Pandemic 2020

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I'm assuming the 38 was a revolver, so no loss there, but fuck the shotgun unless your shooting through doors.
Get a .40 cal S&W/Glock with two15 round magazines, it's much more effective.
8 rounds in a 12 gauge ain't gonna be enough for true crowd control.
In combat you only use your sidearm to fight your way to your rifle......
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Here is the difference between Canada and the USA, we are catching up, in terms of mortality, i'll look at it in another week, provided I don't get sick. I'm wondering what the response difference will be, measured in the grim statistics of death and illness. I've heard no complaints from the medical community about the Canadian government's response, some initial confusion, but it first time for everybody. It's one way to measure how Donald will do in this crises, Canada is a reasonably good model of a typical western government's response.

Canada 1/10th US population
448 cases
6 dead
11 recovered
0 serious

USA (Testing issues)
5,124 cases
96 dead
8 recovered
60 serious
Louisiana, Georgia, Maryland, Kentucky, Puerto Rico & Ohio have halted their Presidential primary voting scheduled for today.
Trump will use COVID-19 to stay in power.
Wanna bet?
Republicans will use this to stay in power. Not just Trump.

People should contact their senators and tell them to support this bill:

Oregon loves its vote by mail system. We forced it through a reluctant then-Republican controlled legislature through an initiative. It is well supported by both Republican and Democrats alike by more than 70%. No major issues. Voter participation is high.

It works. Not hard. Leaves a paper trail in case of issues with the count. Get it done
13 cases in my backyard, Nova Scotia, a sudden increase, thanks Halifax international Airport! Province has a about a million people and many are elderly, most young folks went west to green pastures and high wages. We are on lock down here too and the grocery stores are out of toilet paper and getting low on certain other things, people are over buying to leave home less often, I figure the stores will be stocked and empty of customers next week. We make toilet paper here and it's just a matter of extra shifts at the bumwad factories, same for sanitizer.
If one thing doesn't get you something else will. Be cautious but weiners out.
13 cases in my backyard, Nova Scotia, a sudden increase, thanks Halifax international Airport! Province has a about a million people and many are elderly, most young folks went west to green pastures and high wages. We are on lock down here too and the grocery stores are out of toilet paper and getting low on certain other things, people are over buying to leave home less often, I figure the stores will be stocked and empty of customers next week. We make toilet paper here and it's just a matter of extra shifts at the bumwad factories, same for sanitizer.
Not if those workers contracted the virus
If anybody wants a drink during this fiasco, I suggest you learn the art of homebrewing and moonshine making. Ya can be drunk in a week, if ya get to work now, quicker than growing pot, that takes a while. If ya can't find a beer or wine kit, they sell yeast molasses and sugar at the grocery store! Youtube abounds with instructions, if ya can grow dope, ya can make liquor! Now pull yer tongue back in ye mouth and get to work ya old drunk!
I've got a few glasses down now (burp) & I figured I'd share some of my favorite songs dedicated to drinking on a day where everyone in the World wishes they were Irish ( What's up with that?)

If one thing doesn't get you something else will. Be cautious but weiners out.
Too true. Then there's the super volcano that is Yellowstone.
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