last time I checked, what the fuck is wrong with you.
Why lie so much?

He said it wasn’t the only reason, he didn’t say it played no part

He then said trump is compromised and can face 10 felony counts of obstruction of justice

Why do you lie in every single post you make?

Simple enough solution, if Im such a liar please provide the transcript where Robert Mueller said Trump is compromised.
Nah its more like the line of logic of: "Trump wasn't charged with any crimes, because there was no evidence to show he did commit crime" Its kind of the same standrad that all Americans should hope is applied.

You can keep parroting the misquote of Mueller about the OLC decision for as long as you want. But this thread is evidence of the type of "journalism" you guys buy into so it doesn't surprise me you still are repeating information debunked awhile ago.
Trump was named as the unindicted co conspirator in a federal felony for which his personal lawyer now sits in federal prison

Mueller said clearly that he is liable to face ten counts of felony obstruction of justice once he’s votedout

All you do is lie

Please apologize for lying now
Michigan is full of illegal immigrants, I would rather have them than most of the locals.... To pull the only working people out of Michigan is kinda crazy if you ask me. Just going to spike prices on the goods they are hired to produce. Why not go after the companies hiring the illegals if you don't want them here? Otherwise its like busting a hooker and letting the customer and pimp go free.
Trump was named as the unindicted co conspirator in a federal felony for which his personal lawyer now sits in federal prison

No he was not, you are totally wrong on this statement.

Mueller said clearly that he is liable to face ten counts of felony obstruction of justice once he’s votedout

All you do is lie

Please apologize for lying now

Once again if this is such settled fact please show the transcripts where Mueller said this.
I think you forgot to put the word "ILLEGAL" in front of "immigrants" in that article. Once we figure out how to take care of all the children in need of medical services in this country first then I might be open to diverting those services to people in this country illegally. But until that happens I feel we should take care and lookout for our fellow citizens first.
The article says they were here legally, these aren't migrants or refugees. No heart, you have that in common with Donald at least, we're taking about children here you emotional retard.
The article says they were here legally, these aren't migrants or refugees. No heart, you have that in common with Donald at least, we're taking about children here you emotional retard.
He would cry so hard if a doctor refused to treat him because of his ILLEGAL!!! marijuana grow
No he was not, you are totally wrong on this statement.

Once again if this is such settled fact please show the transcripts where Mueller said this.
Not totally, he was an unnamed co-conspiratorial, not named, a minor point and not relevant
Painfully unfunny ya fucking illegal

Oh come on that was a little funny and you know it.

Why is misdemeanor border crossing or 100% legal asylum seeking a death sentence, but a federal felony narcotics manufacturing operation ok?

Because we are talking about illegal immigration and the impact it has on services offered to the poor and downtrodden who are citizens of this country.

The other thing is a choice I make because I believe its the right thing to do to offer alternative help to people who are experiencing great pain and suffering who without my help would be forced to get hooked on opioids by big pharma. The fact that you even bring this up in the manner you do reveals alot about the type of person you are.