Aussie High Lights – we're official

Any plans on a V2 highlight? 560x280mm, or 2x1 foot board with 500 or so diodes would be great for spread and would make it easy for working in supplementary strips when designing a light.
We try to include a broad spectrum on the boards to negate using supplements and make things simpler for growers who want to set and forget. But I agree some growers may want to run different channels for initiator far reds and/or UV etc.

Our current board diameter matches common 206mm heatsinks, which makes them cheaper. The board ratio is 2:1, so when you place two of them side-by-side it forms a perfect square. That square was designed to replace a 600W HPS over a roughly 3x3 area - a common area or footprint used by commercial growers who run rows of 600s. That was actually part of the original design brief, as these boards were designed by consulting commerical growers.

But 560mm x 280 is a good size for tents, so it's definitely worth thinking about. It's also a good length for strips. If we were to make a High Light strip it would probably be 560mm.

Would running a Sulphur Vaporiser effect the leds?
Hydrogen sulfide can corrode LEDs. Most grow rooms are pretty well ventilated which removes sulfides emitted by plants and controls humidity. But if you're vaporising sulfur to prevent mol then you may have to accept a shorter LED lifespan.
I gotta start navigating that place better, i keep missing shit lol

Im glad to see you around, everyone loves a good prawn.
We try to include a broad spectrum on the boards to negate using supplements and make things simpler for growers who want to set and forget. But I agree some growers may want to run different channels for initiator far reds and/or UV etc.

Our current board diameter matches common 206mm heatsinks, which makes them cheaper. The board ratio is 2:1, so when you place two of them side-by-side it forms a perfect square. That square was designed to replace a 600W HPS over a roughly 3x3 area - a common area or footprint used by commercial growers who run rows of 600s. That was actually part of the original design brief, as these boards were designed by consulting commerical growers.

But 560mm x 280 is a good size for tents, so it's definitely worth thinking about. It's also a good length for strips. If we were to make a High Light strip it would probably be 560mm.

Hydrogen sulfide can corrode LEDs. Most grow rooms are pretty well ventilated which removes sulfides emitted by plants and controls humidity. But if you're vaporising sulfur to prevent mol then you may have to accept a shorter LED lifespan.
I agree, theres is both benefits and drawbacks on a bigger board: shipping gets more expensive and complicated with higher size. But a bigger board would dissipate better just by size, but it would also mean you can do away with shipping heatsinks internationally: with just some standard 3mm alubacking youre good for 250w on this size. Also, there is too much emphasis on the ppf/w metric in this game, you gain so much real photons on the cannopy efficiency from increasing spread that I really hope you consider it. Also, for a standard square 3x3 you get much more even spread if you can lower hanging height. I really hope you will consider it, it gives you the benefits of a strip build but without all the connections.
Thanks mate, running a sealed room so can't increase air flow
i don't have mould atm, just more of a preventative measure. ill just remove the leds before i do a vaporise
If it's just a one-off or occasional use, then yes, remove the LEDs first and you should be fine. I wasn't sure if you were planning to run the vaporiser continuously whilst the LEDs were running or just intermmitently.
I agree, theres is both benefits and drawbacks on a bigger board: shipping gets more expensive and complicated with higher size. But a bigger board would dissipate better just by size, but it would also mean you can do away with shipping heatsinks internationally: with just some standard 3mm alubacking youre good for 250w on this size. Also, there is too much emphasis on the ppf/w metric in this game, you gain so much real photons on the cannopy efficiency from increasing spread that I really hope you consider it. Also, for a standard square 3x3 you get much more even spread if you can lower hanging height. I really hope you will consider it, it gives you the benefits of a strip build but without all the connections.
You are correct. In fact, you could probably run such a board with no heatsink and no aluminium backing – especially if you made the PCB with 2.5mm or 3mm aluminium to help with rigidity.

The main drawbacks are you would end up with a slightly more expensive board when comparing diode to diode, as you need a thicker PCB and your assembly costs may go up a little more than linearly (depending on the pick and place machine), plus airflow is a bit more restricted and you tend to find that the middle of the board gets hotter in relation to the edges as you go up in board size – that's where strips may have the advantage.

But other than that I pretty much agree with everything you say and it's something we might look at doing down the track – though I'd say there's probably more chance of us putting out a 2' strip first ;)
You are correct. In fact, you could probably run such a board with no heatsink and no aluminium backing – especially if you made the PCB with 2.5mm or 3mm aluminium to help with rigidity.

The main drawbacks are you would end up with a slightly more expensive board when comparing diode to diode, as you need a thicker PCB and your assembly costs may go up a little more than linearly (depending on the pick and place machine), plus airflow is a bit more restricted and you tend to find that the middle of the board gets hotter in relation to the edges as you go up in board size – that's where strips may have the advantage.

But other than that I pretty much agree with everything you say and it's something we might look at doing down the track – though I'd say there's probably more chance of us putting out a 2' strip first ;)
Or what about a ~ 30 inch strip to fill the gap in the market for people with 32 x 32 inch and 3 x 3 tents for an even spread of light?
Thanks mate, running a sealed room so can't increase air flow
i don't have mould atm, just more of a preventative measure. ill just remove the leds before i do a vaporise
Run more fans and make sure you lollipop and get good airflow below and dont pack plants too much, where leaves touch you get a micro climate but good airflow around the plant can cure it. Less plants but bigger also helps
If it's just a one-off or occasional use, then yes, remove the LEDs first and you should be fine. I wasn't sure if you were planning to run the vaporiser continuously whilst the LEDs were running or just intermmitently.
Depending on how you build your fixture you could also fashion a plastic bag covering with elastics to put on your light like a big condom. Obviously with lights not on.
Or what about a ~ 30 inch strip to fill the gap in the market for people with 32 x 32 inch and 3 x 3 tents for an even spread of light?
It's a matter of scale. I mean, we've only just produced one board (OK, two variations) so there's only so much we can do in the near future. We don't have our own factory – we use another company in Australia for assembly – so we're not really in a position yet to start pumping out new products all the time.

We are working on something else, I can tell you that, but it is still 2-3 months away. We're also reliant on China for some materials, such as heatsinks and PCBs. We're trying to get a new run of High Light boards made at the moment and we already have the LEDs and connectors, but are waiting on PCBs and heatsinks. It's all a bit of a waiting game at the moment.
WHO IS THIS Frank guy you speak of?

we should file missing persons reports and put up signs, im starting to worry.
Since Or_gro bailed on us over at the other spot, we havent seen much of Frank or Prawn or Monkey it seems.

Its a shame, love those dudes.
Hey mate, I don't think @Or_Gro will mind if I post up this link. It's his personal blog and it's pretty cool:
It's a matter of scale. I mean, we've only just produced one board (OK, two variations) so there's only so much we can do in the near future. We don't have our own factory – we use another company in Australia for assembly – so we're not really in a position yet to start pumping out new products all the time.

We are working on something else, I can tell you that, but it is still 2-3 months away. We're also reliant on China for some materials, such as heatsinks and PCBs. We're trying to get a new run of High Light boards made at the moment and we already have the LEDs and connectors, but are waiting on PCBs and heatsinks. It's all a bit of a waiting game at the moment.
I'd like to see seperate channels for red/fr and mybe some blue, dont think it makes sense (yet) to put uvb/c on the same board. Could you use something like what cutter does on their 2 channel uv strip where it can be run with 2 x 42v or 1 x 84v drivers? Keep it simple for those that dont want to mess with it, but give flexibility to those that want it.
I'd like to see seperate channels for red/fr and mybe some blue, dont think it makes sense (yet) to put uvb/c on the same board. Could you use something like what cutter does on their 2 channel uv strip where it can be run with 2 x 42v or 1 x 84v drivers? Keep it simple for those that dont want to mess with it, but give flexibility to those that want it.
I guess anything is possible. But perhaps it helps to understand that we designed the orginal High Light board specifically to get away from multi-channel boards, as it was always our aim to make things simpler and cheaper for those who just wanted to hang their lights and grow.

Right now there is nothing stopping any grower from building a multi-channel grow light using boutique strips, boards and multiple drivers. There are already other companies out there like Cutter producing strips in almost any configuration you can think of. And hats-off to them for doing it, as it requires stocking lots of different parts and doing smaller runs to cater to individual tastes.

Hats-off to the growers who are building them, too – they are paving the way for others, often at great time and expense to themselves – so that we can all learn what works best.

But what many of us have to realise is that we live in a bit of a bubble on RIU. There are many DIY growers here building ever-more complex grow lights . . . but who really make up only a small percentage of growers around the world. Many growers – and we spend a fair amount of time in hydro shops talking to potential customers – just want to buy a light and hang it up so they can concentrate on other things. Many are actually scared of anything to do with electricity and don't even want to wire up their own boards.

You wouldn't believe the conversations we have just trying to convince old-school growers that LEDs are better than HPS. You see enough of that on RIU, but in the real world there are shed loads of people still buying HIDs!

I am not taking anything away from anyone here – we have all learned a great deal from other members on RIU, some of whom are (honestly) on the cutting edge of technology and more knowledgeable than we are when it comes to combining that technology with biology. But just as Henry Ford built a car for the masses, we like to think we can build a better LED board for everyone (including those have never used LEDs) and leave the custom stuff to those who are already building it.

If we had a big factory and a design team and the buying power to stock millions of LEDs, we could pump out any number of strips and boards and try to be everything to everyone. But we're just not in that position. You can count all the people involved in this project on a few fingers. And as I said earlier, we don't even have our own factory. We're just a few guys who got together with an idea and decided to make a board. We're fortunate that our idea worked – based mostly on the fact we had a couple of very good growers with a lot of experience to tell us what they thought would work. But we don't have a lot of resources and we've only really just started doing this.

I just hope everyone can understand that as much as we would like to give everyone what they want, we can't. Not right now. Maybe in a few years time. I don't know. As long as growers keep supporting us, and as long as they are happy with what we produce, then maybe one day we'll evolve from making Model Ts to Mustangs!

a board large enough and run low enough to not need heatsink saves dough .....yeh at least 2mm aluminum thickness for structure
It certainly does. Which is why we designed a bigger board with 2mm aluminium PCBs to enable them to run at up to 150W without heatsinks (which is twice high as other boards without heatsinks). It's also why we try to bundle heatsinks as cheap as we can to help growers get the most power out of their boards if that's what they want to do..

As you know, it's different strokes for different folks. We sell boards and heatsinks to growers who want to max them out, just as we sell boards without heatsinks to those who are happy to build their own frames and run them softer.

Just when you think you know what's best for everyone, they turn around and surprise you!
But what many of us have to realise is that we live in a bit of a bubble on RIU. There are many DIY growers here building ever-more complex grow lights . . . but who really make up only a small percentage of growers around the world. Many growers – and we spend a fair amount of time in hydro shops talking to potential customers – just want to buy a light and hang it up so they can concentrate on other things. Many are actually scared of anything to do with electricity and don't even want to wire up their own boards.
Too right. I mean, who the fuck does this shit? Ganja nerds, that's who! :bigjoint:



I guess anything is possible. But perhaps it helps to understand that we designed the orginal High Light board specifically to get away from multi-channel boards, as it was always our aim to make things simpler and cheaper for those who just wanted to hang their lights and grow.

Right now there is nothing stopping any grower from building a multi-channel grow light using boutique strips, boards and multiple drivers. There are already other companies out there like Cutter producing strips in almost any configuration you can think of. And hats-off to them for doing it, as it requires stocking lots of different parts and doing smaller runs to cater to individual tastes.

Hats-off to the growers who are building them, too – they are paving the way for others, often at great time and expense to themselves – so that we can all learn what works best.

But what many of us have to realise is that we live in a bit of a bubble on RIU. There are many DIY growers here building ever-more complex grow lights . . . but who really make up only a small percentage of growers around the world. Many growers – and we spend a fair amount of time in hydro shops talking to potential customers – just want to buy a light and hang it up so they can concentrate on other things. Many are actually scared of anything to do with electricity and don't even want to wire up their own boards.

You wouldn't believe the conversations we have just trying to convince old-school growers that LEDs are better than HPS. You see enough of that on RIU, but in the real world there are shed loads of people still buying HIDs!

I am not taking anything away from anyone here – we have all learned a great deal from other members on RIU, some of whom are (honestly) on the cutting edge of technology and more knowledgeable than we are when it comes to combining that technology with biology. But just as Henry Ford built a car for the masses, we like to think we can build a better LED board for everyone (including those have never used LEDs) and leave the custom stuff to those who are already building it.

If we had a big factory and a design team and the buying power to stock millions of LEDs, we could pump out any number of strips and boards and try to be everything to everyone. But we're just not in that position. You can count all the people involved in this project on a few fingers. And as I said earlier, we don't even have our own factory. We're just a few guys who got together with an idea and decided to make a board. We're fortunate that our idea worked – based mostly on the fact we had a couple of very good growers with a lot of experience to tell us what they thought would work. But we don't have a lot of resources and we've only really just started doing this.

I just hope everyone can understand that as much as we would like to give everyone what they want, we can't. Not right now. Maybe in a few years time. I don't know. As long as growers keep supporting us, and as long as they are happy with what we produce, then maybe one day we'll evolve from making Model Ts to Mustangs!


and this is why I chose your boards for my first diy build. I had been eyeing the optisolis spectrums, but was intimidated into diving into a strip build from scratch as a first go round. your boards offered me exactly what I was looking for. something different from my 80 cri cob lights, but maintaining a very simple build with a single driver and a couple wires. could not have been easier and I am not the most handy person when it comes to building anything.

i wish you guys the best and cant wait to see where you all go from here with the new products.
Too right. I mean, who the fuck does this shit? Ganja nerds, that's who! :bigjoint:

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Looks colourful mate. Did you give the tent a good wipe down before you stuck all those LEDs on? :roll:

For those wondering, those little sticky LEDs are called "Buddies" and they are a new product by LED Teknik that we're hoping to sell soon. I'll post another thread with all the specs when they're ready to go. I think LED Teknik has given them out to a few growers first to see how they go.