Bernie Sanders 2020

Guys an idiot. Ask him to explain an S-corp and how he is afraid he will get in trouble by the IRS if he uses it as a write off for taxes. Funny shit. Shows his level of business. ZERO
One thing that @UncleBuck doesn't understand is that once Bernie raises the federal min wage to $15/hr it will be a lot easier for him to negotiate his rates higher than $20/hr.
One thing that @UncleBuck doesn't understand is that once Bernie raises the federal min wage to $15/hr it will be a lot easier for him to negotiate his rates higher than $20/hr.
you think self employed people don’t contribute to social security

This should be the nail in your turd coffin but you just refuse to flush
You build $10million houses but only make $50-$60k a year? Dude, you are a terrible businessman.
im a carpenter with a 2 year old, not a businessman. I get home by 4 every day

I’m in the top 25% of my trade paywise

You think self employed people don’t contribute to social security

You are a fraud
im a carpenter with a 2 year old, not a businessman. I get home by 4 every day

I’m in the top 25% of my trade paywise

You think self employed people don’t contribute to social security

You are a fraud
The other day you said you came home put your daughter to bed and then ate dinner with those dirty pants on. so your daughter goes to bed at 4-5 pm
So let’s see if I have this right

You think the top architects in one of the richest counties in the nation are using the services of unaccountable day laborers for their wealthy clients?

If you were building a ten million dollar mansion, is this what you would do?
I think he hires a company who in turn uses some day laborers. You arguing that only lets me know you are a day laborer and now are ashamed of it. Don't be. Just step up your game