Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.


Well-Known Member
Well well well... seems us healthcare workers are finally getting the motherfuckin RESPECT we deserve. I am seeing quite a bit more appreciation for my care . getting sincere thanks for what i do is a start. Its true what they say. They are starting to thank me for my service like im a military vet. Now i expect the full package . That includes a nice hefty pay raise , free health bennys for the rest of my life , i want a mother fucking pension and much more. Lets even out the playing field now . No one is gonna wanna do my job anymore. Without me things would fall apart rather quicky where im stationed at.
Yep, don't waste this crisis. Step up and make your voices heard. Sure, you'll do your job during this crisis at much personal cost to you. The rest of us should not forget when the crisis is over. Totally agree about health benefits, pension and maybe a free pony (just kidding about the pony).

Same should be said for everybody who makes this society run and run well. Wall Street types have this way of cutting until things break, ignoring the cost of failure to save money short term. The cost of ignoring our health care system is coming home to roost in the form of a broken economy.


Well-Known Member
Well well well... seems us healthcare workers are finally getting the motherfuckin RESPECT we deserve. I am seeing quite a bit more appreciation for my care . getting sincere thanks for what i do is a start. Its true what they say. They are starting to thank me for my service like im a military vet. Now i expect the full package . That includes a nice hefty pay raise , free health bennys for the rest of my life , i want a mother fucking pension and much more. Lets even out the playing field now . No one is gonna wanna do my job anymore. Without me things would fall apart rather quicky where im stationed at.
Ya got em by the balls now Amber, squeeze real hard!
BTW: Thanks for your service, us old farts appreciate it the most.


Well-Known Member
Coronavirus: How bad is the situation in Europe? - BBC News
BBC News
The number of people dying from coronavirus in Italy has risen by 475 in one day to nearly 3,000 - the biggest increase since the outbreak.

There are a total of 35,713 confirmed cases in the country, with more than 4,000 having successfully recovered. Lombardy, the worst-hit region, recorded 319 deaths in one day. Italy is the world's worst affected country after China, where the virus originated last year.

At least 8,758 people have died, most in China. Spain now has 598 dead and 13,716 infections. An inquiry is to be launched into the deaths of at least 17 residents of a nursing home in Madrid, where dozens of cases of Covid-19 have been reported.

In France, the number of confirmed cases grew by more than 16% on Tuesday, reaching 7,730, while the death toll rose to 175, with 7% of the dead aged under 65.

In the UK, the number of dead has reached 104.

Germany has 12 deaths and 8,198 cases. In a TV address, Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to abide by restrictions aimed at combating the pandemic. "Since German reunification, actually, since World War Two, there has never been a challenge for our country in which acting in solidarity was so very crucial," she said.

Belgium has 14 deaths and 1,486 cases.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering when the data would come out from the gizmo and app. Government should have a new improved one on every doctor and nurse in America, plus their regular customers.

Looks like Florida might be in for big trouble, lots of old folks there, lots of sun and vitamin D too, we would see an impact in the data, if there was any benefit from it.


Well-Known Member
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 41: Shelter In Place, FDA Investigates Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19

Governor Newsome of California has ordered a statewide “shelter in place” which affects 40 million people. President Trump made a statement about hydroxychloroquine getting FDA approval, but the FDA clarified that more clinical trials are needed first. Dr. Seheult discusses a Japanese influenza medication called Favipiravir (Avigan) that shows promising preliminary results, but cautions more trials and peer-review are needed.


Well-Known Member
Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionophore, it helps zinc to get inside the cell, where it interferes with viral replication (hopefully). If you want to understand what all the fuss about hydroxychloroquine is about and why there is hope for it, watch this. It's already approved for use and production can be ramped up quickly, folks have their fingers crossed on this one, if it works, it could keep a lot of people off a nonexistent ventilator and save a lot of lives. Not much harm in trying it either, a lot of empirical data should be available quickly and a small scale French pilot study should be released as soon as its reviewed (if it makes it past review) that is very optimistic.

Donald is optimistic about hydroxychloroquine and that gives me pause! I heard he ramped up production of it bigly, oh well, if it doesn't work, there are lots of poor folks who can use it for free in tropical countries to treat malaria. Either way it will be a good thing with no loss, the drug will be used one way or another.
Coronavirus Epidemic Update 32: Important Data from South Korea, Can Zinc Help Prevent COVID-19?


Well-Known Member
Hydroxychloroquine is a zinc ionophore, it helps zinc to get inside the cell, where it interferes with viral replication (hopefully). If you want to understand what all the fuss about hydroxychloroquine is about and why there is hope for it, watch this. It's already approved for use and production can be ramped up quickly, folks have their fingers crossed on this one, if it works, it could keep a lot of people off a nonexistent ventilator and save a lot of lives. Not much harm in trying it either, a lot of empirical data should be available quickly and a small scale French pilot study should be released as soon as its reviewed (if it makes it past review) that is very optimistic.

Donald is optimistic about hydroxychloroquine and that gives me pause! I heard he ramped up production of it bigly, oh well, if it doesn't work, there are lots of poor folks who can use it for free in tropical countries to treat malaria. Either way it will be a good thing with no loss, the drug will be used one way or another.
Coronavirus Epidemic Update 32: Important Data from South Korea, Can Zinc Help Prevent COVID-19?
It's OK for somebody like you to get all breathless about it. You don't affect anybody.

Not something the president should tout.

The evidence to support all of this hype is just not much. He should STFU until the data are in. The government is absolutely right to look at all the angles, just don't hype something without better data.

Is this where you tell me all the stuff I already know? Dude, it's a great story. ONE lab experiment looked good and all that. And I'm OK with you talking about it, just not the prez.


Well-Known Member
It's OK for somebody like you to get all breathless about it. You don't affect anybody.

Not something the president should tout.

The evidence to support all of this hype is just not much. He should STFU until the data are in. The government is absolutely right to look at all the angles, just don't hype something without better data.

Is this where you tell me all the stuff I already know? Dude, it's a great story. ONE lab experiment looked good and all that. And I'm OK with you talking about it, just not the prez.
I'm cautiously optimistic as are many experts, the jury is out and it's apparently out at all the pharmacies now too, many doctors are giving it a try. Do no harm and this shouldn't, much of this kind of medicine is empirical research done on the fly in parallel with proper double blind studies with hard data that's been properly factored and weighted etc. In the modern science we are used to and expect, all truth is statistical in nature. Right now science is being done the old fashioned way as part of the art of medicine, doctors sharing patient outcomes and treatments on forums like this and seeing what works to save lives. This was supposed to work on other viruses, but didn't. The jury is still out, but we will find out pretty quick if it's worth using.


Well-Known Member
I'm cautiously optimistic as are many experts, the jury is out and it's apparently out at all the pharmacies now too, many doctors are giving it a try. Do no harm and this shouldn't, much of this kind of medicine is empirical research done on the fly in parallel with roper double blind studies with hard data that's been properly factored and weighted etc. In the modern science we are used to and expect, all truth is statistical in nature. Right now science is being done the old fashioned way as part of the art of medicine, doctors sharing patient outcomes and treatments on forums like this and seeing what works to save lives. This was supposed to work on other viruses, but didn't. The jury is still out, but be will find out pretty quick if it's worth using.
It's OK for you. Just not Trump. There is no need to repeat yourself. As you say, the jury is out. Trump should STFU.


Well-Known Member
It's OK for somebody like you to get all breathless about it. You don't affect anybody.

Not something the president should tout.

The evidence to support all of this hype is just not much. He should STFU until the data are in. The government is absolutely right to look at all the angles, just don't hype something without better data.

Is this where you tell me all the stuff I already know? Dude, it's a great story. ONE lab experiment looked good and all that. And I'm OK with you talking about it, just not the prez.
I believe it was used in China and S Korea and there is some speculation it was a factor in their low mortality rate, they should have been collecting data and doing studies, so perhaps there's more solid research in the pipeline.
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Well-Known Member
I believe it was used in China and S Korea and there is some speculation it was a factor in their low mortality rate, the should have been collecting data and doing studies, so perhaps there's more solid research in the pipeline.
Yes, yes, do go on, this is a public forum for the free exchange of ideas. Trump, OTOH should STFU.


Well-Known Member
It's OK for you. Just not Trump. There is no need to repeat yourself. As you say, the jury is out. Trump should STFU.
Oh, most definitely. It's in the news, but Trump is desperately spreading false hope and if it works to any degree, he will claim he personally made the discovery in his basement lab!

I'm inviting folks such as yourself to look at the science and draw your own preliminary conclusions and also to track the research as it comes out. The medcram videos are pretty good at covering and explaining research and a few cover this topic. This should give most people who are interested a good foundation for understanding the story, they were covering this issue before Donald ever heard of it. I usually post these update videos when I remember, quality information.