First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
ton = 2000lbs = impossible to fit in a car... haha no worries man i vegged em all 6-7 weeks still waiting on purple wrecks to show sex but theyre only like 5 weeks...


Well-Known Member
ton = 2000lbs = impossible to fit in a car... haha no worries man i vegged em all 6-7 weeks still waiting on purple wrecks to show sex but theyre only like 5 weeks...
hahahaha, hope ya get nuthin but girIs. attitude emaiIed me bak and are sending me new seeds to make up for the ungermed ones. very happy.
i am jus doin sensimiIIa this time. wen both are fini gonna restart, keep a maIe in the cIoset and in the garage do the girIs, wen time comes just put me a girI in there to poIIenate and fini. there . thats easier than anything eIse i couI think of. if the g13 hp are the best of best, wiII redo it with the new seeds to make seeds. then no more ordering for some time.


Well-Known Member
nice! shit i wonder if i should email doc about the purple wreck only got 6 of 13 to germ... oh well i should get a few male of that and see if i can cross it with some NL or skywalker...


Well-Known Member
well my males are gone haha just chopped down two. 1 male NL, 1 male cali indica. 1 female of each all showed after 7 days of 12/12... so i got 5 flowering now 1 of NL, Cali Indica, g13 Haze and 2 Skywalker. 6 purple wreck still in the tent vegging... pics tomorrow...


Well-Known Member
NL - Day 59, Cali Indica - Day 49, Skywalker - Day 45, Purple Wreck and Haze - Day 35. its day 9 flowering for the NL and Cali, day 2 for Skywalker. chopped down two males yesterday had one of each NL and Cali... 5 female flowering now and 6 wrecks in the tent... tiger bloom/big bloom/open seasame for flowering plants and grow big/big bloom for the purple wreck. started with co2 excellofizz pucks yesterday i got 15 so i can use half of one every other day and be good for 60 days through flowering...

