3 weeks from seed, deficiency already?


Well-Known Member
So I have 8 plants from seed, started with 10 seeds, 9 germinated, 8 made it (only my first grow from seed so I’ll take 80%). One is showing what looks like a deficiency.

Blue Cookies
Black Gold Soil
Only second feeding with nutes at low strength so deficiency likely
GrowMore 30-10-10
Botanicare CalMag
DynaGro Pro-TeKt silica
Great White

Temp constant 72, RH 50-65% depending on when last water was, which has never been less than 4 days apart.


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
Not all pheno's of plants eat the same
You are over zealous in your concerns at this point
I don't feed every plant the same even from the same seed stock


Well-Known Member
Well now that I think about it more I guess it probably hasn’t had time to recover yet lol. Only third feeding yesterday......so yeah my last batch is pretty stellar except the harshness. Great flavor and fantastic high though.


Active Member
Looks like your over watering and too many Nutes. Back of the watering and Nutes. Add microbes like great white. They’ll bounce back in a week.


Well-Known Member
Try to get your temp up a bit.
I have my controller set at 80, and the plants are much happier than when i had them in the low 70's.
In the same size pots, i was watering every 3 days.
Mine are under led as well.


Active Member
Try to get your temp up a bit.
I have my controller set at 80, and the plants are much happier than when i had them in the low 70's.
In the same size pots, i was watering every 3 days.
Mine are under led as well.
If you’re comfortable, they’re comfortable


Well-Known Member
What’s your ph?
Water has gone in 6.6-6.8 every time. I still need a soil probe.

Looks like your over watering and too many Nutes. Back of the watering and Nutes. Add microbes like great white. They’ll bounce back in a week.
They were actually under watered a bit. I am using great white, less than full dose though
Try to get your temp up a bit.
I have my controller set at 80, and the plants are much happier than when i had them in the low 70's.
In the same size pots, i was watering every 3 days.
Mine are under led as well.
every 3 days is about right for me too. Never more often on these yet

Thanks for the input, much appreciated everybody


Well-Known Member
Bring your temperature up. 72 is a bit low especially with LEDs. Try 78-80. That should help with transpiration and Ca mobility.


Well-Known Member
Well they are peeking up, and I know the pics may not look it but they are getting better. I am foliar feeding CalMag (although fairly weak) just before my 4 hour lights off (didnt even have lights off, but I will from now on for 4 hours). Also turned the temp up to 78, which the plants seemed to thoroughly enjoy. I have a lot to learn. Thanks for the help everybody!


Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
The mag deficiency doesn’t seem to be going away, although the new growth doesn’t have it yet. Does it not get better, just stop getting worse? I thought mag was mobile
Looks like copper deficiency to me in that pic. Note the interveinal chlorosis in the newer not older leaves, they have a bluish hue to them too..


Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
So the article only says correct the ph. I am religious about calibrating the pen before each watering, checking again after. I guess I still need a soil tester. When I transplanted the roots looked healthy
Id say if the PH is correct you either have very little chopper (doubt it) or its being antagonised by P and N.
