First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
thanks raider. yeah hopin for a 1/2p at least off 8 plants... hopefully get 3 fem purple wreck so far nothing i think a few look male thats about it...


Well-Known Member
thanks mane. threw the purple wreck into flower yesterday. gotta have them all sexed before i leave town next week... ill get some pics up tomorrow


Well-Known Member
yeah that was days ago remember the first few wouldnt germ so i just said fuck it and put em all in. only 6 came up... 5 of em are real healthy tho just 1 little stickly fucker


Well-Known Member
NL - Day 59, Cali Indica - Day 49, Skywalker - Day 45, Purple Wreck and Haze - Day 35. its day 9 flowering for the NL and Cali, day 2 for Skywalker. chopped down two males yesterday had one of each NL and Cali... 5 female flowering now and 6 wrecks in the tent... tiger bloom/big bloom/open seasame for flowering plants and grow big/big bloom for the purple wreck. started with co2 excellofizz pucks yesterday i got 15 so i can use half of one every other day and be good for 60 days through flowering...

lookin good man keep it up!


Well-Known Member
thanks im trying! hopefully these pwrecks will show sex soon so i can clear out half of them and finally get my 8 flowering plants in order!


Well-Known Member
well i only started flowering them 2 days ago. all the others showed after 7 days so im sure i got a few more to go... i hope i gave the plants 12 hours of darkness last night daylight savings time was fucking with me haha. i turned the lights out at 11 instead of 12 because i thought we were going ahead an hour. then i realized we were going back an hour so i was like oh fuck wait now i have to get up by 10 to turn the lights on haha oh man anyways ima go take some new pics...


Well-Known Member
well 3 hp are female. i know how to find out before they show wite hairs, that green chute it comes out of, is skinny and one . a male s chute is rounded with tiny clusters around the chute. in a week its pretty is to tell and at the 5th node on up is where they initially start showing... hope you can get you a good crop for christmas. my Hp are only 6 weeks flowering. the g13 HP are 56 day weed. around the 10th of dec. i'll be smokin that shit .:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
damn the HP is only 6 weeks for flower?? i would have guess at least 8... my NL and Cali are 45-50 days, skywalker and purple wreck are 8-9 weeks... i already got my dates set for harvest haha or at least my best guess is dec 7th, 21st and 28th... gunna be a fun winter :joint::bigjoint: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
damn the HP is only 6 weeks for flower?? i would have guess at least 8... my NL and Cali are 45-50 days, skywalker and purple wreck are 8-9 weeks... i already got my dates set for harvest haha or at least my best guess is dec 7th, 21st and 28th... gunna be a fun winter :joint::bigjoint: bongsmilie
No Shit!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Alright guys heres an update for today...

NL - Day 64 (day 14 flower) Cali Indica - Day 54 (day 14 flower) Skwalker - Day 50 (day 7 flower) Purple Wreck - Day 40 (day 3 flower)

I started flowering on the purple wrecks a week or so early since ill be gone a few days next week so i wanted them all sexed before i leave... easier that way anyway so theyre all on the same feeding schedule for now. bumped them up to 3/4 strength big bloom/tiger bloom/open seasame. started with the co2 excellofizz tablets this week. i bought 15 so ill be using a half one every other day through flowering... no idea how much it will help but it sure as hell cant hurt right? anywaya i cleared out the homebox and using it for storage at the moment. i plan on startin up a new batch once i come back from vacation... 8 weeks veg and 8 weeks flower means harvest every 8 weeks :bigjoint: anyways i setup my exhaust and air cooling for HPS a bit different and velcroed the ducting up to the top of my door. temps have been great right around 72 all day just the humidity is buggin me been stayin up around 50% sometimes 60% or more... funny i had a humidifier before and now im thinking about goin out for a dehumidifer haha anyways on with the pics...

pics 1-5 - random setup pics, excellofizz, and my green light i put in the celing so i can go hang in the closet at night haha not really i just thought it was cool...

pics 6-7 - the jungle

pic 8 - NL and Cali

pic 9-10 - Skywalker

pics 11-15 - Purple Wreck

i think thats enough for now haha hadnt updated in a while figured i would make it a good one... bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
thats a nice setup you got there dk.ns. plants yea youll be smokin nex month. i may have to get a carbon filter. i have two crops of HP . blue and reg. and this is probably the loudest plant you can grow. i noticed walmart is selling cinnamon scented pine cones that are real strong for 4.00, i may get one.. i put out 3 frebreeze plugins yesterday in the front of the house.........i wanted to get the " chemdog double deisel seeds and they sold out,fuk. the pic is wicked of wat that shit is.


Well-Known Member
oh im sure. all i hear is chemdawg this chemdawg that blah blah blah to be honest i could care less haha im used to smoking pretty shitty bud i mean not that bad but its definetly not great... im sure these plants i got going now will be as good if not better than anything ive smoked before... especially these skywalker look like thyre going to be fuckin nuts and stoney as fuck... i dont even know about the carbon filter i havent really had a problem with smell at all yet the ona block and febreeze is enough for now...