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"Your vote doesn't matter"

Yeah, right.

Between Trump and Clinton, the US spent $1.2 Billion campaigning for votes in the 2016 presidential general election. Big bucks corporations and wealthy people are spending more and more in their effort to influence voters. Fox is funded by these people in order to influence voters.

Cogs like mooray and that new sock who just posted say "your vote doesn't matter" but people with real influence know better. Follow the money, fools.
Well I did say in regard to the presidential election and the electoral college is a 1:1 political affiliation with congress and the record of faithless electors was six, soooooo....that leaves 98% of the electoral college as voting in line with their party. Would you feel better if I said 98% of your votes don't matter?
There's only 270 members of the electoral college needed to win and while many states have created a little something to push the EC to vote in line with the popular vote, it's never been used and is viewed as likely unconstitutional if it were ever challenged. I'm just stating how it is, btw, I think the EC is pointless and if they already vote inline with congress, then we certainly don't need the EC as it undermines our democratic republic.
There's only 270 members of the electoral college needed to win and while many states have created a little something to push the EC to vote in line with the popular vote, it's never been used and is viewed as likely unconstitutional if it were ever challenged. I'm just stating how it is, btw, I think the EC is pointless and if they already vote inline with congress, then we certainly don't need the EC as it undermines our democratic republic.
You’re not stating how it is

voting matters. A lot
Again, because you also seem to be ignoring that twice now I've said in regard to the presidential election, there is literally no constitutional connection between your vote and who becomes president. Now with local votes, your vote matters 100%. Local elections rely on your vote 100%. Presidential election doesn't work the same way. The only votes that matter are cast from people that aren't elected by anyone. Denying what it actually is, doesn't change that fact. The way we vote for president is very unAmerican when compared to every other type of voting we do. That's something that should worry people. We need to start by getting rid of the EC and finish by simply counting votes. It shouldn't even be called the "popular" vote, because that sounds stupid and fake. It should just be called "voting" and we should just count them up as we do everywhere else.
Again, because you also seem to be ignoring that twice now I've said in regard to the presidential election, there is literally no constitutional connection between your vote and who becomes president. Now with local votes, your vote matters 100%. Local elections rely on your vote 100%. Presidential election doesn't work the same way. The only votes that matter are cast from people that aren't elected by anyone. Denying what it actually is, doesn't change that fact. The way we vote for president is very unAmerican when compared to every other type of voting we do. That's something that should worry people. We need to start by getting rid of the EC and finish by simply counting votes. It shouldn't even be called the "popular" vote, because that sounds stupid and fake. It should just be called "voting" and we should just count them up as we do everywhere else.
537 votes in Florida says otherwise, fraudy McFraudster
What's funny is that, if we were to do what I'm suggesting, Trump is not our president. Yet, you feel the need to disagree and thus support Trump as our president, because to you, NO U POOP is more important. That's a huge problem with republicans, that they've traded everything they claimed to care about for liberal tears, because trolling the left is more important. You're not any different, trading what you claim is important to you for NO U POOP nonsense, because you don't like some random dude on the internet.
Well I did say in regard to the presidential election and the electoral college is a 1:1 political affiliation with congress and the record of faithless electors was six, soooooo....that leaves 98% of the electoral college as voting in line with their party. Would you feel better if I said 98% of your votes don't matter?
1.2 billion dollars for the 2016 presidential election alone and $6.5 billion for all 2016 contests for national seats say votes matter. You are an ignorant cog. Your vote might matter but your words don't.
It matters more for the nomination, but for the fourth time, your vote is nearly meaningless when it comes to voting for president. I'd encourage you to read a little bit about the electoral college and the presidential election, instead of using dollars spent on the masses as a metric for what's true. We should want to get rid of the EC and had we done that previously, Trump wouldn't be our president. You're free to argue against that fact and keep Trump in the chair as long as you like. That's your uneducated right.
It matters more for the nomination, but for the fourth time, your vote is nearly meaningless when it comes to voting for president. I'd encourage you to read a little bit about the electoral college and the presidential election, instead of using dollars spent on the masses as a metric for what's true. We should want to get rid of the EC and had we done that previously, Trump wouldn't be our president. You're free to argue against that fact and keep Trump in the chair as long as you like. That's your uneducated right.
You keep repeating your baseless opinion. The money says you are wrong. The wealthy got a trillion dollar tax break for a 1 billion dollar investment. Are you still saying votes don't have any value?
Well I did say in regard to the presidential election and the electoral college is a 1:1 political affiliation with congress and the record of faithless electors was six, soooooo....that leaves 98% of the electoral college as voting in line with their party. Would you feel better if I said 98% of your votes don't matter?
Who are you responding to in this post?
There's only 270 members of the electoral college needed to win and while many states have created a little something to push the EC to vote in line with the popular vote, it's never been used and is viewed as likely unconstitutional if it were ever challenged. I'm just stating how it is, btw, I think the EC is pointless and if they already vote inline with congress, then we certainly don't need the EC as it undermines our democratic republic.
Who are you responding to in this post?
Again, because you also seem to be ignoring that twice now I've said in regard to the presidential election, there is literally no constitutional connection between your vote and who becomes president. Now with local votes, your vote matters 100%. Local elections rely on your vote 100%. Presidential election doesn't work the same way. The only votes that matter are cast from people that aren't elected by anyone. Denying what it actually is, doesn't change that fact. The way we vote for president is very unAmerican when compared to every other type of voting we do. That's something that should worry people. We need to start by getting rid of the EC and finish by simply counting votes. It shouldn't even be called the "popular" vote, because that sounds stupid and fake. It should just be called "voting" and we should just count them up as we do everywhere else.
Who are you responding to in this post?
What's funny is that, if we were to do what I'm suggesting, Trump is not our president. Yet, you feel the need to disagree and thus support Trump as our president, because to you, NO U POOP is more important. That's a huge problem with republicans, that they've traded everything they claimed to care about for liberal tears, because trolling the left is more important. You're not any different, trading what you claim is important to you for NO U POOP nonsense, because you don't like some random dude on the internet.
Who are you responding to in this post?
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