What a horrible thing to say about disproportionately sized people! That is so rude and hurtful, how dare you not be attracted too a disproportionately sized people! especially woman! That is fat shaming and sexism and that hate has no home here! What happened too the liberal way why are you fat shaming people especially a woman. I demand you apologize right this moment you are a liberal howwwwwww dareeeeeeee you! You're liberal I shouldn't have to take my time out of school to come here and tell you these things. You are the ones who did this and it will not be tolerated any longer... damn hypricts the lot of ya except only a few! You are a laughing stalk, and a laughing stalk on this site! You got thrown around all day by a really, really, really young person. I'm not even political and no one had a damn thing to say about it! What a sad bunch of nothings and their dear racist leader! Clowns pretty much every last one of you! Beep beep honk honk...
The Canadian is definitely Cool and 3 others. Also. The rest of you are just bitter old hypocrites who have been givin a complex. Cant even answer a simple fucking question about what your plans are if Donald J Trump wins the 2020 election.
You all see the word trump and then you all broke out and had one big meltdown. That's why people are laughing at you all and that's why you will lose more this time around. You let fifis get in the way of things!
@KGB WAS RIGHT! SOFT AS CHARMIN SHIT TUCKETS. I know there is another little fifi having softy running around here! Hes the one that was typing with his dingle berry finger earlier. His shit tickets, so soft, his finger poked through. Dude was typing all kids of dingle berry soft fingers earlier!
GEN Z WHAT WHAT!!! O you forgot about us didnt you hahahaha lmfao in for a rude awakening very, very, very soon

All of you mellinales, gen xers and boomers are a bunch of softies. Actually most boomers are cool and some gen x. Ok and maybe 7 millennials are good to go also, but The rest of you, the rest of you millinels are such a whiny entitled bunch of grown up spoiled children! Dudes in their early mid 30s living at home with mommy and daddy having them pay for all of your shit. Grow the fuck up stop letting your fifis run and control your life & stop crying. o and get the fuck in the bike lane, you cried for them and now you have them, so use them!