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Biden is ok, but having his son over in the Ukraine is not good. Optics just like Trump family. I am thinking Cory Booker, but the whole thing is up in the air. I agree with Biden being a dinosaur. I’m pretty close to 65, but I think we need younger leadership, there is such a thing as being on the stage too much.
The Russian election meddling has messed our entire perspective up. We need to root it out, and out of 50 years of being in office and him never cashing in, the best they can do is in the last couple years his son gets a celebrity kid gig making $600k a year, which Biden was able to make doing a few fundraiser events after being VP for 8 years. The way they went after Trump's kids, I wouldn't doubt they tried to reach out and snag lots of politicians kids into their conspiracy, it could just be that they had that company hire him so that they could use this exact troll now.


I like all the candidates for something, but more at this point in history I am most concerned with Democrats having enough wins across the board so that they keep the House (so Russian meddling can keep being investigated) and the Senate (so Mitch McConnell cannot roadblock everything). Biden is not scary to the people in rural America, he is not scary to the enviromentalists or the businesses, on and on, we need to have people comfortable voting Democrats in both President, House, and Senate.

And I think everyone else get trolled in a way online that will either end up with Trump getting re-elected and winning house and senate, or winning presidency but not being able to pass anything.

Then in 4 years, Biden can ride off in the sunset. Gives his VP a chance to step up for the next 8 years.

The Republicans are going to need the next 12 years or so to do a lot of soul searching and rebuilding their party platform from the ground up.
Can’t beat Biden “punching out” domestic violence. They all drink baby blood, worship satan, or are shape shifting reptiles anyway. Our votes really don’t make much of a difference anyway. I still vote though
I don’t think they are equivalent, but the son is simply leveraging his father’s name over there, it isn’t right either. It makes his dad look bad.
Kim Kardashian gets paid $1million for a event visit in the Hamptons. Most can guess why she is famous.
Twice the yearly salary of Joe's kid.

Trump Jr. and his girlfriend got paid $50k for ONE speech at University of Flordia.

That is basically a month salary for Biden's kid at his Ukraine job. I still think it is not so much Biden leveraging his name, as much as it is a business understanding the power of having the name Biden on their roster and paying to get it.
We will RUIN you and Trump in 2020, if he makes it that long.
Only the remaining cunt Pubs in the Senate are going to save his ass now, and they'll all be gone next election if there is any moral sanity left in the USA.
Get ready too cry :)
Can I get you a Snickers bar and maybe a tissue
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