White Widow, First Grow

The pics I promised.
Close up of the hole and a pic of each plant.
The brown specs on leaves are just a bit of coco from the transplant. Thought I had got it all off.


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I shouldn't be fucking about with so much to do and so little sleep...was checking my RH and temp meter and the min went to 59F last night. Because the plants night is my night I have been keeping extractor running to prevent humidity build up during the night. Can't afford to keep heating running as only have £40 to my name for the next fortnight. I need a humidity controller so I can have my tube heater on the temp controller and the extractor on humidity and may see better overall temps. Thought with no real smell yet, no need to have extractor on all the time but not wanting to add to temp controller as unsure how this would affect humidity during the night. Humidity has spiked to 99% RH at least on one occasion when extractor was not running.
Well i tried it and checking before I leave for work, without extractor humidity went to 85% in a couple of hours. I need this bitch running at all times just to keep the humidity in check. won't be that long until bloom and the extractor will neeed to be on all the time for smells. Extractor back on all the time now. Need to work out another solution
I checked out my EC today. Bear in mind I'm using a 5ml, plastic pipette with unknown tolerances to measure the chemicals.

I don't know the type of equipment that calibrated my Blue Labs pen before I got it or even if that calibration equipment was calibrated accurately. I bought the Blue Labs pen calibration liquid but how can I be sure if it's "right'? Generally speaking it's impossible to quantify all the variables.

I made four gallons of Advanced Nutrients w/10ml each Grow, Micro and Bloom solution. Each gallon tested the same. EC 1.9.

I made four more gallons like the above that included 5ml each Sensizym, Nirvana and Tarantula. Each gallon tested between EC 1.9 and EC 2.0.

The G,M,B indicates 4ml per liter each. The others vary.
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So the additives did not change your EC? I have not tested with additives.
When i made the 1ml of each per litre the PPM's were higher than what the suggested values for the stage of my grow, and probably wrongly multiplied that by 4 to get the full 4ml per litre. The EC of 1.9 would be about 950 PPM which does not actually sound to ridiculous a value comparing it to the coco for cannabis website for blooming plants.
Been so busy with work that I forgot to water my plants for a day :wall:
They did't seem to mind, was worried as everything I have read says to water everyday or multiple times a day.
Have noticed I kinda fucked up topping 2 of the plants. Looks like they have been FIMed instead. May have to do another bit of surgery. but that wont be until wednesday when I have time and a day off.
Stopped feeding with Voodoo Juice as now 2 weeks in with AN schedule. Now just getting the base nutes plus B-52. I did add a little cal/mag on last feeding as noticed a few spots on the leaves.
No pictures as yet but will update this post with them once I have taken them.
Back on schedule with waterings although I know I am giving them too much(water not nutes). Havn't adjusted to the bigger pots and have been strarting with too much water.
Just took the end of a fan leaf off the gimp on accident and she has got some little spots that i think may be cal/mag issue so started feeding them all it even though gimp is the only one showing signs.
In regards to topping, was fine with Ungoliant who is growing fast. Shelob you can see between my fingers that are holding new growth back that there is still growth from middle, hence why I think I FIMed instead of topped by mistake. The compact plants made it hard to get in to the node.
Gimp was harder to get a pic of as it definitely got fucked up and looks weird in the middle.
First pic is of the gimp as best I could in the centre of the plant, second is of shelob showing possibly FIMed plant and lastly is all 3 with Gimp on the left, Shelob in the middle and Ungoliant on the right.


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Not checked in for a while, forgot to water my plants again, but again not so bad.
Cut back the water volume to 1.5L over the 3 plants as have still been getting run off at that. Figured I would see what 3L would be like since i forgot to water again. Each took a litre with hardly any run-off. Run off PPM's were not high either so no salt buildup in the soil.

I have been a bit scared to train them as only 1 seemed to have the length to bend the branches.
Ungoliant, my biggest, I pinned back and is actually more a 6 way LST as 2 lower branches have grown out to 4 nodes so pinned them down also and topped only these 2 branches as other 4 are not quite there to top above 3rd node. She also split a bit at the top node due to me putting to much strain. Have seen that they can recover but if someone who is reading wants to chip in any advise then by all means.
Shelob and Gimp I pinned back as much as I could to begin the training. They are not close to being topped a second time and they have the lower branches trying to poke through with potential bud sites.
Will monitor the growth as due to my small grow area, having 3 plants and that lower bud sites are coming up to the top, I may have no need to top again as may be a tad overcrowded in there depending on how many sites I count.

First picture is of split at node in Ungoliant followed by pics of Ungoliant, Gimp and Shelob.


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Looks like you're doing the best you can with training them. Don't stress about it too much. They'll fill back in pithing a 304 day period and you'll see some good results.

Those leaves look REALLY dark. My WW are just seedlings, so I can't tell if it's the strain or not just yet. Just an observation...

Carry on, man. Looks like you're doing all the right things.
Looks like you're doing the best you can with training them. Don't stress about it too much. They'll fill back in pithing a 304 day period and you'll see some good results.

Those leaves look REALLY dark. My WW are just seedlings, so I can't tell if it's the strain or not just yet. Just an observation...

Carry on, man. Looks like you're doing all the right things.
Cheers for the encouragement.
I have been a little concerned about the leaves, I do have some spots on Gimp but none of the others. I believed to be cal/mag issue so I have just been adding some every 3 or 4 days. TBH I have been expecting burnt tips but nothing emerged. Also may be too much Nitrogen. Not sure where to go at this point.

Edit: Think I just diagnosed Gimp, some leave tips are clawing and along with spots I think it could be wind burn. Going to re-position fan. It's only small but the direction it has been pointing along with this new information make me 90% sure this is the issue.
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Cheers for the encouragement.
I have been a little concerned about the leaves, I do have some spots on Gimp but none of the others. I believed to be cal/mag issue so I have just been adding some every 3 or 4 days. TBH I have been expecting burnt tips but nothing emerged. Also may be too much Nitrogen. Not sure where to go at this point.

Edit: Think I just diagnosed Gimp, some leave tips are clawing and along with spots I think it could be wind burn. Going to re-position fan. It's only small but the direction it has been pointing along with this new information make me 90% sure this is the issue.
So did that save him from the shopping block? I was getting worried lol
So did that save him from the shopping block? I was getting worried lol
Haha. I may not get rid of any. May take one side of tent and train biggest one to have a long canopy and split the rest of the space between the smaller 2, including gimp.
My diagnosis was literally when I made my edit. Had seen something about clawing leaves on one of the sites I'm using so looked it up and with the spots showing up on some of gimps leaves, made sense it was likely due to the fan. Its now raised higher and aiming in towards wall of tent. Also raised tube heater off of floor and is hanging from top of tent.
What light is that? Looks sweet. Y'all on that side of the pond have some cool options for retail lights that we don't have over here.
What light is that? Looks sweet. Y'all on that side of the pond have some cool options for retail lights that we don't have over here.
It was from a UK shop called DIYLEDUK and was a kit you can build yourself or have them assemble. It's a Scope V2 LED strip kit.
I didn't know what it was going to look like in the flesh, but agree it looks mint.
Same goes for you guys, wish I could get my hands on some of the stuff I have seen that wont ship internationally or is too expensive to ship from the states.

Going to put them on 12/12 tomorrow based on some guidance I have received. Will be able to see the difference between twice topped and once topped. Need to work out cash as want to get bloom additives and if I feel I can spare cash, think about getting a drainage set-up made. But with this isolation business it will be hard to borrow the tools as I am woefully under tooled for DIY projects.
To aid in this I have given all the plants names to identify them. I have Gimp for the gnarly leaf one and the others I have named Shelob and Ungoliant. Maybe should have picked a more straightforward name but both from Tolkien's Universe.


Love the names!

Have WW seed i was thinking of poping soon. Best of luck with yours!