Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.


Well-Known Member
We're gonna be locked down for a month or two until governments get their shit together, organise and respond properly with testing, increased hospital capacity and better treatment protocols that are being developed now. The mortality rate will change with two factors, keeping the hospitalisation rate down and better treatment options. IMHO a public health education program about the importance of vitamin D, in boosting immunity and avoiding the worse out comes is advisable. Vitamin D deficiencies are common as dirt (Google me) this time of year, particularly among the elderly and particularly among dark skinned people whether caucasian indians or africans living in high latitudes. White people is white for a reason zeddd and only one reason, this happens to be it. :D
God you post some shite. The mortality rate increasing from 6% to 10% in one week suggests the virus itself is becoming more dangerous. A 67% increase in mortality has nothing to do with vitD or white skin.


Well-Known Member
God you post some shite. The mortality rate increasing from 6% to 10% in one week suggests the virus itself is becoming more dangerous. A 67% increase in mortality has nothing to do with vitD or white skin.
The increasing mortality rate has nothing to do with the virus becoming more dangerous, it has to do with a lack of testing and overwhelmed medical systems. Any genetic changes that increased virulence would be noticed by experts. Global averages are meaningless, S Korea is the Gold standard for response, what is their mortality rate? They have the most accurate data.

Calculate your own mortality rate, based on your health, age, where you live and how the government has responded. If your in a poor country your odds are worse or even in a rich one where the government fucks up. Stop panicking


Well-Known Member
Florida governor refuses to shut down beaches amid spread of coronavirus .....

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis refused to issue an order to close the state's beaches, despite fears regarding the spread of the coronavirus.

He instead signed an order that would limit parties on beaches to 10 people per group and force any restaurant to reduce occupancy by half, DeSantis told reporters Tuesday. The governor said that local governments can make their own decisions but that his order would follow the latest guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

"What we're going to be doing for the statewide floor for beaches, we're going to be applying the CDC guidance of no group on a beach more than 10 and you have to have distance apart if you're going to be out there," DeSantis said. "So that applies statewide."

DeSantis said it's "not uniform throughout the state that you're seeing massive crowds at beaches," despite reports of large gatherings on Tampa Bay-area beaches.

*scratching head WTF

Florida needs to be nuked “ it the only way to be sure “ - Ripley


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck, Donald is spouting the same shit as me! First sign its a bad idea I guess...


President Donald Trump announced Thursday that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved hydroxychloroquine—a drug used to treat malaria, rheumatic diseases and other conditions—for COVID-19.

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads around the world, scientists are scrambling to identify treatments that may be effective against the disease. Hydroxychloroquine—a common derivative of chloroquine—is among those touted as most promising by some experts.

"The nice part is, it's been around for a long time, so we know that if things don't go as planned its not going to kill anybody," Trump told reporters at a press conference. "When you go with a brand new drug, you don't know if that's going to happen. Its shown very very encouraging early results and we're going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately."

But how effective is the drug? This week, researcher Didier Raoult from Aix-Marseille University in France, one of the main proponents for using hydroxychloroquine to treat infection with the novel coronavirus—known as SARS-CoV-2—released encouraging results of a preliminary trial involving a total of 36 COVID-19 patients.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Shits getting real. Im super busy at work. I wanted to quickly share this email mess i just got with you my friends. They are letting a lot of people out of jail and the virus is possibly getting stronger killing younger people. A 52 year old man is the first death in Oklahoma. Im trying to stay positive but keeping it real.
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Well-Known Member
More on Trump's big hydroxychloroquine medical discovery, cautious optimism is my take, we will soon know about its efficacy empirically and after a few months with greater certainty. It will be used on a global scale and studied at the same time, with multiple studies and combinations of meds and zinc supplements. It should work in these kind of RNA viruses, but other studies with other viruses have not been promising.

Trump says FDA will fast-track treatments for novel coronavirus, but there are still months of research ahead
(CNN)President Donald Trump says he's pushed the Food and Drug Administration to eliminate barriers to getting therapeutics for coronavirus to patients.
He said a drug currently used as an antimalarial -- hydroxychloroquine -- would be made available almost immediately to treat coronavirus.
"It's been around for a long time so we know if things don't go as planned it's not going to kill anybody," Trump told reporters at the White House.
"We have to remove every barrier or a lot of barriers that were unnecessary and they've done that to get the rapid deployment of safe, effective treatments and we think we have some good answers," Trump said.

FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn carefully tempered the President's remarks regarding his team's work to develop treatments for coronavirus.
"The FDA is committed to continuing to provide regulatory flexibility and guidance, but let me make one thing clear: the FDA's responsibility to the American people is to ensure that products are safe and effective," he said.


Well-Known Member
God you post some shite. The mortality rate increasing from 6% to 10% in one week suggests the virus itself is becoming more dangerous. A 67% increase in mortality has nothing to do with vitD or white skin.
zeddd, I won't rule out the possibility that this bug is turning more virulent, it's just that there's no evidence of it and with the precise genetic tracking of this thing, they should be able to spot any major changes. Perhaps you could post a link with some evidence of an increase in virulence.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, there might be early indicators of this, but we will soon know more. Amber's post above might be one of those early indicators of a change in virulence.
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Well-Known Member
James Cai, said that using Chloroquine was essential to his survival.

Replying to
The NJ Medical worker who got Covid-19, James Cai, said that using Chloroquine was essential to his survival.

New Jersey patient James Cai recovering from coronavirus
Cai credits Chinese doctors with helping his providers here better understand the infectious disease.


Well-Known Member
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 40: Ibuprofen and COVID-19 (are NSAIDs safe?), trials of HIV medications

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 40 with critical care specialist Roger Seheult, MD of

Controversy surrounding the use of NSAID medications like ibuprofen and naproxen with COVID-19 infection have heightened now that the French government has issued warnings against them. Dr. Seheult also discusses preliminary fatality data in the United States released by the CDC, and the results of a novel coronavirus treatment trial with HIV medications Lopinavir and Ritonavir in hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
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Well-Known Member
Think I'll get out on the deck without a shirt the next nice day, shorts if it's warm enough, in late morning my back deck get lots of sun and is much warmer than the outside because its sheltered. Time for some sun and natural vitamin D at the first opportunity.
D is for Debacle - The Crucial Story of Vitamin D and Human Health
From 2014

Leveraging the knowledge of the foremost experts in the field, I can now release what I believe is a comprehensive explanation of the Vitamin D story. It's benefits are difficult to disentangle from those of healthy Sun Exposure though - the beneficial effects of D status may be hugely due to the sun exposure that got your D up! I use sun and UV sources to achieve my D levels as a result, not supplementation. Other key elements like K2, A, Mg, Ca etc are inextricably linked also, but here we focus mainly on D. Reverse Causality applies also - people who have inflammatory issues and are obese may drive down their D status, but data on this is sparse - but keep it in mind. Also important is that DAILY supplementation rather than big bolus dosing is used - the half-life of D3 is only a couple of days.

This Seminar is of interest to Mothers & their Children particularly (e.g. see 15:00:00 to 21:00:00 segment), to avoid probability of serious chronic diseases, in childhood and beyond. The main message is that blood levels of D should be targeted towards healthy evolutionary levels, ideally through access to UVB / healthy sun exposure (NO burning). So to stress again: there is a lot of associational "correlation but possibly not causation" data in this, and there is every possibility that Sun exposure delivers more benefits than D3 supplements (by the production of many other photoproducts in the skin), and also the modern carb-inflamed/diseased population may be causal in driving down 25(OH)D status (e.g. the obese people with low D - is it their fat sequestering away the D, or is their inflammation driving down their status?) Anyway, thanks for watching! Ivor Cummins BE(Chem), CEng MIEI December 2014
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Well-Known Member
The increasing mortality rate has nothing to do with the virus becoming more dangerous, it has to do with a lack of testing and overwhelmed medical systems. Any genetic changes that increased virulence would be noticed by experts. Global averages are meaningless, S Korea is the Gold standard for response, what is their mortality rate? They have the most accurate data.

Calculate your own mortality rate, based on your health, age, where you live and how the government has responded. If your in a poor country your odds are worse or even in a rich one where the government fucks up. Stop panicking
Man, god love you, this post will seem hilarious in a month.


Well-Known Member
zeddd, I won't rule out the possibility that this bug is turning more virulent, it's just that there's no evidence of it and with the precise genetic tracking of this thing, they should be able to spot any major changes. Perhaps you could post a link with some evidence of an increase in virulence.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, there might be early indicators of this, but we will soon know more. Amber's post above might be one of those early indicators of a change in virulence.
Ok boomer


Well-Known Member
Man, god love you, this post will seem hilarious in a month.
zeddd I hope you're wrong and I'm sure you do too, an increase in virulence would be big news for sure. I hope you're wrong, but not for any egotistical reasons on my part, it would be an even bigger tragedy and danger.

Anybody who plays with prophecy risks being wrong, we are not honored in our own land and often called fools in others.


Well-Known Member
zeddd I hope you're wrong and I'm sure you do too, an increase in virulence would be big news for sure. I hope you're wrong, but not for any egotistical reasons on my part, it would be an even bigger tragedy and danger.

Anybody who plays with prophecy risks being wrong, we are not honored in our own land and often called fools in others.
It’s not prophetic you grandiose didact, it’s analysis of the data to date


Well-Known Member
It’s not prophetic you grandiose didact, it’s analysis of the data to date
Its autodidact to you, I believe your analysis is flawed and overly generalized, cite something. ad hominem attacks don't impress me and are an embarrassment to you. You're arguing like Trump, see :D


Well-Known Member
Its autodidact to you, I believe your analysis is flawed and overly generalized, cite something. ad hominem attacks don't impress me and are an embarrassment to you. You're arguing like Trump, see :D
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