The Truth About Sarah Palin - Rolling Stone


New Member
Why is that? because I can remember what I posted and you can't remember what you posted? You said a Marxist concept and has no reason to exist in a truly free society that leads me to believe that you think America is a free society. Otherwise you wouldn't be bitching. Sorry you bet on the wrong horse but attempting to insult me because you made a bad decision is like something Palin would do.


New Member
I'm sure it is, but it's not stopping our government from raping us anyway. Hell illegal aliens are illegal, even their name states that fact and our government wants to give them anmesty? How about some marijuana amnesty?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it is, but it's not stopping our government from raping us anyway. Hell illegal aliens are illegal, even their name states that fact and our government wants to give them anmesty? How about some marijuana amnesty?
well you have to stand your ground if you dont want to pay income tax. if you do some searching you can find many who have successfully challenged the IRS. may i suggest starting with the film America Freedom To Fascism for starters


New Member
Why is that? because I can remember what I posted and you can't remember what you posted? You said a Marxist concept and has no reason to exist in a truly free society that leads me to believe that you think America is a free society. Otherwise you wouldn't be bitching. Sorry you bet on the wrong horse but attempting to insult me because you made a bad decision is like something Palin would do.
Well, let me beat this dead horse a little more: You read more into my statement than what was intended by the statement. Our nation has evolved into a country run by a fascist/socialist government. We no longer live in a truly free society as intended by the Founders. The concept of a progressive tax on income is Marxist. So IF ... IF ... IF we are to return to a state of freedom and liberty, in other words, a truly free society, we would have to abolish the IRS and the progressive tax on income.

Get it now? :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Well, let me beat this dead horse a little more: You read more into my statement than what was intended by the statement. Our nation has evolved into a country run by a fascist/socialist government. We no longer live in a truly free society as intended by the Founders. The concept of a progressive tax on income is Marxist. So IF ... IF ... IF we are to return to a state of freedom and liberty, in other words, a truly free society, we would have to abolish the IRS and the progressive tax on income.

Get it now? :blsmoke:

dont forget the federal reserve


New Member
Vi the thing is you say this is a free society then when I said you said it you said you didn't say it. Anytime anyone calls you out on anything you double talk and tap dance and pretend you didn't say things that we all know you said. You should be in politics, you are one of the best damn liars in the not so free world.


New Member
Well, let me beat this dead horse a little more: You read more into my statement than what was intended by the statement. Our nation has evolved into a country run by a fascist/socialist government. We no longer live in a truly free society as intended by the Founders. The concept of a progressive tax on income is Marxist. So IF ... IF ... IF we are to return to a state of freedom and liberty, in other words, a truly free society, we would have to abolish the IRS and the progressive tax on income.

Get it now? :blsmoke:

somebody needs to keep an eye on people like you and I don't want to do I am glad to pay the government to do it....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Taxation without representation is Tyranny! Just thought I'd chime in there with that , even though we have representatives and all, because I've always wanted to say that.I've also always wanted to say, Do you feel lucky, punk?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Vi copies and pastes his info from Pat Buchanan now? That explains a lot! Why don't you just carve "MORON" into your cheek and get it over with?


New Member
Vi copies and pastes his info from Pat Buchanan now? That explains a lot! Why don't you just carve "MORON" into your cheek and get it over with?
I take it you're not a Buchanan fan? :lol:

Now, how about gravitating away from personal attacks and breaking down Buchanan's article and point out what you don't agree with?



Well-Known Member
I used to like buchanan years ago. But ever since he ran for president in the Primaries in 1996 he has become a mindless GOP robot. The only reason MSNBC has him on their shows is to laugh at him. I think he knows it too but likes the money.