Well-Known Member
We are good, thank you. Im fortunate enough to be able to lay low with fam. I only go grocery shopping an hour before stores close, product may be low, but we have everything we need. Its crazy what people want. Last time I went, hamburger which is expensive as hell was gone, but there was a bunch of bone in chops for .99/lb!They delayed elver fishing for 2 more wks. This is big chunk of income for native families
Yep. Most of the hospitals across our state are just small access points. For level 1 trauma/ICUs we only have EMMC and Maine Med. If this had hit at peak tourist season, we'd be in trouble.
Camps in Maine can be anything from tarp covered shacks to luxurious "lake houses". Its a pretty universal term. Most on our lake are just modest cape homes and thankfully, no campgrounds, just one public boat ramp.
Both points of entry to Canada have slowed to a crawl.
You and your wife stay safe.
Damn, that eeling season is short. That's too bad. I know that a lot of people make the majority of their income solely on that.
Yes, Ive thought a lot about how fortunate we are that this didnt hit primetime tourist season. The crowds and huge amounts of people coming and going during July 4th...
New construction camps where I am are not camps anymore lol. They're houses with wifi and satellite tv, 2.5 baths with heat pumps for heat. Not a woodsrove to be seen. Theres a pond near me so choked with algae they recommend showering immediately after swimming and not to get the pond water in your eyes...
I actually heard someone blame a beaver dam lol, but I suspect its because all of the assholes wanting a full size lawn, and run off from Scotts lawn fertilizer is the real reason.
I keep thinking of the North Pond Hermit. Im sure he wishes he was back in his little camp, stealing other camp supplies , with not another soul around. Dude went 25+ years without a cold

Stay safe
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