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Must be a sad life for such a youngster that nobody pays attention to you.
Your parents too I imagine which is why you are seeking it here.
Must be a sad life for such a youngster that nobody pays attention to you.
Your parents too I imagine which is why you are seeking it here.

You dont read what I say but you somehow found your way all the way to middle bottom of the post. You obviously read my post to where I wrote about my parents. You're a counterfeit Fake. What a shame pulling the ole. I didnt read your post but read your post nonsense. Another great try. 11 up me keep trying silly pants!
Actually I dont use social media. This is the only website I have signed up for. No Facebook, no Twitter, no nothing :) My parents were parents and did not let me or my siblings on social media. We have friends who go out and do things and not sit at home with their faces buried in a computer, t.v. or phone. My parents actually took us out and taught us valuable skills for the real world. Our parents told us no and did not give us a golden star. We are generation z and we are educated, have respect and morals. We were not handed things, we were all taught about the real world. We also wont have the student debt that gen x and the millennials have made. We were not brainwashed into thinking that college is the only way to be successful. We were taught if we want something we need to work for it, that nothing in life is free and if you want to be someone or something then we need to put the work in. So many of you were given a gold star because you could use the potty on your own when you were 7. You were told that you're special and you were spoiled. You were handed everything and worked for none of it. You were raised to think the world owes you everything. You were never punished for your actions so now you think you can do whatever you want with no repercussions, yet when you get arrested you cry. You are slighted at the smallest of things. You were all brought up and raised like animals with no discipline. What a sad bunch of old people! Walking around empty all day and miserable with everything and everyone. Most were and are on medications and can not function with out man made drugs. Hahahahahaha. Thankfully we live in a time when things in the world are peaceful. I would hate to see what would happen if our country was invaded. A bunch of millenials defending us that's cute. Millennials cant even go with out being away from their social media for 30 seconds because they will miss their validation from a like on a post about their vegan food (btw veganism is worse for your body and planet then cows, that's why most if not all vegans look skinny run down and sickly) what a bunch of idiots. Bunch of little softies running around with their fifis getting hurt over everything. Ffs GROW UP.. sad that a gen a person has to tell the adults to GROW UP hahaha. What a bunch of whiny little softies. Soft and smooth like cream cheese you all are! You hurt my fifis now I have to go pet a dog and color in my safe space. When I am much older and gen a really star's taking hold of jobs, positions in government etc. We are going to give you your safe space alright, in the form of a white padded 2×2 rooms with special on fleek jackets :)

You're all done, you're all washed up. Time is running out. Gen z is a extremely conservative generation and lots of the younger side of us will be 18 by 2020. What are you going to do? How does this make you feel? Are you going to run around looking for your participation trophies before you hide in your safe spaces? It's over, you slept on a whole generation that was born at the start of the war on terror. Most if not all of our parents are military! Even the kids who were born and raised by single independent mommies are conservative! You're all screwed! What are you going to do?

WHAT WILL YOU DO IF DONALD J TRUMP WINS THE ELECTION IN 2020? I would get every dick head that voted for him in the past and future and nuke the mother fucking stupid shits. Either way we are all fucked.
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