Anyone know where to get 100% Australian Bastard Cannabis seeds from

check what again, the seed i linked is 55 per seed....i guess thats Aus. dollars, but they aren't that far off...1.00 dollar us is 1.55 aus, so that's still 35.48 us...per seed....i guess i'm just a cheap fuck, i'm never paying over ten a seed, and that better be some fucking fantastic seeds

It's 35 for 3, 50 for 5 and 85 for 10.
That's 10 (ABC strain)seeds for 80 dollars, 10, TEN. That comes out to 8 dollars a seed. Don't know how to say it clearer than that.
i'm not looking at the seed you originally posted about, i'm looking around the website, and the prices for most things are outrageously, stupidly, high. click on the link i posted, it's not the same as the op posted......

I clicked on you link, it links to a cart with nothing in it, there is nothing on the site for 55 for one seed. You must be just trolling. The ABC strain seeds are 80 dollars for 10 seeds.

shit, the aboriganal who owned that cute little bastard must be verry happy with the cash he made from selling a cut off his plant