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Just say no to drugs
It was Bush who created the second greatest economic disaster in US history. It must really chap you that Obama adroitly and with great skill led us out of it without the kind of disaster conservatives were hoping for.

I get it. Republicans simply cannot tout their own leaders as being great because, obviously, they would be laughed at if they did. So they run everybody else down, then claim "both parties are bad".

Not true though. Obama had a teensy window of opportunity to do some real good for this country and he managed to lead his Democratically controlled Congress into great work. The ACA is remarkably robust against Republican attacks. The last five years of Obama's administration they cut the deficit every one of those. Thanks to Trump's tax cut for the wealthy we won't see another cut in the deficit for another decade.

Obama was a great president.

Biden is ok, but having his son over in the Ukraine is not good. Optics just like Trump family. I am thinking Cory Booker, but the whole thing is up in the air. I agree with Biden being a dinosaur. I’m pretty close to 65, but I think we need younger leadership, there is such a thing as being on the stage too much.

If they we so worried about Biden, I t was a republican run House and Senate they should have investigated then, Not Now that Trump Needs an Excuse for Breaking ethics and morals of the Office of our POTUS.

Trump thinks he is above the law and if anyone should be locked up it's him and all these republican's standing in the way of our Constitution.

Ya know what gets me ? If this was a Democrat doing this the Democrats would be wanting and standing behind this Impeachment and not in the way of it..

The Republican Party should be ashamed, But are more than likely Proud of what their doing.

History won't be kind to them or any of there family members in the future. Sad but that's just the way it is.
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