It refered to my comment but didn't show page so didn't have reference, no worries, I assumed it was prolly BK related but wanted to be sure. The part of that post referring to whether or not anyone else has done it before was not aimed at the BK responses, it was aimed at the dude who wanted to amend soil with MEGACROP or some shit, I didn't think that would play well with nectar.
But I have done this with good results, its usually a timing trick towards end of week 2 bloom but it is risky, especially if New to BK and reading slurries. With tricks like this you have to be prepared to constant feeding at high concentrations!! And High levels of calcium......even BK used singularly as a foliar or drench opens up the flood gates. Lately I don't use any BK as a foliar so I don't burn through nutrients and turn the plant into a crack head for Herc to soon, i just don't see any gain. I get squat, bushier plants with good lateral branching from poseidon foliars and just use BK in feed drenches once peak flower sets in.