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Dog vs gun, the gun wins every time, lol.
Guess you didn't see the backup?

Sure if someone is invading my home with a machine gun blazing, they would have gotten me anyways. But I am not that important to anyone to come at me like that.

The ridiculousness of people thinking anyone gives a shit about them to the point they need a bunch of guns to protect themselves is just sad. People will just wait until you leave your home to break in, because generally they know who you are and what you have that they want to break in for.

Quit being a hero, like you are somehow going to Rambo your way to safety, a couple dogs will take care of 99.9999% of any issues better than any gun will.
The great irony is that the local Protagonist fully uses the profoundly ugly tactics of the politics he claims to despise.
I come from the heritage he says he hates, and yet “the end justifies the means”.
He would have been awful to actual Jews.
So you're Deutsch?
More of die Grosse Lüge
You seriously support your true patrons
Where’s the lie?

hitler defeated the combined armies of the western powers easily

do you think the 1% of Germans who were Jews would have stopped him with some more guns?

the truth is any resistance would have been met with retribution even more harsh than hitler was already known for. See the Warsaw ghetto uprising

you crackhead
Then we must find a way to do this without gutting our codified civil rights.
Consider Australia. They confiscated guns, and stabbings tripled.
I don’t want to see that repeated.

Don’t ban guns. Prosecute crimes committed with guns, but don’t demonize their weapon.
Well, here we are, then. I live in the US. I don't own a gun. Science is clear that a gun makes a person less safe so I see no good reason to own one. There is no way I'll ever harm somebody with one. Yet, Australia has 8 gun related deaths per million people and the US has 66 gun related deaths per million people. Most were suicide, and I'm OK with gun owners killing themselves. So, excluding suicide, Australia had 2 gun-related deaths and the US had 36 per million. This is a problem that I have done nothing to cause.

The rates of gun violence and death affect me in that I have kids who go to friends homes where I know guns are unsafely stored. It affects me in that one of my kids had nightmares the night after they held a shooter-drill at school. It affects me when I'm out and about town and some nut gets aggressive for no good reason. Not even toward me but you never know when they will start spraying lead. Other countries don't have this problem. I am doing nothing to cause it. Gun owners and their industry do.

So, I ask you. Don't gun owners feel any responsibility and take ownership for driving down the rates of gun deaths?
I support most of the second ammendment, but your argumentum ad hitlerum is a losing tactic and gross fallacy. You don't seem as smart as you used to, just repetitive and asinine.
Most? What part do you discard?

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed.

What part of this garnets your dissent?
Most? What part do you discard?

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed.

What part of this garnets your dissent?
That was written to fend off George

we have standing armies now

worthless amendment
Well, here we are, then. I live in the US. I don't own a gun. Science is clear that a gun makes a person less safe so I see no good reason to own one. There is no way I'll ever harm somebody with one. Yet, Australia has 8 gun related deaths per million people and the US has 66 gun related deaths per million people. Most were suicide, and I'm OK with gun owners killing themselves. So, excluding suicide, Australia had 2 gun-related deaths and the US had 36 per million. This is a problem that I have done nothing to cause.

The rates of gun violence and death affect me in that I have kids who go to friends homes where I know guns are unsafely stored. It affects me in that one of my kids had nightmares the night after they held a shooter-drill at school. It affects me when I'm out and about town and some nut gets aggressive for no good reason. Not even toward me but you never know when they will start spraying lead. Other countries don't have this problem. I am doing nothing to cause it. Gun owners and their industry do.

So, I ask you. Don't gun owners feel any responsibility and take ownership for driving down the rates of gun deaths?
“Science is clear” is nonsense.

Provide your peer-reviewed sources.
Well, here we are, then. I live in the US. I don't own a gun. Science is clear that a gun makes a person less safe so I see no good reason to own one. There is no way I'll ever harm somebody with one. Yet, Australia has 8 gun related deaths per million people and the US has 66 gun related deaths per million people. Most were suicide, and I'm OK with gun owners killing themselves. So, excluding suicide, Australia had 2 gun-related deaths and the US had 36 per million. This is a problem that I have done nothing to cause.

The rates of gun violence and death affect me in that I have kids who go to friends homes where I know guns are unsafely stored. It affects me in that one of my kids had nightmares the night after they held a shooter-drill at school. It affects me when I'm out and about town and some nut gets aggressive for no good reason. Not even toward me but you never know when they will start spraying lead. Other countries don't have this problem. I am doing nothing to cause it. Gun owners and their industry do.

So, I ask you. Don't gun owners feel any responsibility and take ownership for driving down the rates of gun deaths?
This makes me less safe, hahaha?
Most? What part do you discard?

“A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed.

What part of this garnets your dissent?
It should be in some ways infringed, in other ways positively encouraged. People who spend too much time talking about nazis online should have to get a waiver form from the FBI or something before they can own anything with more than 8 rounds, maybe. Something to that effect.

Also, please don't go and massacre any poor innocent folks, you seem crazy.
If so, does it matter? Does ethnic loyalty shape truth?
No, knowledge would more so I would say. For example I suppose you learned The Big Lie in school, much the same way The Gulag Archipelago was required reading this girl I work with from the Ukraine. It's a unique perspective that most here aren't privy to that's all dude I was just genuinely curious, no ulterior motives.
No, knowledge would more so I would say. For example I suppose you learned The Big Lie in school, much the same way The Gulag Archipelago was required reading this girl I work with from the Ukraine. It's a unique perspective that most here aren't privy to that's all dude I was just genuinely curious, no ulterior motives.
Even so it seems that my particular insight into the history of my parents’ generation means nothing to Generation Snowflake.

Being correct is no longer enough.
This makes me less safe, hahaha?
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That magnificent piece of engineering and industrial art, in the case, in a safe, with the bullets elsewhere, it's not an issue. Not one bit. I'm ok with people who want to own something like that. The average person does not store their weapon safely, does not practice enough with it, does not take classes on gun safety, does not take additional training either. On average, people are less safe if they own a gun than if the did not. This is fact.
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