Novel coronavirus introduced to humans in exotic animal meat market.

Yes your right, but what’s your point really? That it’s bad and could get way worse? Also your right about the pneumonia shot being a good thing for people over 60, and under 60 if you have preexisting conditions, it’s free here btw. But to run out and get it, thinking it gives you a leg up with this is unhelpful. But fill your boots if you think it will. What I want to know is why Canada hasn’t, as of yet closed it’s borders to China? And why are we negotiating the return of Canadians when in fact other countries are doing it now. The Chinese Government is basically getting us to suck their virus infected balls. The most pressing need now is to slow it down, sure as hell won’t contain it, until there is a viable vaccine. The fucking WHO is looking very much inept if not guilty of covering up this shit at this point IMO.
I guess it really depends on how contagious it is, variations on the cora virus make up much of the common cold, a familiar virus we in Canada are familiar with, perhaps we could derive some benefit from this in terms of average severity.

The numbers outlined would be the result of any pandemic that was highly contagious and had the right incubation time and mortality rate. With concentrated mobile populations and global travel it would be difficult to stop it, maybe slow it down a bit. The point is the death toll could be staggering with even with an infection rate of 2%, if damn near everybody caught it. I'm trying to describe an image of the scale of the problem and tragedy that has the potential to overwhelm a lot more than the medical world. In the US most people pay to see a doctor even with insurance, so I imagine many cases will go unreported there too and that could be an issue moving forward.

I think having pneumonia and or a flu on top of this bug would be very bad, so get vaccinated for both if you're older or concerned.
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Wasn't the Spanish flu 2% - 3% ?
Estimates range from 1% to 3% yes. However, recent research has uncovered that secondary bacterial pneumonia was in fact responsible for possibly a majority of those deaths. So in the case of the flu, what you said about pneumonia is very much correct, but for 2019nCoV, you could still have the condition called ARDS. Apparently, not everyone gets it, something like 20% of cases do and it is still being studied as to why. For the other 80% it's just a bad cold.
Spanish flu was H1N1, which made a big comeback in 2009 and infected a fifth of the world that year. We called it swine flu. Avian flu mutates every year and most of our poultry gets it from wild migrating fowl.
I wonder if there will be any potential animal vectors like swine or a wild population of something?
Look on the bright side, maybe Donald will catch it and die. He'll probably catch it from one of the undocumented workers at Mar Logo, or maybe from a bed bug bite! I don't believe Donald provides his undocumented workers with sick benefits or leave...
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I wonder if there will be any potential animal vectors like swine or a wild population of something?
It's fairly well cornered down to a bat at this point but there are a few things researchers are having some difficulty fitting into the picture.

One is that men have a greater chance catching 2019nCoV and of experiencing the very serious complication called ARDS. It seems that the spike proteins bind more readily with an enzyme in the cell membrane which is more likely in men. This came from a study with a small test group.

Another thing is the R0. It's been hard to estimate, not only because of the quickly changing picture and CCP cover-up, but also because there seem to be "super-spreaders". Apparently there are some people who spread the disease much more than others.