
They delayed elver fishing for 2 more wks. This is big chunk of income for native families :(

Yep. Most of the hospitals across our state are just small access points. For level 1 trauma/ICUs we only have EMMC and Maine Med. If this had hit at peak tourist season, we'd be in trouble.

Camps in Maine can be anything from tarp covered shacks to luxurious "lake houses". Its a pretty universal term. Most on our lake are just modest cape homes and thankfully, no campgrounds, just one public boat ramp.

Both points of entry to Canada have slowed to a crawl.

You and your wife stay safe.
We are good, thank you. Im fortunate enough to be able to lay low with fam. I only go grocery shopping an hour before stores close, product may be low, but we have everything we need. Its crazy what people want. Last time I went, hamburger which is expensive as hell was gone, but there was a bunch of bone in chops for .99/lb!

Damn, that eeling season is short. That's too bad. I know that a lot of people make the majority of their income solely on that.

Yes, Ive thought a lot about how fortunate we are that this didnt hit primetime tourist season. The crowds and huge amounts of people coming and going during July 4th...

New construction camps where I am are not camps anymore lol. They're houses with wifi and satellite tv, 2.5 baths with heat pumps for heat. Not a woodsrove to be seen. Theres a pond near me so choked with algae they recommend showering immediately after swimming and not to get the pond water in your eyes...
I actually heard someone blame a beaver dam lol, but I suspect its because all of the assholes wanting a full size lawn, and run off from Scotts lawn fertilizer is the real reason.

I keep thinking of the North Pond Hermit. Im sure he wishes he was back in his little camp, stealing other camp supplies , with not another soul around. Dude went 25+ years without a cold:p

Stay safe
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Trying to verify this story, it's proving difficult. People are posting it from the same source ( on Reddit, but moderators are deleting those...

I'm glad reddit is taking down these lies. It's not true and just adds to the panic many are having. That todaysfive website is tabloid trash. Here's what's actually happening in Oregon.

No ‘shelter-in-place’ order for now, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown says

I'm glad reddit is taking down these lies. It's not true and just adds to the panic many are having. That todaysfive website is tabloid trash. Here's what's actually happening in Oregon.

No ‘shelter-in-place’ order for now, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown says

Yeah, I was suckered in by it until I looked at the home page. Spicy stories about young woman having taboo sex and something about tmi loren loving black men (well, that one is believeable)... lol.

Using the national guard makes no sense. If the feds nationalized them, they couldn't be used for state level law enforcement. It would have to be state governors that did that, and it would still be a constitutional issue.
I think this just goes to show that the more complex the society the more delicate it is. And that no economic system is infallible and a new hybrid system is needed.

(Don't you fucking dare move this to the place where threads go to die)
I believe that this will foster valuable dialog about improving our societal and economic preparedness for future events of concern. The best thing we can do is repatriate some critical manufacturing capacity.
I think this just goes to show that the more complex the society the more delicate it is. And that no economic system is infallible and a new hybrid system is needed.

(Don't you fucking dare move this to the place where threads go to die)
Yeah every time I see a bit of politics I wince. I didn't have enough hand sanitizer in my house to clean this thread up from it's last visit. Speaking of which time to go mix more, brb.
Yeah, I was suckered in by it until I looked at the home page. Spicy stories about young woman having taboo sex and something about tmi loren loving black men (well, that one is believeable)... lol.

Using the national guard makes no sense. If the feds nationalized them, they couldn't be used for state level law enforcement. It would have to be state governors that did that, and it would still be a constitutional issue.

The governor in Oregon has called up the national guard. They're setting up temporary hospitals and will assist in logistics. They won't be carrying guns to control the population. At least not yet. We're not at that point yet and hopefully we never will be.
Gov. Kate Brown is deploying the Oregon National Guard to set up 250 emergency hospital beds at the state fairground in Salem, in the latest measure to prepare for an increase in the number of people stricken with COVID-19.

The Oregon Convention Center in Portland is being setup as a homeless shelter and there is talk of using the Wapato jail that never opened as a place to quarantine those affected. Might as well use that $60 million facility for something since it's been sitting empty since it was built years ago. They built a jail and then realized they didn't have money to operate it. It was sold along with a bunch of land to a local businessman for $10 million
someone waaaay smarter than me advised me of this:

[3/19/2020] FDA is aware of news reports stating the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, could worsen coronavirus disease (COVID-19). These news reports followed a March 11, 2020 letter in The Lancet medical journalExternal Link Disclaimer, which hypothesized that an enzyme (a molecule that aids a biochemical reaction in the body) is increased by NSAIDs and could aggravate COVID-19 symptoms.

We are good, thank you. Im fortunate enough to be able to lay low with fam. I only go grocery shopping an hour before stores close, product may be low, but we have everything we need. Its crazy what people want. Last time I went, hamburger which is expensive as hell was gone, but there was a bunch of bone in chops for .99/lb!

Damn, that eeling season is short. That's too bad. I know that a lot of people make the majority of their income solely on that.

Yes, Ive thought a lot about how fortunate we are that this didnt hit primetime tourist season. The crowds and huge amounts of people coming and going during July 4th...

New construction camps where I am are not camps anymore lol. They're houses with wifi and satellite tv, 2.5 baths with heat pumps for heat. Not a woodsrove to be seen. Theres a pond near me so choked with allergy they recommend showering immediately after swimming and not to get the pond water in your eyes...
I actually heard someone blame a beaver dam lol, but I suspect its because all of the assholes wanting a full size lawn, and run off from Scotts lawn fertilizer is the real reason.

I keep thinking of the North Pond Hermit. Im sure he wishes he was back in his little camp, stealing other camp supplies , with not another soul around. Dude went 25+ years without a cold:p

Stay safe
North pond hermit is a personal hero of mine. Such a wild story
North pond hermit is a personal hero of mine. Such a wild story
Have you read the book on him? I haven't yet but would like to. He wasnt really that far from other camps but was really stealth about things. He didnt walk much in the snow to hide his tracks and never had a fire I believe.
He wasnt much of an outdoorsman though. Never fished or hunted. Just looted peoples camps lol.
Another line I won't be standing in.

Coronavirus: Forget toilet paper - shoppers in the Netherlands are panic-buying weed

I guess the upside is we could all get rich selling our surplus!
Pure bovine excrement.

Two US Republican Senators are facing calls to resign over allegations they used insider knowledge to sell shares before prices fell due to coronavirus fears.

Richard Burr reportedly dumped up to $1.7m (£1.45m) of stocks last month.

Kelly Loeffler is reported to have sold holdings worth up to $3m in a series of transactions beginning the same day as a Senate briefing on the virus.

Under US law, it is illegal for members of Congress to trade based on non-public information gathered during their official duties.

North pond hermit is a personal hero of mine. Such a wild story
Mine too. Watching him on surveillance camera as he riffled thru camp cupboards for food didn't bother me in the least, but when he drank out of the milk jug and funneled Humpty Dumpty Bar-B-Q chips straight into his mouth from the bag I got a little gaggy.
Still wish they'd left the dude alone. He never took more than he needed to survive.
Pure bovine excrement.

Two US Republican Senators are facing calls to resign over allegations they used insider knowledge to sell shares before prices fell due to coronavirus fears.

Richard Burr reportedly dumped up to $1.7m (£1.45m) of stocks last month.

Kelly Loeffler is reported to have sold holdings worth up to $3m in a series of transactions beginning the same day as a Senate briefing on the virus.

Under US law, it is illegal for members of Congress to trade based on non-public information gathered during their official duties.

Hopefully they serve time over this.
Have you read the book on him? I haven't yet but would like to. He wasnt really that far from other camps but was really stealth about things. He didnt walk much in the snow to hide his tracks and never had a fire I believe.
He wasnt much of an outdoorsman though. Never fished or hunted. Just looted peoples camps lol.
I have not read the book. I did a lot of research on him, but many said the book was very sensationalist. Still want to read it though.

If you look at his camp on a map he was very close to many camps/cabins. Unbelievable he weathered the Maine winters. They’re no joke!
Not sure if this has been posted here yet.

So u.s. and s korea had patient zero officially, practically at the same time. S korea mobilzed almost immediately, ramped up its already existing infrastructure to deal with this kind of crises. Produced and built its own test immediately. Immediately found the important cluster from the cult. Engaged in aggressive contact tracing, tested and quarantined immediately. And its solid health care system kicked into high gear.
Thus far they have not had to employ any repressive state measures like locking down cities. Most business stayed open, even the worst hit city was not locked down. There is even talk about opening schools in a few weeks. Important to note they did have mild rise in new cases last few days.
In the u.s, The feds , and out state governments completely ignored it. So now if and when the numbers do explode and hospitals overflow, there will be no choice but to put whole cities on lockdown. And employ “authoritarian” measures like the china did for nearly two months.

By the way s korea did this with “faulty” tests the u.s. rejected.
Please correct me if im misunderstanding something.

Looking at these charts, can you imagine if obama was in office and this was the response. Every fucking trumpin would be crying bloody murder (impeach). Yet, just yesterday i spoke to a 40 year old, college educated , family member tell me the media is exaggerating to bring down the president. This after trump did a complete 180 on television (“i always knew this was going to be a serious pandemic”) and accepted the conclusion of the Imperial College study stating if the u.s did not contain this and allowed it to run through the population it will kill over 2 million Americans easily.

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south korea has a single payer health care system.....just say'n