New acronyms for GOP?

What do you mean by “tame the unconscious mind”, sounds like you read broadly but stay in the shallow end.

Wuxin is a Chinese concept for when you don't think, but actually both the conscious and unconscious mind are in sync. Rather than being controlled by the unconscious mind, it's possible to reprogram and give commands. People who play an instrument are doing the same. At first conscious thought is required to do correct movement and timing. But after years of practice you can just think of the music and your body controls the instrument on its own. That's Wuxin. That's taming the unconscious mind to be your slave. Or you can become the unconscious mind's slave and freeze from fear as your phobias slowly kill you.

Even the feelings you get from cannabis aren't from the cannabis itself, but your unconscious mind's reaction to the chemical. All those feelings can be felt exactly the same and much stronger by your mind alone. With the chemical you're losing to the unconscious mind, that's why you feel the high, it's the unconscious mind talking to you directly but you don't understand what it's saying.

Well, it's possible to have such a well trained mind, to not become high even with extreme amounts of THC in the body. But then would you consume the stuff at that point?
Wuxin is a Chinese concept for when you don't think, but actually both the conscious and unconscious mind are in sync. Rather than being controlled by the unconscious mind, it's possible to reprogram and give commands. People who play an instrument are doing the same. At first conscious thought is required to do correct movement and timing. But after years of practice you can just think of the music and your body controls the instrument on its own. That's Wuxin. That's taming the unconscious mind to be your slave. Or you can become the unconscious mind's slave and freeze from fear as your phobias slowly kill you.

Even the feelings you get from cannabis aren't from the cannabis itself, but your unconscious mind's reaction to the chemical. All those feelings can be felt exactly the same and much stronger by your mind alone. With the chemical you're losing to the unconscious mind, that's why you feel the high, it's the unconscious mind talking to you directly but you don't understand what it's saying.

Well, it's possible to have such a well trained mind, to not become high even with extreme amounts of THC in the body. But then would you consume the stuff at that point?
Wutang clan ain't nothing to fuck with
Wuxin is a Chinese concept for when you don't think, but actually both the conscious and unconscious mind are in sync. Rather than being controlled by the unconscious mind, it's possible to reprogram and give commands. People who play an instrument are doing the same. At first conscious thought is required to do correct movement and timing. But after years of practice you can just think of the music and your body controls the instrument on its own. That's Wuxin. That's taming the unconscious mind to be your slave. Or you can become the unconscious mind's slave and freeze from fear as your phobias slowly kill you.

Even the feelings you get from cannabis aren't from the cannabis itself, but your unconscious mind's reaction to the chemical. All those feelings can be felt exactly the same and much stronger by your mind alone. With the chemical you're losing to the unconscious mind, that's why you feel the high, it's the unconscious mind talking to you directly but you don't understand what it's saying.

Well, it's possible to have such a well trained mind, to not become high even with extreme amounts of THC in the body. But then would you consume the stuff at that point?
For an honest answer to last paragraph. I dont remember last time I got real high. But it does help me deal with the day. Same as an after work beer or whatever else
For an honest answer to last paragraph. I dont remember last time I got real high. But it does help me deal with the day. Same as an after work beer or whatever else

I don't shame anyone who does, unless it starts affecting how you live. If you want to deal or have a bit of fun, go at it.
If wutang isn't in your agenda you done fucked up. Even the billionaires are notorious for having C.r.e.a.m on their spotify playlists

I just want everyone to know I rolled one up and drove into this devil music head on to fight the opposition. And this song is evil :fire:

I like GZA the best. He's got an interest in astronomy just like I do, and wasn't afraid to admit, even if it meant he was picked on for it. But he showed them all who the real nerd was.

I like GZA the best. He's got an interest in astronomy just like I do, and wasn't afraid to admit, even if it meant he was picked on for it. But he showed them all who the real nerd was.

Any wutang dude... blows away any rap today..
Check out jedi mind tricks. No lie. Prolly be something you dig. Pretty dope song even if I dont agree
Any wutang dude... blows away any rap today..
Check out jedi mind tricks. No lie. Prolly be something you dig. Pretty dope song even if I dont agree

I never heard of Vinnie Paz before. He seems like a pretty good guy. It's nice to know not everyone in entertainment has their head in the sand and is awake about what's going on.
Theres a lot to fight this country on. A whole lot. The 2nd amendment could be taken up any day now. Now here's the question brothers and sisters......

Would you really bring up a barrel to someone fighting for our constitution?

God bless you all....... but this fighting over minuscule shit isn't working. Most of us regularly trim more than cartels.. shit, we work out fingers to the bone just for fucking heat. We work ladies and fellers. Even you right wing assholes.. shit I love you too.. y'all got a respect no Hatorade can quench. We all fight. But we are all the stiff unbreakable backbone of america. I love you all

Theres a lot to fight this country on. A whole lot. The 2nd amendment could be taken up any day now. Now here's the question brothers and sisters......

Would you really bring up a barrel to someone fighting for our constitution?

God bless you all....... but this fighting over minuscule shit isn't working. Most of us regularly trim more than cartels.. shit, we work out fingers to the bone just for fucking heat. We work ladies and fellers. Even you right wing assholes.. shit I love you too.. y'all got a respect no Hatorade can quench. We all fight. But we are all the stiff unbreakable backbone of america. I love you all

That reminds me of Lil Wayne.

Someone just fight me on that.. and this one
... s,,s

Oh I definetly believe Bush didn't do it. What he did was much worse. He covered up that it was all Saudi Arabia, so he could continue to make money. Then blame Afghanistan so we could steal their hash, opium poppies, and lithium. The Afghani people for the most part are a good people, who had some assholes do them wrong.

We need to pretend Saudi Arabia is our friend(with benefits). That is until all their oil money is gone. Then we'll probably go open season on them too. It's really sad. Which is why I'm a communist. Screw all the greedy bastards!
Oh I definetly believe Bush didn't do it. What he did was much worse. He covered up that it was all Saudi Arabia, so he could continue to make money. Then blame Afghanistan so we could steal their hash, opium poppies, and lithium. The Afghani people for the most part are a good people, who had some assholes do them wrong.

No wonder you're all fucked up, stop taking the lithium.

And the Taliban shoots school girls in the head for wanting to go to school, so there's that.
No wonder you're all fucked up, stop taking the lithium.

And the Taliban shoots school girls in the head for wanting to go to school, so there's that.

I'm just trying to have a nice conversation with my main bro srh88 about what's ill on hip-hop. Stop being such a playa hata. You're a real downer dude. :finger: