Bernie Sanders 2020

What our current system costs over the next decade:

Over the next ten years, national health expenditures are projected to total approximately $52 trillion if we keep our current dysfunctional system.

How much we will save:

According to the Yale study and others, Medicare for All will save approximately $5 trillion over that same time period.

$52 trillion - $5 trillion = $47 trillion total

How we pay for it:

Current federal, state and local government spending over the next ten years is projected to total about $30 trillion.

The revenue options Bernie has proposed total $17.5 Trillion

$30 trillion + $17.5 trillion = $47.5 Trillion total

Since 2016, Bernie has proposed a menu of financing options that would more than pay for the Medicare for All legislation he has introduced according to the Yale study.

These options include:

  • Creating a 4 percent income-based premium paid by employees, exempting the first $29,000 in income for a family of four.
In 2018, the typical working family paid an average of $6,015 in premiums to private health insurance companies. Under this option, a typical family of four earning $60,000, would pay a 4 percent income-based premium to fund Medicare for All on income above $29,000 – just $1,240 a year – saving that family $4,775 a year. Families of four making less than $29,000 a year would not pay this premium.

(Revenue raised: About $4 trillion over 10 years.)

  • Imposing a 7.5 percent income-based premium paid by employers, exempting the first $1 million in payroll to protect small businesses.
In 2018, employers paid an average of $14,561 in private health insurance premiums for a worker with a family of four. Under this option, employers would pay a 7.5 percent payroll tax to help finance Medicare for All – just $4,500 – a savings of more than $10,000 a year.

(Revenue raised: Over $5.2 trillion over 10 years.)

  • Eliminating health tax expenditures, which would no longer be needed under Medicare for All.
(Revenue raised: About $3 trillion over 10 years.)
  • Raising the top marginal income tax rate to 52% on income over $10 million.
(Revenue raised: About $700 billion over 10 years.)
  • Replacing the cap on the state and local tax deduction with an overall dollar cap of $50,000 for a married couple on all itemized deductions.
(Revenue raised: About $400 billion over 10 years.)
  • Taxing capital gains at the same rates as income from wages and cracking down on gaming through derivatives, like-kind exchanges, and the zero tax rate on capital gains passed on through bequests.
(Revenue raised: About $2.5 trillion over 10 years.)
  • Enacting the For the 99.8% Act, which returns the estate tax exemption to the 2009 level of $3.5 million, closes egregious loopholes, and increases rates progressively including by adding a top tax rate of 77% on estate values in excess of $1 billion.
(Revenue raised: $336 billion over 10 years.)
  • Enacting corporate tax reform including restoring the top federal corporate income tax rate to 35 percent.
(Revenue raised: $3 trillion ,of which $1 trillion would be used to help finance Medicare for All and $2 trillion would be used for the Green New Deal.)
  • Using $350 billion of the amount raised from the tax on extreme wealth to help finance Medicare for All. care costs and prevent 68,000 unnecessary deaths – each and every year.
Since 2016, Bernie has proposed a menu of financing options that would more than pay for the Medicare for All legislation he has introduced according to the Yale study.

These options include:

  • Creating a 4 percent income-based premium paid by employees, exempting the first $29,000 in income for a family of four.
In 2018, the typical working family paid an average of $6,015 in premiums to private health insurance companies. Under this option, a typical family of four earning $60,000, would pay a 4 percent income-based premium to fund Medicare for All on income above $29,000 – just $1,240 a year – saving that family $4,775 a year. Families of four making less than $29,000 a year would not pay this premium.

(Revenue raised: About $4 trillion over 10 years.)

  • Imposing a 7.5 percent income-based premium paid by employers, exempting the first $1 million in payroll to protect small businesses.
In 2018, employers paid an average of $14,561 in private health insurance premiums for a worker with a family of four. Under this option, employers would pay a 7.5 percent payroll tax to help finance Medicare for All – just $4,500 – a savings of more than $10,000 a year.

(Revenue raised: Over $5.2 trillion over 10 years.)

  • Eliminating health tax expenditures, which would no longer be needed under Medicare for All.
(Revenue raised: About $3 trillion over 10 years.)
  • Raising the top marginal income tax rate to 52% on income over $10 million.
(Revenue raised: About $700 billion over 10 years.)
  • Replacing the cap on the state and local tax deduction with an overall dollar cap of $50,000 for a married couple on all itemized deductions.
(Revenue raised: About $400 billion over 10 years.)
  • Taxing capital gains at the same rates as income from wages and cracking down on gaming through derivatives, like-kind exchanges, and the zero tax rate on capital gains passed on through bequests.
(Revenue raised: About $2.5 trillion over 10 years.)
  • Enacting the For the 99.8% Act, which returns the estate tax exemption to the 2009 level of $3.5 million, closes egregious loopholes, and increases rates progressively including by adding a top tax rate of 77% on estate values in excess of $1 billion.
(Revenue raised: $336 billion over 10 years.)
  • Enacting corporate tax reform including restoring the top federal corporate income tax rate to 35 percent.
(Revenue raised: $3 trillion ,of which $1 trillion would be used to help finance Medicare for All and $2 trillion would be used for the Green New Deal.)
  • Using $350 billion of the amount raised from the tax on extreme wealth to help finance Medicare for All.
Convoluted bullshit. Besides, nobody here is supporting the current system.

The 3 trillion annual cost estimate comes directly from the Lancet study. The author of which (Galvani) worked closely with the Sanders campaign. The Sanders campaign even cherry picked from it, so they're DEFINITELY aware of what it contains. They don't like to cite the cost. They are liars, just like you.

The bottom line of Medicare for All
Through the mechanisms detailed previously, we predict that a single-payer health-care system would require $3·034 trillion annually
5th page
I've been working consistently since I was 12 years old douchebag. My Social Security will be off the hook when I retire.

Do you think social security takes into account the $400 you made under the table on your newspaper route as a 12 year old?


You’ve just demonstrated an understanding of social security every bit as revealing as your take in fica taxes or workman’s comp for independent contractors

You are a lousy fraud
what a winning message in an election

“Just find $4000 a year extra to give to us so we can take away your healthcare”

Seriously, you can't raise your rates a bit? You must not have much of a demand for your services. You chose to be self-employed, and now you're crying that the government won't cover half your taxes anymore? Maybe you should just get a job, because it kinda sounds like you're barely making it as a business. Hard to believe with all the write offs you get self-employed.
Do you think social security takes into account the $400 you made under the table on your newspaper route as a 12 year old?


You’ve just demonstrated an understanding of social security every bit as revealing as your take in fica taxes or workman’s comp for independent contractors

You are a lousy fraud
I didn't have a paper route, but it is true that I didn't have taxes taken out until my 3rd job at 15 years old. Either way my soc sec will be bank.
Seriously, you can't raise your rates a bit? You must not have much of a demand for your services. You chose to be self-employed, and now you're crying that the government won't cover half your taxes anymore? Maybe you should just get a job, because it kinda sounds like you're barely making it as a business. Hard to believe with all the write offs you get self-employed.

I never complained about the other 7.65% in fica taxes I take on as an independent contractor

It’s the extra 12% of my income that Bernie wants to take to give me an unknown healthcare plan

That’s just ridiculous

You’re a fraud and a racist btw
I didn't have a paper route, but it is true that I didn't have taxes taken out until my 3rd job at 15 years old. Either way my soc sec will be bank.

Do you think social security cares about the 2 grand you made flipping burgers at McDonald’s as a 15 year old last summer?
Guys an idiot. Ask him to explain an S-corp and how he is afraid he will get in trouble by the IRS if he uses it as a write off for taxes. Funny shit. Shows his level of business. ZERO
the irs will smile and nod when I tell them that my payroll got cut in half and the rest of my business profits are now untaxable dividends

No way that constitutes tax fraud and evasion

Ps did you see all the wild dog shit in the mud?
I never complained about the other 7.65% in fica taxes I take on as an independent contractor

It’s the extra 12% of my income that Bernie wants to take to give me an unknown healthcare plan

That’s just ridiculous

You’re a fraud and a racist btw
Math be hard. Learn the real numbers
Convoluted bullshit.

You keep saying Sanders doesn't admit how much it costs, except he admits the cost on his own website and in every stump speech he gives. You also keep saying he has no plan to be able to pay for it, or it's vague and not specific, and when provided the evidence of how he plans on paying for it, you dismiss it because it defeats your right wing propaganda talking point. There it is right there in black and white exactly how he's going to fund it, down to the dollar.

So given the circumstances, if you continue to peddle the same right wing talking points without addressing any of his actual plans, you're purposefully helping Republicans and Trump win reelection. Why not just be honest and say you don't like how Sanders' plans on paying for it because you support neoliberal economic policies that benefit the 1%?

You keep saying Sanders doesn't admit how much it costs, except he admits the cost on his own website and in every stump speech he gives. You also keep saying he has no plan to be able to pay for it, or it's vague and not specific, and when provided the evidence of how he plans on paying for it, you dismiss it because it defeats your right wing propaganda talking point. There it is right there in black and white exactly how he's going to fund it, down to the dollar.

So given the circumstances, if you continue to peddle the same right wing talking points without addressing any of his actual plans, you're purposefully helping Republicans and Trump win reelection. Why not just be honest and say you don't like how Sanders' plans on paying for it because you support neoliberal economic policies that benefit the 1%?
because math be hard
Do you think social security cares about the 2 grand you made flipping burgers at McDonald’s as a 15 year old last summer?
Are you sad that as a self-employed person you didn't contribute to social security. BTW, I also have the CalPERS retirement system and a small 401k. I think I will make more after retiring than working. Sweet stuff.
right wing propaganda talking point.
That 3 trillion dollar estimate comes from The Lancet. The author worked closely with the Sanders campaign. He knows the cost and yet he went on 60 minutes claiming he didn't. His campaign has even been cherry picking from it while steering clear of the estimate included in it, just like how you snipped one part of my reply.

You're terrified of the truth.