Few dramas with outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
Yea was keen as fuk to pop the beans i got an thought start of spring was a good time as any to get them going rookie mistake. Out of all the girls still going it seems to be only that one flowering. Theres a cple plants that dont know there strain an there been topped an lstd an are veggin nicely. Ill hit her hard an see if that shocks it back into veg. Im liking the sound of monsters by aprill but gettin them there is the challenge...

And yea your spot on about the green powerfeed. Seems to be alright havent used it before, what are your thoughts on the powerfeed nutes?


Well-Known Member
I used the purple bottle and the normal white bottle with the odd bit of epsom salt and no other liquid nutes and only some other stuff mixed into the soil when transplanting the plant in my profile pic from her 10-ish litre pot into the ground. I used the purple bottle because it had the least N and most P out of all the Seasol products I could find. Here's another few pics of her, I think she was fed okay for organic bottled stuff what do you reckon...



Well-Known Member
For it being the one plant you done good as. Allot of training went into her by the look of it, What strain was it.

I wasn to sure how good the powerfeed nutes were but havent had any dramas yet apart from early flowering on one plant.. was going to use powerfeed or the charliecarp stuff.. Im liking the idea of the wire mesh to help spread the girls out gets bloody hot out my way though so dunno if it would burn the plants at all..


Well-Known Member
Nah I don't think it'll harm the plants but who knows, only one way to find out I suppose.. If you have to buy new stuff though make sure you don't get the straight galv stuff or every man and his dog will see it from the air, mine was already old so had lost it's shine, still would have been fairly visible though.. Maybe try find that dark green one..
The netting on my plant was actually just to hold the branches in place, where she was planted was REALLY exposed to the wind and she would have turned to absolute custard without it.. and she wasn't really trained into that shape on purpose, that was just the shape she took after being a mother plant for ages in my little indoor cupboard set up. She was vegged for fuckin' ages like maybe over a year, getting neglected and rootbound as shit and almost dying multiple times, she was such a beast man it was ridiculous what I put her through. The supercropped limbs were just to stop her from poking her head over the fence lol I wish I could have let them stand up full height proud a.f. but you would have seen them from my living room and I rent so house inspections and shit you know...
Strain was Tijuana by Blimburn seeds, she was a freebie fem seed on my first order, and my first outdoor plant ever..


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah and in those photos there were actually a bunch of her clones dotted around her too so some of those buds are them, here's her skeleton after harvest though so you can get an idea of her size...


Well-Known Member
Gotta love the freebie seeds i got me self a few mystery ones that ive got going some ive topped cple times and are fat lookin plants that are branching out nicely then the one i left untouched started flowering.. ive thought bout slapping cple old wardrobes together to get a all year round grow but ya cant beat the sun an ya gotta love a bit of paranioa that goes with the outdoor grows.. i can find plenty of old wire to make up some sort of netting fer them but ill let them go for awhile an see what happens..


Well-Known Member
Like any good mother used an abused over the years an still giving everything it has lol. That skeleton looks like something outa alien vs predator haha. This time round though im just looking for some decent bud to smoke. Next grow ill make em blow out see how far i can push them


Well-Known Member
lol wtf that's the first time I've seen someone say they enjoy a bit of paranoia haha I think I get what you mean though...
Yeah for sure mate and you might be onto something there maybe all that constant topping made the plants think they need to keep growing leaves because they live in an area with lots of hungry predators or something lol maybe try biting the tops off next time so they sense the enzymes in your spit to make it even more realistic haha fuck I smoke too much weed :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hahaha bit like a dog chewing on another dogs ear to show dominance ya reckon chewing on the tops of me plants will throw some fear into them an get them reaching for the sky instead of buddin aye.
Yea hate the paranoia that comes with growin but it keeps ya on ya toes honestly this site makes me paranoid aswell but here i am posting for the world to see..


Well-Known Member
Hahaha bit like a dog chewing on another dogs ear to show dominance ya reckon chewing on the tops of me plants will throw some fear into them an get them reaching for the sky instead of buddin aye.
Yea hate the paranoia that comes with growin but it keeps ya on ya toes honestly this site makes me paranoid aswell but here i am posting for the world to see..
And that paranoia is why I grow in a couple tents in my garage. Great ventilation and carbon filters, plenty of people been to my house and have no clue.


Well-Known Member
Not really stealthy but put a yard light right next to her for a few weeks, extra light to initiate re-veg?


Well-Known Member
The penalties for growing a cple weeds under lights is bloody rubbish but as you said with a good set up no body can tell wat ur upto even if there staring right at it..


Well-Known Member
Been thinking bout throwin a light at her.. but have fair few sitting in the ground with her would adding extra light to them cause any problems with the rest of them


Well-Known Member
Been thinking bout throwin a light at her.. but have fair few sitting in the ground with her would adding extra light to them cause any problems with the rest of them
if any photoperiod-cannabis plants are receiving more than 14-15 hours of light per day-period they will reveg or stay in veg; I say “14-15” instead of “12” because you are growing outdoors and may not be on a 12/12 schedule.
I kept a huge outdoor plant from even starting flowering cycle until mid-october by a simple 150w yard light. Once i turned that light off it began to flower as usual, in late november i pulled it indoors into garage to finish under 2 1000w HPS and a 400w MH for about 5 lbs of Big Sur Holy


Well-Known Member
5 pounds of the one plant sounds like an absolute beast you still got any pics of it?..
At the moment where i am we are getting bit over 14 hours of daylight an still getting longer so one woukd think that the plants should naturaly want to stay in veg mode. So adding a light on them would make much difference now or not??


Well-Known Member
The land of legalised cannabis.. Are you aloud to grow for recreational use or is it for medicinal use? Whats the limit of plants per household if ya dont mind me asking

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Blame it on climate change Lol!!

My outdoor grow started flowering in 15.25 hours light per day. No one can explain it, and they have zero ruderalis in them. I called the males and left them be. Turned out great.
I’m in US and my harvest is over. You didn’t mention but you have to be Southern Hemisphere, Aussie or Kiwi I’m guessing. Welcome back to the game. Enjoy your harvest

Father Ramirez

Well-Known Member
The land of legalised cannabis.. Are you aloud to grow for recreational use or is it for medicinal use? Whats the limit of plants per household if ya dont mind me asking
It’s legal here in DC also.
Legal to grow indoors or outdoors in a locked fenced in property. 6 plants per adult in household 3 of which may be in flower.
Legal to smoke indoors on private property.
Legal to carry up to 2oz and give it away.
Illegal to sell or buy
Yet, people sell and buy weed everyday in huge quantities. It’s a gray market. Illegal to smoke outside, but on a Friday afternoon the smell of good smoke drifts across the city


Well-Known Member
The land of legalised cannabis.. Are you aloud to grow for recreational use or is it for medicinal use? Whats the limit of plants per household if ya dont mind me asking
It is legal recreational here. Each residence is allowed 6 plants, but without a medical card (which I have), you are only allowed to have 8oz of flower....so I guess you’d have to have them in different cycles AND have them fairly small. My last grow was one plant and 713g, more than 3 times the limit of flower for recreational. Medical Limit is 24 plants BUT, has to be justifiable for personal use only. I have no desire to test the laws, so I’ll stick to what I actually need for personal use, which is about a 3 lbs a year, or an oz a week