Well-Known Member
Congress pays the bills and calls the shots, Bernie will have to compromise and achieve consensus, fight for your nominee, but remember Bernie is more normal than a radical, he believes in the constitution and the law and is a tough old bird. I remember the days after the 2016 election when everybody was in shock and absent from the scene, except Bernie, he soldiered on, I never seen him on mainstream media so much. He was used to fighting against steep odds and had been waging an uphill battle for years, it was another day at the office for Bernie, while others walked in the woods.Obamacare is just the laws of the healthcare system (like no longer being able to kick people off for have having a period in the past kind of shit), and giving people the ability to buy private, or government (medicaid/medicare) insurance for a price that is affordable with that persons income levels.
Most people have decent coverage, it is just everything gets lumped in with getting sick, from the copays (for people with no insurance) to loss of income from not being able to work. Getting sick is scary as shit, but fortunately it is pretty rare. Bernie plan is a pipe dream if he can't win a super majority in the Senate and keep the House.
Also, Bernie is offering everything, free college debt wipe, free healthcare, green everything, I even heard something about free houses and livable wages for everyone. It's not just one thing he is using to buy votes on other peoples dimes. It is just strict up populism he is using to try to get elected.
My only concern about Bernie is his electability, especially in the battle ground states, and about his ability to have long enough coat talls to help win the senate too. If you don't win the senate you won't see much major change, but you will see Trump and his minions brought to justice and shit continue to pile on top of the GOP senate.