Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.


Well-Known Member
As I write, the official figures for outcome cases of covid19 are 87058 cases with 7174 deaths making the mortality rate 8%. Last week it was 6% so that’s a 33% increase in one week.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
People with blood type A may be more vulnerable to coronavirus, China study finds
People with blood type A may be more vulnerable to infection by the new coronavirus, while those with type O seem more resistant, according to a preliminary study of patients in China who contracted the disease known as Covid-19.

Medical researchers in China took blood group patterns of more than 2,000 patients infected with the virus in Wuhan and Shenzhen and compared them to local healthy populations. They found that blood type A patients showed a higher rate of infection and they tended to develop more severe symptoms.

While the researchers said the study was preliminary and more work was needed, they did urge governments and medical facilities to consider blood type differences when planning mitigation measures or treating patients with the virus, known as Sars-CoV-2.


In contrast, “blood group O had a significantly lower risk for the infectious disease compared with non-O blood groups”, according to a paper they published on on March 11.



Well-Known Member
How are your meditation classes going DIY-LED-Hp?
I cancelled the meetings last week when I saw this coming, 13 cases in NS now. Just emailed one of my people about helping out in the community. I've got a couple of gallons of iso alcohol and the other ingredients for WHO approved hand sanitizer and I figure I can mix up about 10 liters of it. Called the local take outs (small businesses only) in town and I'm offering a liter to each for free until supplies get back up and running. Tomorrow will be my last trip out though, self isolating after that and I don't know when things will get back to normal. I'm even setting it up so Al my gardener can come and go via the basement door, social isolation and contingency if one of us gets sick, harvest is the 1st week of April. I've got clones ready to go in the flower room, for the next cycle, but I'm thinking about it, it was the last grow cycle before summer break. No travel this year though!

Hope you are gonna be safe through this, you're in healthcare and therefore the line of fire. Many people in the states are worried and people here are too, we have a large elderly population in my area. A least the doctors and scientists haven't been complaining about the government response as they have in the states, Trump is gonna kill thousands through dereliction of duty and gross incompetence.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
That’s really awesome to help out the community like that! We are all going to have to help each other out now.
we just turned to code Green disaster here at the hospital. We are being asked to work weekends already. We need our community here to step up and help us health care workers. We have jobs anyone could do like man the entrances to take temps and and be here for us for backup... fucking anything! Just support.
im doing daily meditation on my insight timer app and smoking a lot of weed! Holy fuckin Hell! Stay well. Take care.


Well-Known Member
@DIY-HP-LED maybe we should try to keep our corona ramblings here and leave abandonconflicts thread for just the scientific stuff?
I posted stuff to a high enough level of nerdyness for him. :D Though the speculation belongs here, sometimes ya end up on a thread without noticing it, all threads devolve anyway, nature of the beast.
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