Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
Why would Bernie and his dupes (@ttystikk ) ever think they could win the Democratic Primary by running against Democrats? Consider the complete idiocy of that.

Why Bernie is stalled

This week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) passed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for second place in the Real Clear Politics polling average of the Democratic primary. She has also taken over second place in Iowa and Nevada and become the betting market favorite. While this isn't the first time that Warren has inched ahead of Sanders, he and his supporters have to be wondering what happened — and if they can fix it.

Whereas Warren has run an above-the-fray campaign in which she rarely criticizes the other candidates directly and doesn't waste time warring with the press or feuding with the Center For American Progress, Sanders campaign (Sirota) has repeatedly plunged his candidate into internecine battles with other camps and continued Sanders' self-destructive fixation on media unfairness.

A case in point was the late August kerfuffle over a Washington Post fact-checking story that deemed (wrongly) a Sanders claim about medical bankruptcies to not be entirely accurate. Should Sanders have pushed back on it? Sure. It was a nonsense article. But what I'm talking about here is a certain style, and that style is "constantly aggrieved" — at other Democrats, at the same national media organizations that President Trump calls "the enemy of the people," at polling that Sirota doesn't like, and on and on and on.


Well-Known Member
Why would Bernie and his dupes (@ttystikk ) ever think they could win the Democratic Primary by running against Democrats? Consider the complete idiocy of that.

Why Bernie is stalled

This week, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) passed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for second place in the Real Clear Politics polling average of the Democratic primary. She has also taken over second place in Iowa and Nevada and become the betting market favorite. While this isn't the first time that Warren has inched ahead of Sanders, he and his supporters have to be wondering what happened — and if they can fix it.

Whereas Warren has run an above-the-fray campaign in which she rarely criticizes the other candidates directly and doesn't waste time warring with the press or feuding with the Center For American Progress, Sanders campaign (Sirota) has repeatedly plunged his candidate into internecine battles with other camps and continued Sanders' self-destructive fixation on media unfairness.

A case in point was the late August kerfuffle over a Washington Post fact-checking story that deemed (wrongly) a Sanders claim about medical bankruptcies to not be entirely accurate. Should Sanders have pushed back on it? Sure. It was a nonsense article. But what I'm talking about here is a certain style, and that style is "constantly aggrieved" — at other Democrats, at the same national media organizations that President Trump calls "the enemy of the people," at polling that Sirota doesn't like, and on and on and on.
Was there a point here?


Well-Known Member
Bernie's idiot campaign strategy is to win the Democratic nomination by attacking Democrats.

When he loses, you'll say it was a conspiracy.

Too funny that.
I see you get your 'news' from Jeff and Rupert.

It's impossible to take you seriously.

I support Bernie Sanders because he's spent his whole career fighting for cause and policies I agree with. That's how democracy works.

I understand you might be confused.


Well-Known Member
I see you get your 'news' from Jeff and Rupert.

It's impossible to take you seriously.

I support Bernie Sanders because he's spent his whole career fighting for cause and policies I agree with. That's how democracy works.

I understand you might be confused.
Lol. Tell us again where you read (and believed) that Jimmy Carter certified Maduro's election.


Well-Known Member
I see you get your 'news' from Jeff and Rupert.

It's impossible to take you seriously.

I support Bernie Sanders because he's spent his whole career fighting for cause and policies I agree with. That's how democracy works.

I understand you might be confused.
"Sanders will win the Democratic Party's nomination by attacking Democrats"


Facts elude you.


Well-Known Member
You can't stay on topic with Cliffs Notes.

This thread is about Bernie Sanders.

Do try and keep your ADHD in check.
So you just impugned somebody's sources and I brought up that you accepted a source that claimed that the Carter Foundation certified Maduro's election despite the front page of the Carter Foundation's website disproving it. And you say it's off topic. Lol.

Don't ever change.

Hey, did you find it easier to pimp out women with poor self esteem or narcissistic personality disorder? Asking for a friend.


Well-Known Member
So you just impugned somebody's sources and I brought up that you accepted a source that claimed that the Carter Foundation certified Maduro's election despite the front page of the Carter Foundation's website disproving it. And you say it's off topic. Lol.

Don't ever change.

Hey, did you find it easier to pimp out women with poor self esteem or narcissistic personality disorder? Asking for a friend.
This thread is about Bernie Sanders.

My goodness, the butthurt is so thick and deep and hard in you today!


Well-Known Member
This thread is about Bernie Sanders.

My goodness, the butthurt is so thick and deep and hard in you today!
So you were bested again and are just going to run away. We all know it. But keep posting because as long as you keep posting you can claim to be "winning, duh".


Well-Known Member
Richard Nixon signed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and signed the legislation creating the EPA.

Bill Clinton did NAFTA.
Obama bailed out the banks and let millions of homeowners sink.

Therefore, I'm not on board with your view of our history.

The elites can do fine and I have no fundamental problem with that. They can do fine while helping their disadvantaged countrymen. Where I have a problem is when they get rich at the expense and detriment of the rest of us, as has been happening since about 1980.
Both those examples led to the greatest and longest economic expansions. I know it is easy to label whats good and whats bad, but the middle class has both benefitted greatly from NAFTA and Obama's stopping of the economic collapse. Although I got to give Bush credit too, when push came to shove after his Wealthy White Male Only agenda overheated the economy, he went with helping the American citizens than doing the stupid tea party shit of letting everything collapse.


Well-Known Member
Both those examples led to the greatest and longest economic expansions. I know it is easy to label whats good and whats bad, but the middle class has both benefitted greatly from NAFTA and Obama's stopping of the economic collapse. Although I got to give Bush credit too, when push came to shove after his Wealthy White Male Only agenda overheated the economy, he went with helping the American citizens than doing the stupid tea party shit of letting everything collapse.
No, the middle class did not benefit from either of those policies.

Just because overall economic indicators improved does not mean anyone but the wealthy actually saw the gains. This is an old dodge by now.


Well-Known Member
No, the middle class did not benefit from either of those policies.

Just because overall economic indicators improved does not mean anyone but the wealthy actually saw the gains. This is an old dodge by now.
Oh wow thanks for clearing that up, I guess I should just believe people that say no and offer no actual words to back it up other than so what if data says it did.