Flipped to flower.. When do I begin feeding flower nutrients?


Well-Known Member
So yesterday I added a 315 watt CMH with a 3100k bulb currently running at 80% to my tent along side my SF-1000 and removed the 5000k led shop lights for my kids flowering cycle. So far plants appear to be thriving off of the additional light. Up till now I've seen no signs of deficiency while in veg other than needing to add a little cal-mag. I'm growing in FFOF soil with Dr. Earth's Organic Granular Nutrients at their suggested ratio for container gardening. With having flipped to 12/12 to flower I'm thinking I need to switch over to flower nutrients soon. Should I flush with water first and add bloom nutrients? Or don't flush and continue till I see signs of deficiency and then add in the bloom nutrients? Thanks



Well-Known Member
Do you like that SPider farmer 1000? Think 2 would be good for 5 plants?
Yeah it's produced great growth during veg for the money I spent but it needed some help for five plants so I'd think 2 would be great. I've not gone through bloom yet but I'm guessing it all depends on the quality of bud you are hoping to achieve. I'm no expert on indoor growing or any other kind for that matter but they are cheaper to run than a T5 fixture based off of watts used for the coverage it can handle.