Bolton book, Ukraine aid freeze tied to Biden

Pretty juicy leaked video here, incase anyone hasn't seen it yet -

Thanks for posting it,, I was looking for that clip.
More solid
Proof Trump
Has no respect for loyal devoted career government officials with outstanding service and instead believes a career criminal who is even recordering his mobster mentality. He is such an idiot moron. And has the audacity to scheduling his victory speech at the end of the trial.
Thanks for the link. I couldn't bring myself to listen to the video though. Too painful.

BUT, the perspective from outside the US is useful and valuable. I read the whole thing and clicked on a few links inside of it. Much appreciation.

View attachment 4465810

Marie rocks.
My fave was the guy who asked Trump to build a 500 mile highway for driverless trucks for him because he pays drivers too much.

Oh, yes, Bolton is a dickhead with a mustache, no doubt about it. But, you underestimate him. He didn't plan to release the information until AFTER the senate had acquitted Trump. The draft that came to light was due to a leak from the NSA (not the WH). Bolton submitted the draft copy to the NSA to ensure he didn't come up for charges of violating national security laws. Somebody leaked the copy to the NYT.

Bolton knew he would be called as a witness so the truth would come out, the timing of all this will only increase his book sales and he probably had friends in the NSC leak it for him. Donald ain't too happy about it along with the Parnas shit because it will only increase pressure on the GOP senate for a fair trial with witnesses. I think a lot more shoes are gonna drop before the trial is over and a whole closet of shoes will fall out in the house before the election. I figure Nancy has both Donald and Mitch by the balls and has not even begun to squeeze em yet, it will be a long, long time until november for the GOP.
Bolton knew he would be called as a witness so the truth would come out, the timing of all this will only increase his book sales and he probably had friends in the NSC leak it for him. Donald ain't too happy about it along with the Parnas shit because it will only increase pressure on the GOP senate for a fair trial with witnesses. I think a lot more shoes are gonna drop before the trial is over and a whole closet of shoes will fall out in the house before the election. I figure Nancy has both Donald and Mitch by the balls and has not even begun to squeeze em yet, it will be a long, long time until november for the GOP.
You dems had undeniable proof the pres was guilty..but are still needing proof..i dont understand. Im watching you all make excuses nonstop for the hipocracy of the house managers. Pretty sad really.
Dont forrget to pull my thread privilage to silence me. Now thats fascism
You dems had undeniable proof the pres was guilty..but are still needing proof..i dont understand. Im watching you all make excuses nonstop for the hipocracy of the house managers. Pretty sad really.
Dont forrget to pull my thread privilage to silence me. Now thats fascism
Patriots want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, that means the whole story with documents and witnesses and that's up to John Roberts, not a majority in the senate.
Y Knee is back! :roll:

You uneducated trump chumps are clueless.

The Trumpers come and go, awhile back they were thick as flies, then hardly a peep. They were getting so scarce recently the guys were feuding among themselves! Where are all Donald's warriors?
Patriots want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, that means the whole story with documents and witnesses and that's up to John Roberts, not a majority in the senate.
Well i wouldnt come into this saying undeniable facts then. Very few facts were presented and mostly lies from the hs mgrs. No wonder you dems are crying nonstop.
The Trumpers come and go, awhile back they were thick as flies, then hardly a peep. They were getting so scarce recently the guys were feuding among themselves! Where are all Donald's warriors?
We get silenced and banned. Thats what lefties do..have you not seen this?!
You know some guy just got 5 years in prison for threatening to kill the president on social media? Bye dummy
We don't live under Norman law and his comments are covered under the satire and humor parts of free speech. Dueling has been outlawed in America for a long time, though George would have challenged Donald and run him through, but Donald is a coward and would have run away.
You dems had undeniable proof the pres was guilty..but are still needing proof..i dont understand. Im watching you all make excuses nonstop for the hipocracy of the house managers. Pretty sad really.
Dont forrget to pull my thread privilage to silence me. Now thats fascism

There is enough evidence, it is just that the Republicans won't look at it because they are scared of Trump.

Well i wouldnt come into this saying undeniable facts then. Very few facts were presented and mostly lies from the hs mgrs. No wonder you dems are crying nonstop.

We get silenced and banned. Thats what lefties do..have you not seen this?!
No, I do hear a lot of whiners complaining nonstop about being banned here and never do. But every right wing website is real quick to ban people speaking out against them.
Well i wouldnt come into this saying undeniable facts then. Very few facts were presented and mostly lies from the hs mgrs. No wonder you dems are crying nonstop.

We get silenced and banned. Thats what lefties do..have you not seen this?!
You are such a victim

It’s never your fault either

There is enough evidence, it is just that the Republicans won't look at it because they are scared of Trump.

No, I do hear a lot of whiners complaining nonstop about being banned here and never do. But every right wing website is real quick to ban people speaking out against them.
Idk im not in on political sites. This isnt one either! Its all dems. And your mods do silence people ive proved it many times with SS.
You are such a victim

It’s never your fault either
Naa thats what you stand for ..repubs dont go around convincing ppl they are oppressed and victims..that they deserve reperations for their ancestors. Bahahah we want equal rights" gtfoh i bet you will vote for slimey joe because he thinks drunk driving is ok..which you do.