Trump starts a war with Iran


Well-Known Member
But he just made a good move in our current situation? There is no denying that. I am happy he deescalated the situation. Only thing I've commented on. Trump has made many moves I disagree with, made a couple that weren't terrible, and even made some that I'd consider good. This one was a good move. We dont want ww3, or even just war with Iran.

I enjoy good discussions that allows people of different opinions to talk without bringing in personal insults or emotions. They aren't necessary, but when they happen it is always fun to keep poking.
You won't find a good discussion here. Truly sorry. This should be the "liberal politics" section, more truthful.


Well-Known Member
I would have left the peace that Obama found with Iran instead of ruining everything just because he is black.

But since you're retarded, you think Trump made good moves and won WWIII.
Right so in a discussion about a move he literally made today, we move backwards to say we wouldn't have put ourselves in that position in the first place. I guess I'd have to agree there, not being in the situation wouldve been best, but we are. So if you where in the same position as the POTUS and had to make a speech TODAY that was different than the one he gave and has a different reaction to the missiles yesterday, what would it have been?


Well-Known Member
Right so in a discussion about a move he literally made today, we move backwards to say we wouldn't have put ourselves in that position in the first place. I guess I'd have to agree there, not being in the situation wouldve been best, but we are. So if you where in the same position as the POTUS and had to make a speech TODAY that was different than the one he gave and has a different reaction to the missiles yesterday, what would it have been?
”ok, but if you were retarded, like me and trump, what would you have done?”


Well-Known Member
”ok, but if you were retarded, like me and trump, what would you have done?”
I agree with what he just did. He threatened more economic sanctions and didnt increase the military reaction. I find that good. It saves some face and gives consequence to the missiles without allowing the opportunity for Iran to say we took the real step to war. I dont have a better option so I can say he did a good move.


Well-Known Member
I agree with what he just did. He threatened more economic sanctions and didnt increase the military reaction. I find that good. It saves some face and gives consequence to the missiles without allowing the opportunity for Iran to say we took the real step to war. I dont have a better option so I can say he did a good move.
he just let iran attack us and did nothing

He’s a pussy


Well-Known Member
If, for the sake of argument, I were retarded, I would probably say that Trump made some good moves and won WWIII.
We continue the retarded comments as if they were being effective. But I see me getting rises out of you and am enjoying it. Neither of you are actually answering the question, so should everyone assume you do not have a better response than the one Trump made today?

You continue to try to bring up how he got us into the situation, which is irrelevant. The discussion, when I joined it, was about what the Trump administrations response would be to Iran shooting the missiles into Iraq. It is terrible that we are in the situation we are in, with possible war on the horizon vs Iran. That aside, how would you have moved forward if you were you, in his position.