Wouldn't it be ironic if a bunch of armed cracker Trump secessionists led to a real and permanent assault weapons ban?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You forgot the defense of the country Rob, it's the raison d'être for the Army, Navy and Air force. The government is in charge of economic policy, not the army, the police enforce the government's will on the populace and the voters determine what that is, at least in my country.
No voters don't decide laws. That's a myth. Bought and paid for "representatives" pass laws for the people that pay them off. Grow up.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It's all spelled out in the constitution and most of it is technical Rob

First result in Google Rob, top of the page.

The Court and Constitutional Interpretation - Supreme Court of ...
https://www.supremecourt.gov › about › constitutional
Can you show me where in the constitution it has proof that "all of the people" alive at that time actually agreed to it ?

Can you tell me how the few people who did agree to the Constitution that have been dead for hundreds of years can bind people today to a document that was never signed by those people ?


Well-Known Member
OMFG. a 12 year old CHILD is not mature nor ready for a sexual relation with a 30 year old man you perv. I guess if you had a neighbor and you knew he was fucking kids you would say nothing ???? I would call the police every time I saw a child come over to his house. I would also confront the sick fucko.
Say one day your sons bless you with a granddaughter. At age 12 she starts fucking a guy of age 30, because he buys her nice clothes that daddy does not, you would say ?...
I wonder if Rob wants to say what the child's parents think about the abuse of their child. Did they have a public victims statement? Many men would have killed Rob where he stood with their bare hands, if he raped their child. Rob's rationalizations would do him no good at all with an outraged father, prison would be the safest place for him. He does not consider their rights, one would assume Rob could rationalize this behavior with a 6 year old too.


Well-Known Member
Never gonna happen. They tried it once. Good thing we still have folks in congress that love the constitution more than sensitive snow flakes that are more likely to get hit by a car then get shot with an "assault rifle". Which is not an assault rifle at all. Its a semi auto just like most other guns. Assault rifle is defined as any gun with a selector switch. Coming from a cracker who knows what hes talking about.
The cafeteria constitutionalist love the 2nd Amendment but hate other parts of the constitution that don’t fit their narrative. “I like the Mac n cheese but you can keep the peas and carrots”. With all the violations of the constitution that the Republicans are committing real time, and on a daily basis, I find it an interesting statement about loving the constitution.


Well-Known Member
There are no assault rifles, only rifles!! The demented humans are the ones that commit the assault!! We do not need to stop guns, we need to stop people!! Let's take away cars to stop drunk drivers, and forks for obesity!! You can't take away guns from law abiding citizens and expect a change!! The idea is complete madness!!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
OMFG. a 12 year old CHILD is not mature nor ready for a sexual relation with a 30 year old man you perv. I guess if you had a neighbor and you knew he was fucking kids you would say nothing ???? I would call the police every time I saw a child come over to his house. I would also confront the sick fucko.
Say one day your sons bless you with a granddaughter. At age 12 she starts fucking a guy of age 30, because he buys her nice clothes that daddy does not, you would say ?...
Nice attempt to get me to defend behaviors I have no interest in defending. If you were a teen age male and a hot young woman, several years older than you wanted to have sex with you, you would..

a) call the police, who would then anally rape you

b) tell your mother

c) not tell your mother, but go home and masturbate furiously

d) bend that chick over and howl like a wolf

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I wonder if Rob wants to say what the child's parents think about the abuse of their child. Did they have a public victims statement? Many men would have killed Rob where he stood with their bare hands, if he raped their child. Rob's rationalizations would do him no good at all with an outraged father, prison would be the safest place for him. He does not consider their rights, one would assume Rob could rationalize this behavior with a 6 year old too.



Well-Known Member
Can you show me where in the constitution it has proof that "all of the people" alive at that time actually agreed to it ?

Can you tell me how the few people who did agree to the Constitution that have been dead for hundreds of years can bind people today to a document that was never signed by those people ?
Rob your not rational at all here and are incapable of conducting an honest rational conversation. Be an anarchist, society will lock you up, they did before and I figure they will again, you learned nothing the first time around and I figure you are incapable of change.

Rob nobody here believes or respects you, or anything you have to say. Your arguments are ridiculous and completely lack common sense. I gotta hit the shower soon, so someone else can play with yer arse hole for a spell. Next shift!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob your not rational at all here and are incapable of conducting an honest rational conversation. Be an anarchist, society will lock you up, they did before and I figure they will again, you learned nothing the first time around and I figure you are incapable of change.

Rob nobody here believes or respects you, or anything you have to say. Your arguments are ridiculous and completely lack common sense. I gotta hit the shower soon, so someone else can play with yer arse hole for a spell. Next shift!



Well-Known Member
There are no assault rifles, only rifles!! The demented humans are the ones that commit the assault!! We do not need to stop guns, we need to stop people!! Let's take away cars to stop drunk drivers, and forks for obesity!! You can't take away guns from law abiding citizens and expect a change!! The idea is complete madness!!
Works everywhere else just fine, we are free here in Canada and we have sensible gun laws. You don't need a gun, you just need guts enough to live with out fear.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Works everywhere else just fine, we are free here in Canada and we have sensible gun laws. You don't need a gun, you just need guts enough to live with out fear.
Well well well looky here...racist gun laws backed by a court !

As recently as 1941, Florida Supreme Court Justice Rivers H. Buford (1878-1959), ruling about the state’s gun-control laws (Watson v. Stone, 4 So. 2nd 703), stated, “The original Act of 1893 was passed when there was a great influx of Negro laborers into the state... The Act was passed for the purpose of disarming the Negro laborers... The statute was never intended to be applied to the white population, and in practice has never been so applied.”


Well-Known Member
Courts "reinterpret" the constitution and run protection for the advancement of government. I have first hand knowledge of that, but don't care to elaborate at this juncture
aka sentenced to prison for raping an 11 year old boy


Well-Known Member
There are no assault rifles, only rifles!! The demented humans are the ones that commit the assault!! We do not need to stop guns, we need to stop people!! Let's take away cars to stop drunk drivers, and forks for obesity!! You can't take away guns from law abiding citizens and expect a change!! The idea is complete madness!!
AR15 stands for assault rifle 15


Well-Known Member
You have two more guesses. Try to take your mind off the children in your next guess though, Poopy Dupe.
I have your personal information, you’re a registered sex offender. You raped an 11 year old boy. It’s all here in the court records


Well-Known Member
Even for you, a lie like that is a little low. Try not to cry so hard when I easily dismantle your "arguments" .
It’s publicly available information

You shouldn’t have been so careless with your posting at the daily stormer. That’s where you gave away all your personal information

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It’s publicly available information

You shouldn’t have been so careless with your posting at the daily stormer. That’s where you gave away all your personal information
Your desperation to finally some day beat me in an argument, is palpable.

Keep it up and someone might post the pictures of you and that Shetland pony.