Aussie Growers Thread

Well those cunts get sorted real good with the sand gnats; not seen one since using it.
Do we get spider mites in Aus? Never encountered them and the sound of what you guys say never want to....

We most certainly do get spider mites mate. We nearly get them here each and every season. They live on the underside of the foliage and spin little "webs" between the blades of the leaves. It's often one of your first warning signs.
all part of growing, still remember Saffa going 'VaCUMN them UP! NOW" LMAO and have a cool pic. Smokes awesome so..Clean ups hell, so hard to get rid off.

Whoa dude, you're one cool, calm and collected mofo if you can remain that positive about something as serious and detrimental as a chronic spider-mite infestation of that sort of magnitude!! I wish I could have a little bit of that patience and positivity rub off on me. I'd be fucking fuming no matter how well it cleaned up. I just wouldn't be able to get past thinking about all the shit that I wasn't able to see with the naked eye. Props to you man, the world needs more of you and less of me.
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Don't lie, what you just provided me with was actually a recipe for a weapon's grade bio-agent, wasn't it!?!? Or perhaps military spec. pepper spray? Ha ha ha! That sounds like the recipe for complete genocide for whatever creatures might otherwise be thriving beneath the surface. I wouldn't expect anything to survive that shit. It'd be straight Nagasaki/Hiroshima styles where the only thing left behind is said creature's shadow!
Funny cunt...yeah man hectic in your eyes; forgot you add garlic also