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Hahaha bunch of angry little lefties who still cant get over the fact that DONALD J TRUMP WON AND IS GOING TO WIN AGAIN IN 2020 :) Hahahahahahaha. The man has set the bar for other countries and people in those countries are starting to vote out all the leftists hahahahaha. Gonna be so sad in a few more years when just about every democratic government in this beautiful world gets rid of all the people who align with the left. Hahahahaha I'll never pic a side but I'm sure going to laugh when DONALD J TRUMP WINS IN 2020 and 8 years later you're all still crying and acting crazy. Hahahahaha bye bye lefties. Think impeachment of trump will do anything hahahahaha he can and will win again by a landslide! Ahhhhahahahahaha
Hahaha bunch of angry little lefties who still cant get over the fact that DONALD J TRUMP WON AND IS GOING TO WIN AGAIN IN 2020 :) Hahahahahahaha. The man has set the bar for other countries and people in those countries are starting to vote out all the leftists hahahahaha. Gonna be so sad in a few more years when just about every democratic government in this beautiful world gets rid of all the people who align with the left. Hahahahaha I'll never pic a side but I'm sure going to laugh when DONALD J TRUMP WINS IN 2020 and 8 years later you're all still crying and acting crazy. Hahahahaha bye bye lefties. Think impeachment of trump will do anything hahahahaha he can and will win again by a landslide! Ahhhhahahahahaha
Will he get less votes again
I've never seen trump make one racist remark. That is appalling and down right nasty! Just gross really. Can you please share with me where he said racist things? Racist people should burn!

Though the whole children in cages thing, the last president did the same thing. That president started holding children at the border long before President Donald J Trump did. Why is it ok for one but not the other? It's a horrible situation at the border. I hate the thought of those poor innocent children being kept in chicken coups! I've been told this is done to prevent people from exploiting children though. So while the conditions might be non extravagant. I bet its better than the country that they fled from for whatever the reason might be! I've also seen evidence of those children wearing new cloths and 100.00 Nike shoes while getting an education and being feed and in a warm safe place. It's not the Ritz Carlton but its better than some random person sneaking them into a country to exploit them for whatever the reason is. This is a cold hard fact that has been proven numerous times by all media outlets! If you guys are so worried about the children then surely you will take them into your home and feed, cloth, educate and turn them into proper men and woman who can live the American dream like you do!
Gtfoh youre legit at maybe at maybe a 50-100 character post, but that fountain of imbecile word diarrhea, are you f'en shitting me?

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Will he get less votes again

I'm not sure I didnt follow the election. I just know he won. I also know that this is specifically why the electoral college was introduced into our constitutional republic. So lots of crazy people in one area cant decided what happens for the rest of the country. I grew up all over cities and rural county.

Proven fact, more and more people in other countries are either turned off by leftist policies or just down right do not want that type of government at all :) the time of the leftist and democratic rule is just about over. It's been failed for the last 60 years time is running out all over the world Especially with a huge portion of my generation who has a lot of people who will be turning 18 around that time in 2020. Gen z is the most conservative generation since the last great generation :) hahahahaha it's over for Democrats and they know it. Hahahahahaha. People are leaving the democratic plantation. Hahahaha there are Tons of legal immigrants who are also voting for DONALD J TRUMP IN 2020 hahahahaaha. No amount of fluffy dogs or colouring books are going to save you now. Democrats are finished despite what your tax funded boob tube tells ya hahahahahaha. All done #TIMESUP
Gtfoh youre legit at maybe at maybe a 50-100 character post, but that fountain of imbecile word diarrhea, are you f'en shitting me?

View attachment 4423657View attachment 4423658

Where is the proof where is he on video stating racist things? Hes racist, funny how MLK Jr' niece who is a Republican said he is not racist. Racist you say but MLK' family said trump is a "blessing in disguise" I sont even follow politics and I know this hahahaha. Racist you say, why do so many poc even legal Mexican immigrants in my community are with DONALD J TRUMP and support him hahahahaha. Where are all your presidential hopefuls? O right there are dropping like flies. Hahahaha, that Harris lady talking about trump being racist all while her family was huge into slave trade in Jamaica hahahahaha. You can not debunk my facts because they are facts and are true as the shining blue sea and lady liberty her self hahahaha. You can troll and call people names all you want try to make your self sound educated but the fact is, is Democrats are going down hahahahahahahaha. I love it it's the funniest thing ever to see them all scrambling to save face. Fact is, is no one takes Democrats or their supporters seriously and that's why in 2020 you will lose it all. So off base and so out of touch hahahaha
DTS, deranged trump supporter ↓↓↓↓

I'm not sure I didnt follow the election. I just know he won. I also know that this is specifically why the electoral college was introduced into our constitutional republic. So lots of crazy people in one area cant decided what happens for the rest of the country. I grew up all over cities and rural county.

Proven fact, more and more people in other countries are either turned off by leftist policies or just down right do not want that type of government at all :) the time of the leftist and democratic rule is just about over. It's been failed for the last 60 years time is running out all over the world Especially with a huge portion of my generation who has a lot of people who will be turning 18 around that time in 2020. Gen z is the most conservative generation since the last great generation :) hahahahaha it's over for Democrats and they know it. Hahahahahaha. People are leaving the democratic plantation. Hahahaha there are Tons of legal immigrants who are also voting for DONALD J TRUMP IN 2020 hahahahaaha. No amount of fluffy dogs or colouring books are going to save you now. Democrats are finished despite what your tax funded boob tube tells ya hahahahahaha. All done #TIMESUP
Gtfoh youre legit at maybe at maybe a 50-100 character post, but that fountain of imbecile word diarrhea, are you f'en shitting me?

View attachment 4423657View attachment 4423658

You idiots with your debunked Russia claims hahahaha. Reminds me of that Brady bunch episode, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. But with you all its Russia, Russia, Russia hahahahaha. What do you think will happen when Congress leaves its session and your ole pal bug eyes has no more political safety from prosecution? Hahahaha. Pretty soon the general public in America is going to get tired of the nonsense and they are gonna go round and drag out the Democrats and tar and feather them hahahah. I love it #Winning :) hahahaha Democrats are going to lose everything hahahahahaha. Hahahaha
I'm not sure I didnt follow the election. I just know he won. I also know that this is specifically why the electoral college was introduced into our constitutional republic. So lots of crazy people in one area cant decided what happens for the rest of the country. I grew up all over cities and rural county.

Proven fact, more and more people in other countries are either turned off by leftist policies or just down right do not want that type of government at all :) the time of the leftist and democratic rule is just about over. It's been failed for the last 60 years time is running out all over the world Especially with a huge portion of my generation who has a lot of people who will be turning 18 around that time in 2020. Gen z is the most conservative generation since the last great generation :) hahahahaha it's over for Democrats and they know it. Hahahahahaha. People are leaving the democratic plantation. Hahahaha there are Tons of legal immigrants who are also voting for DONALD J TRUMP IN 2020 hahahahaaha. No amount of fluffy dogs or colouring books are going to save you now. Democrats are finished despite what your tax funded boob tube tells ya hahahahahaha. All done #TIMESUP
are you 12? wtf is this shit? i can't even be bothered to respond further to this...drivel...gtfoh...really.
Dont project your old worthless life on me! I'm Young and Fresh and still have a long life ahead of me :) you're here every day causing problems with people. I bet you one vote, that you smell like broken dreams heartache and old miserable man
eau de toilette no2! Youre Just an old bitter racist who thinks hes important on a website but is nothing in real life! You're on here day in and day out. You are nothing out side of here and have been that way for years! Your entire existence is riu political section! I mean, do you even grow you water drunk fungus gnat. Such a sad and sorry racist loser you are!

I cant believe you of all people have the audacity to tell someone to kill them self. You're just a little man through and through with no one who loves you. You have been here since what, 2012 day in and day out. Sad little man, sad. The countless hours fighting with people here for years day in and out. No wonder why you're the way you are. There is help out there for you, you should seek it! You have probably paid the mods over the years just to let you back onto the site because you are nothing out side of here. No one likes you in real life and that's why you have spent every waking moment on a website for almost 8 years. On here no one likes you either. Out side of here no one wants to interact with you! Sorry, bitter, racist buck the water drunk fungus gnat. Has no argument so he tells young people on the internet to end their lives, so morden and progressive thinking. I also bet you agree that people who say things like you did too me, should go too jail, especially if they were unstable enough to do so! You're the type who wanted to see Michelle Carter fry because it fits your looney tune agenda and you like, like' and getting woke points from your merry gang of trolls! It makes you have spirit fingers while feeling validated. You have ruined countless people's experience on here. Just because you dont agree with people. You're nothing but an online bully who would never show his face in a public setting because you're just straight bitch made. How much soy did mommy feed you after your dad kicked your head in as a child? You sad old pathetic, racist loser!

word hole diaper REQUIRED

nobody needs exposure to that jumble of melt down
Idiot shit.
DTS, deranged trump supporter ↓↓↓↓
I dont support Trump, I'm just a person looking in who sees it for what it is hahahaha I see nothing but blight in the future for Democrats hahahaha, you're going to lose and lose big hahahaha by bye silliness hahahahahaa. Does it make you upset that there is nothing you can do about it. Does it make you upset that even though I'm not VOTING that Democrats are still going to lose? Hahahaha yes I think so hahshahahaha!hahahahahaha! Remember as well, the farm does not need the city but this city needs the farm hahahahahahahaha. What will happen then? So many starving Democrats hahahaha but YOU GOT TA EAT THE BABIES ahhhhahahahahahahaha. You're all going to eat each other alive, loot and rob and hurt your neighbors hahahahahaha. Remember little buddy, the farm does not need the city but the city needs the farm hahahahahahahahaha. Game over! Hahahahahaha
are you 12? wtf is this shit? i can't even be bothered to respond further to this...drivel...gtfoh...really.

Then dont respond no one said you had too. You and I have always been civil and you have helped me in the past more than once. so let's not ruin it now. I have no dog in this fight! I'm just an on looker Roger. That is all!
i ignored him...this whole thing does surprise me, we have been civil in the past, but it was in the grow forums, and t&t...
the politics forum just brings out the troll in some people, and i don't feel like dealing with anymore trolls than i already have to deal with
Dont project your old worthless life on me! I'm Young and Fresh and still have a long life ahead of me :) you're here every day causing problems with people. I bet you one vote, that you smell like broken dreams heartache and old miserable man
eau de toilette no2! Youre Just an old bitter racist who thinks hes important on a website but is nothing in real life! You're on here day in and day out. You are nothing out side of here and have been that way for years! Your entire existence is riu political section! I mean, do you even grow you water drunk fungus gnat. Such a sad and sorry racist loser you are!

I cant believe you of all people have the audacity to tell someone to kill them self. You're just a little man through and through with no one who loves you. You have been here since what, 2012 day in and day out. Sad little man, sad. The countless hours fighting with people here for years day in and out. No wonder why you're the way you are. There is help out there for you, you should seek it! You have probably paid the mods over the years just to let you back onto the site because you are nothing out side of here. No one likes you in real life and that's why you have spent every waking moment on a website for almost 8 years. On here no one likes you either. Out side of here no one wants to interact with you! Sorry, bitter, racist buck the water drunk fungus gnat. Has no argument so he tells young people on the internet to end their lives, so morden and progressive thinking. I also bet you agree that people who say things like you did too me, should go too jail, especially if they were unstable enough to do so! You're the type who wanted to see Michelle Carter fry because it fits your looney tune agenda and you like, like' and getting woke points from your merry gang of trolls! It makes you have spirit fingers while feeling validated. You have ruined countless people's experience on here. Just because you dont agree with people. You're nothing but an online bully who would never show his face in a public setting because you're just straight bitch made. How much soy did mommy feed you after your dad kicked your head in as a child? You sad old pathetic, racist loser!

I'm not sure I didnt follow the election. I just know he won. I also know that this is specifically why the electoral college was introduced into our constitutional republic. So lots of crazy people in one area cant decided what happens for the rest of the country.

But lots of crazy people in one area DID win the election for Trump. Crazy fat plumpers that drink beer all night and shop at Walmart all day. Fat callous shitheads that live in a bubble and fart maple syrup. That's why they all live in the center of our country. Too fat and ugly to get to the beach. Fucking land whale people.
I dont support Trump, I'm just a person looking in who sees it for what it is hahahaha I see nothing but blight in the future for Democrats hahahaha, you're going to lose and lose big hahahaha by bye silliness hahahahahaa. Does it make you upset that there is nothing you can do about it. Does it make you upset that even though I'm not VOTING that Democrats are still going to lose? Hahahaha yes I think so hahshahahaha!hahahahahaha! Remember as well, the farm does not need the city but this city needs the farm hahahahahahahaha. What will happen then? So many starving Democrats hahahaha but YOU GOT TA EAT THE BABIES ahhhhahahahahahahaha. You're all going to eat each other alive, loot and rob and hurt your neighbors hahahahahaha. Remember little buddy, the farm does not need the city but the city needs the farm hahahahahahahahaha. Game over! Hahahahahaha

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I'm not sure I didnt follow the election. I just know he won. I also know that this is specifically why the electoral college was introduced into our constitutional republic. So lots of crazy people in one area cant decided what happens for the rest of the country. I grew up all over cities and rural county.

Proven fact, more and more people in other countries are either turned off by leftist policies or just down right do not want that type of government at all :) the time of the leftist and democratic rule is just about over. It's been failed for the last 60 years time is running out all over the world Especially with a huge portion of my generation who has a lot of people who will be turning 18 around that time in 2020. Gen z is the most conservative generation since the last great generation :) hahahahaha it's over for Democrats and they know it. Hahahahahaha. People are leaving the democratic plantation. Hahahaha there are Tons of legal immigrants who are also voting for DONALD J TRUMP IN 2020 hahahahaaha. No amount of fluffy dogs or colouring books are going to save you now. Democrats are finished despite what your tax funded boob tube tells ya hahahahahaha. All done #TIMESUP
More and more people in democratic nations are being attacked by foreign trolls trying to destroy any ability people have to communicate with each other about topics affecting their country, to anyone reading your posts it is becoming more and more obvious that you are just another troll for Dear Leader. Your lies are just that, spouted bullshit that you try to pass of as reality with no actual proof other than the word of other liars.

You are in a cult.

i ignored him...this whole thing does surprise me, we have been civil in the past, but it was in the grow forums, and t&t...
the politics forum just brings out the troll in some people, and i don't feel like dealing with anymore trolls than i already have to deal with
More and more people in democratic nations are being attacked by foreign trolls trying to destroy any ability people have to communicate with each other about topics affecting their country, to anyone reading your posts it is becoming more and more obvious that you are just another troll for Dear Leader. Your lies are just that, spouted bullshit that you try to pass of as reality with no actual proof other than the word of other liars.

You are in a cult.


Sounds good, if that's what helps you sleep better at night. The proof is all there :)
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