Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
If any of the numbers you post are true, then how does every other developed nation afford healthcare for their citizens with no cost at the point of care?
Because the citizens pay an incredibly high tax rate. Personally, I don't want to give up 50% or more of my income to government,

I would like to keep most of my income.


Well-Known Member
If any of the numbers you post are true, then how does every other developed nation afford healthcare for their citizens with no cost at the point of care?
This argument is a fallacy. Numbers matter. You can't compare the US Healthcare system directly to a country like for example Canada because Canadians are healthier overall. They're not setting records for obesity and metabolic syndrome. Americans are such fat asses that the US actually spends more money treating diabetes than it would cost to end all starvation-deaths. That's a mind blowing stat and it's true, go look it up.

Also, the US subsidizes sugar while Canada has effective regulation of their food and drugs. They have lower costs overall.

Now, to address your emotionally charged nonsense, I support universal health care. I also support an expansion of Medicare for those who need it. In fact, I would support M4A after the costs are brought down by improving regulation and taxing sugar. Metabolic ailments are by far the largest draw on the system.

In short, you should educate yourself and explicate arguments honestly before you respond instead of distorting everything into a red herring and then relying completely on a logical fallacy and then lobbing insults.


Well-Known Member
No, bernie's plan very specifically says that everyone grossing over 26k will be facing tax hikes. The problem is that his numbers don't add up to actually pay for his "plan".
And these guys always use other countries for "examples". It's like comparing apples to oranges, those other countries don't even have maybe 1/3 of the population of the US. Of course it's going to be cheaper for health care when you don't have as many people to take care of. Let alone the example you give that other countries are healthier overall.


Well-Known Member
And these guys always use other countries for "examples". It's like comparing apples to oranges, those other countries don't even have maybe 1/3 of the population of the US. Of course it's going to be cheaper for health care when you don't have as many people to take care of. Let alone the example you give that other countries are healthier overall.
Shyttstikk never held a real job for any extended period of his life or endured hardship that he had to work his way out of while facing adversity with only himself to rely on.

Of course a guy like that will support the candidate giving away the most free shit that working people have to pay for.


Well-Known Member
Shyttstikk never held a real job for any extended period of his life or endured hardship that he had to work his way out of while facing adversity with only himself to rely on.

Of course a guy like that will support the candidate giving away the most free shit that working people have to pay for.
Life is no cakewalk, and we all know this. it bothers me that able bodied people want all this free shit or have the expectation that govt should provide everything for them.


Well-Known Member
Life is no cakewalk, and we all know this. it bothers me that able bodied people want all this free shit or have the expectation that govt should provide everything for them.
Some of the free shit makes sense like foodstamps. They work like agricultural subsidies and create two dollars in employment wages for every dollar spent.

I can't argue against a program that feeds people and creates jobs and economic activity. Bernie's braindead plan falls flat though. That's why this dumbass is having a meltdown and spewing insults.


Well-Known Member
I'm not against social programs by any means, sometimes people fall on hard times and need a little help. Or there's elderly, physically and mentally disabled people that don't have the means to provide for themselves, I have no problem paying extra taxes for that.

But able bodied people that want me and you to pay for their shit so they don't have to work hard like me or you, that's what I have a problem with


Well-Known Member
Some of the free shit makes sense like foodstamps. They work like agricultural subsidies and create two dollars in employment wages for every dollar spent.

I can't argue against a program that feeds people and creates jobs and economic activity. Bernie's braindead plan falls flat though. That's why this dumbass is having a meltdown and spewing insults.

You post this drivel and then talk about someone else's meltdown?

Have fun in your bubble.


Well-Known Member

You post this drivel and then talk about someone else's meltdown?

Have fun in your bubble.
I miss your fact-free shit-posts. Please come back more often and bring Padraper too. Poor boy skulked away after calling everybody that didn't support Sanders as "anti-semetic". You three are funny but you left poor Schuylaar here as your only representative. She's amusing sometimes but you guys are hilarious as a trio, It's like the Three Stooges if the stooges were paid in rubles.
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Well-Known Member
I miss your fact-free shit-posts. Please come back more often and bring Parraper too. Poor boy skulked away after calling everybody that didn't support Sanders as "anti-semetic". You three are funny but you left poor Schuylaar here as your only representative. She's amusing sometimes but you guys are hilarious as a trio, It's like the Three Stooges if the stooges were paid in rubles.
See here I thought it was because he was always selling Saudi Troll propaganda and got outed with it.


Well-Known Member
And these guys always use other countries for "examples". It's like comparing apples to oranges, those other countries don't even have maybe 1/3 of the population of the US. Of course it's going to be cheaper for health care when you don't have as many people to take care of. Let alone the example you give that other countries are healthier overall.
All of our healthcare costs are baked in really, we all already pay for everyone as it is. It is just when people don't have regular access to healthcare instead of several smaller visits, it becomes very large emergency room visits. It would be helpful to not bankrupt people and then have everyone who has insurance to have to pay for it anyways. I would be willing to pay more in taxes as long as the money I save in insurance evens out at the least.

Thats basically the idea behind Obamacare (ACA), get everyone insured at whatever they can afford.

Edit: Or RomneyCare if any Republican prefers to think of it that way to like it.


Well-Known Member
I miss your fact-free shit-posts. Please come back more often and bring Padraper too. Poor boy skulked away after calling everybody that didn't support Sanders as "anti-semetic". You three are funny but you left poor Schuylaar here as your only representative. She's amusing sometimes but you guys are hilarious as a trio, It's like the Three Stooges if the stooges were paid in rubles.
They have hotload now though. He would be an electrician if it weren't for affirmative action.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Then vote for Joe Biden. Or a republican. No difference.

If any of the numbers you post are true, then how does every other developed nation afford healthcare for their citizens with no cost at the point of care?

You might try thinking. I know it's hard for you, but you really need the practice.
Well I help by giving the government over $400 every week of my pay. That helps :(.


Well-Known Member
Well I help by giving the government over $400 every week of my pay. That helps :(.
It hurts, but we like it none the less, no free lunches here either, just more efficient and effective, 1/3 the cost too. No politician would go near it, once you get a benefit it's hard to take it away, look at Obama care, it didn't take long to gain popularity when the rubber hit the road for most folks. You'll work 5 times harder to keep something than to attain it, basic human psychology. Try taxing the rich and you'll see what I mean!

One big problem with the American system is folks are reluctant to visit the doctor until it's too late, also disease can spread quickly and unnoticed, it's public health issue too. Most of the reason the Americans are outliers in health care, is the same reason it's for guns, racism. In the case of health care, "brown folks might get some too". Classic cut off yer nose to spite yer face, a truism that survives for a reason.
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Well-Known Member
Ruh-Roh... Bernie has put his foot into it now - calling for population control to be a critical part of climate policy.

That doesn't sound ominous.
Tell that to Muslims or to other cultures where women don't have basic human rights! Female empowerment and contraception will take care of population increase, in wealthy nations where women are empowered this problem resolves it's self, in the west we have to import citizens because our birth rates are so low.