If any of the numbers you post are true, then how does every other developed nation afford healthcare for their citizens with no cost at the point of care?
This argument is a fallacy. Numbers matter. You can't compare the US Healthcare system directly to a country like for example Canada because Canadians are healthier overall. They're not setting records for obesity and metabolic syndrome. Americans are such fat asses that the US actually spends more money treating diabetes than it would cost to end all starvation-deaths. That's a mind blowing stat and it's true, go look it up.
Also, the US subsidizes sugar while Canada has effective regulation of their food and drugs. They have lower costs overall.
Now, to address your emotionally charged nonsense, I support universal health care. I also support an expansion of Medicare for those who need it. In fact, I would support M4A after the costs are brought down by improving regulation and taxing sugar. Metabolic ailments are by far the largest draw on the system.
In short, you should educate yourself and explicate arguments honestly before you respond instead of distorting everything into a red herring and then relying completely on a logical fallacy and then lobbing insults.