Bernie Sanders 2020


Well-Known Member
When you arrive at that answer let me know.

Meanwhile, you are a coward. And dishonest.
sorry that my answer went over your head, but it would take me to know why you voted to know if you are voting against you interest. that is just common sense. If you said you need health insurance and you voting for someone who is taking your health insurance away then you are voting against your interest. How does my answer confuse you ? Are you that slow Mr. Counting is not math. I would have to know what they are and not voting for. Stop showing how stupid you are


Well-Known Member
sorry that my answer went over your head, but it would take me to know why you voted to know if you are voting against you interest. that is just common sense. If you said you need health insurance and you voting for someone who is taking your health insurance away then you are voting against your interest. How does my answer confuse you ? Are you that slow Mr. Counting is not math. I would have to know what they are and not voting for. Stop showing how stupid you are
Most of us are interested mainly in keeping Trump from winning. That isn't a high priority for Bernouts or fake veterans like you.


Well-Known Member
So far Bernie has only won his own hardcore base. A quarter of the delegates in the states that have already primaried still aren't pledged. Buttigieg's delegates are as unpledged now too. So out of the 193 delegates from those four states, 70 are now superdelegates.


Well-Known Member
So far Bernie has only won his own hardcore base. A quarter of the delegates in the states that have already primaried still aren't pledged. Buttigieg's delegates are as unpledged now too. So out of the 193 delegates from those four states, 70 are now superdelegates.
To be fair, he also won a lot of Trump's hardcore base too.

Bernie needs to send Trump a thank you note for getting him any delegates in SC.


Well-Known Member
It's good to see a lively debate and fight on the democratic side, but people should temper their comments and rhetoric about the candidates. These are the people you will end up supporting, so be moderate, lest some Trumper dredge up your comments and throw them in your face during the general election. Picking a good leader to go up against Trump is important, so is getting behind the eventual nominee and going all out, congress can pick up the pieces and work out the details, as long as you win that too. The most important thing is to defeat Trump and by as wide a margin as possible, everything else is of secondary importance. Bernie's health care program will have to get by congress and Bernie ain't no Trump, neither is anybody else on the democratic ticket. Hang together or hang separately as Franklin said, because if trump wins he will, either hang Uncle Sam or Uncle Sam will do Donald, life or death.

Don't expect Trump to remain idle however, he's got a hot flame under his ass this time and I expect he's gonna pull off a Stone pardon or some other bullshit during super tuesday. Trump figures the democratic primary will be a distraction, but new wide screen TV's do split screen real well and the news people will need something to talk about while waiting for the primary results.
Who are you going to vote for in the Canadian elections, maybe get that black face racist prime minister replaced how about it?


Well-Known Member
..Says the guy who voted for Bloomturd and doesn't want to to pay any taxes.
i switched my vote to Biden last night! I imagine many did. My wife was also gonna vote Bloomberg but is now stuck between warren and Biden

I think 15.3% of every dollar I earn is plenty, don’t you? Especially for a day laborer who only makes $50k or so (lol)

Oh wait, you thought self employed people don’t even pay into social security. Maybe you might want to sit out these tax conversations, ratty McFraudface