they should award him an ass whuppin....

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

if my child had been killed and this asshat idiot tried to claim that not only had my child not been killed, he was a fabrication....i'd have found him and beat his fucking ass till i got too tired, then i would have rested and done it again....and probably again.
the whole conspiracy theory bullshit idiot thing has gotten out of hand. antivaxxers are responsible for every child who dies because they didn't get their vaccinations.
flat earth people are just fucking morons. vapor trails from airplanes are just motherfucking vapor trails....
your life sucks because its your life. not because some secret society has ulterior motives for making it suck. there are no thin men, no shadow men, and if there are aliens visiting earth, (which i doubt) you wouldn't know one if you were talking to them...
and "president" trump...there is no "deep state" trying to depose you...there's over half a country that hates your motherfucking guts and hope you drop dead daily....isn't that enough to be concerned about, without inventing a whole secret government to explain your own blithering incompetence? just admit that you have no fucking clue how to run the office you stole, and step the fuck down before you do something (else) the whole world will curse your name for forever....


Well-Known Member

if my child had been killed and this asshat idiot tried to claim that not only had my child not been killed, he was a fabrication....i'd have found him and beat his fucking ass till i got too tired, then i would have rested and done it again....and probably again.
the whole conspiracy theory bullshit idiot thing has gotten out of hand. antivaxxers are responsible for every child who dies because they didn't get their vaccinations.
flat earth people are just fucking morons. vapor trails from airplanes are just motherfucking vapor trails....
your life sucks because its your life. not because some secret society has ulterior motives for making it suck. there are no thin men, no shadow men, and if there are aliens visiting earth, (which i doubt) you wouldn't know one if you were talking to them...
and "president" trump...there is no "deep state" trying to depose you...there's over half a country that hates your motherfucking guts and hope you drop dead daily....isn't that enough to be concerned about, without inventing a whole secret government to explain your own blithering incompetence? just admit that you have no fucking clue how to run the office you stole, and step the fuck down before you do something (else) the whole world will curse your name for forever....
Too bad that @PokerJay83 isn't here to post some yootubes proving that Nobody Died at Sandyhook.


Well-Known Member

if my child had been killed and this asshat idiot tried to claim that not only had my child not been killed, he was a fabrication....i'd have found him and beat his fucking ass till i got too tired, then i would have rested and done it again....and probably again.
the whole conspiracy theory bullshit idiot thing has gotten out of hand. antivaxxers are responsible for every child who dies because they didn't get their vaccinations.
flat earth people are just fucking morons. vapor trails from airplanes are just motherfucking vapor trails....
your life sucks because its your life. not because some secret society has ulterior motives for making it suck. there are no thin men, no shadow men, and if there are aliens visiting earth, (which i doubt) you wouldn't know one if you were talking to them...
and "president" trump...there is no "deep state" trying to depose you...there's over half a country that hates your motherfucking guts and hope you drop dead daily....isn't that enough to be concerned about, without inventing a whole secret government to explain your own blithering incompetence? just admit that you have no fucking clue how to run the office you stole, and step the fuck down before you do something (else) the whole world will curse your name for forever....


Well-Known Member
Ok, so ignoring whether or not sandy hook was a conspiracy, don't you think it is 100% the government's fault the conspiracy exists?

There was another shooting the same week in the south. An elementary student shot three kids, a teacher, and himself. Within 12h there were videos from cctv, the paramedics, and the students themselves. When sandy hook happened, there have never been any videos released by any of thousands of students, none from paramedics, nothing from the govt. Hell they even went as far as to demolish the building (ostensibly to prevent theft, but columbine still stands and no such action has been taken at other sites of mass shootings, so this reasoning is obviously false/deliberately misleading) and spent billions rebuilding a new one (that's a lot of money for a school, why? Did they also burn the desks and computers)
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Well-Known Member

Do you think conspiracy theories like holocaust denialism would exist (and the laws making such questions illegal) if the government didn't invest so heavily in fake narratives? Specifically stuff like the ovens, which are documented to have been built after the war, being pictured front and center in our history books?

Whether or not the events happened, people in power used lies and manipulation to change the stories to meet their needs, and it is the contradictions between their lies and reality that give space for these conspiracy theories to exist.


Well-Known Member
Ok, just to be clear I phrased it like that because the events obviously happened. I just wanted to shine a light on why people have these crazy theories to begin with.

Do you deny that the ovens were built after the war? It is pretty well documented from allied radar images, Nazi building records, etc.. Yet pictures of them appeared in my grade 12 history book. Makes me wonder what else the government would lie about. This doesn't even touch on the dozens of proven false flags such as the American destroyer being bombed by the Israelis only a few years ago. If they had sunk it, there would be no proof of what happened.

Polls put trust in print media at around 25% now. Trust in the govt. is even lower. I wonder why..

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
Whether or not the events happened, ... Polls put trust in print media at around 25% now. Trust in the govt. is even lower. I wonder why..
fallacy of relative privation

"The fallacy of relative privation, or appeal to worse problems, is an informal fallacy which attempts to suggest that an argument or gorup of facts should be ignored because there are more important problems in the world."

why concern troll abt conspiracy theories if you're going to engage and actively support the suppositions?


Well-Known Member
Ok, just to be clear I phrased it like that because the events obviously happened. I just wanted to shine a light on why people have these crazy theories to begin with.

Do you deny that the ovens were built after the war? It is pretty well documented from allied radar images, Nazi building records, etc.. Yet pictures of them appeared in my grade 12 history book. Makes me wonder what else the government would lie about. This doesn't even touch on the dozens of proven false flags such as the American destroyer being bombed by the Israelis only a few years ago. If they had sunk it, there would be no proof of what happened.

Polls put trust in print media at around 25% now. Trust in the govt. is even lower. I wonder why..
Shut up, idiot


Well-Known Member
Polls have you around <1%.

With a 3% margin of error so you could be -2%.
source? Source on media numbers is the Columbus journalism review.

fallacy of relative privation

"The fallacy of relative privation, or appeal to worse problems, is an informal fallacy which attempts to suggest that an argument or gorup of facts should be ignored because there are more important problems in the world."

why concern troll abt conspiracy theories if you're going to engage and actively support the suppositions?
Nice to see an actual argument instead of the dribble that comes from buck and pals. It sounds like you think one has to support obvious lies as long as it supports your beliefs or tribe, ie you shouldn't point out that the government lies about some things that happened because it would damage their and your positions. This is false, you can agree that the holocaust happened *and* point out the spin that various political entities have put on it. Same with sandy hook.

I believe the government and police were wrong to hide the truth from the people. Conspiracies are a direct result of this. It is not wrong to say they should have been more transparent and truthful just because I agree with them generally.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member

Do you think conspiracy theories like holocaust denialism would exist (and the laws making such questions illegal) if the government didn't invest so heavily in fake narratives? Specifically stuff like the ovens, which are documented to have been built after the war, being pictured front and center in our history books?

Whether or not the events happened, people in power used lies and manipulation to change the stories to meet their needs, and it is the contradictions between their lies and reality that give space for these conspiracy theories to exist.
A good read. Do you have any collaborating sources for the ovens being installed after the war ended? I feel that is total bullshit. It’s not always people in power that start these things. It could be a simple tweet from a total twit.

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member
Nice to see an actual argument instead of the dribble that comes from buck and pals. It sounds like you think one has to support obvious lies as long as it supports your beliefs or tribe, ie you shouldn't point out that the government lies about some things that happened because it would damage their and your positions. This is false, you can agree that the holocaust happened *and* point out the spin that various political entities have put on it. Same with sandy hook.

I believe the government and police were wrong to hide the truth from the people. Conspiracies are a direct result of this. It is not wrong to say they should have been more transparent and truthful just because I agree with them generally.
:D Thank you for clarifying, maybe I jumped in on you too quick here. I'd also like to learn more abt your information concerning the ovens.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any collaborating sources for the ovens being installed after the war ended?
Sorry, was confused a bit. The crematoriums were rebuilt in a (slightly) different fashion and then these rebuilt buildings are the ones that picture in history texts. It's not like they never existed, but what is taught (was taught to us) presented everything in a less than honest way. There is a lot of information on this at and other sites.

Edit: thanks for keeping me honest/making sure I check my sources and get everything straight.