There’s no toilet paper anywhere because socialism

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Taco Bell doesn't give me the shits unless I over do it lol. I have guts of steel
I broke my tooth on a piece of bone in a "soft" taco at Taco Bell ~ 20 years ago

In the process of trying to get them to pay for it (which they finally did after my lawyer wrote them a letter) I learned more about Taco Bell's meat than I ever wanted to and have not eaten it since

Buss Relville

Well-Known Member
I broke my tooth on a piece of bone in a "soft" taco at Taco Bell ~ 20 years ago

In the process of trying to get them to pay for it (which they finally did after my lawyer wrote them a letter) I learned more about Taco Bell's meat than I ever wanted to and have not eaten it since
tell me more


Well-Known Member
Just kidding, it’s because trump is a retard
You don’t need toilet paper if you install a hand basin beside your toilet!
Turn the tap on and....
hand, bumb, wash basin, hand, bumb, wash basin. Repeat the process until your sparkling clean :hump:


Well-Known Member
I broke my tooth on a piece of bone in a "soft" taco at Taco Bell ~ 20 years ago

In the process of trying to get them to pay for it (which they finally did after my lawyer wrote them a letter) I learned more about Taco Bell's meat than I ever wanted to and have not eaten it since
Taco Bell’s meat? Sounds like Taco Bell, whoever this guy is Had some fun with you Napsalot!? :spew:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
people..everyone and their mother and brother has too you can even get a month of deliver for free..try it! just google..all the grocery store now have delivery as well.

stop the trucks are arriving every day to replenish what the hoarders took..the hospitals are re-stocked with masks etc I saw the pallets piled up in Aurora at UCH complex.

in one week it won't be like this because the hoarders, hoarded.

Schuylaar's doing her Walmart list as we speak and submit at 10AM Sunday; have everything by 2PM Sunday.
Not sure if supplies will get through if the boarders shut??


Well-Known Member
We think we have it bad?
Check this shit out, (pun intended :) ) in Australia.

Funny thing is the Australian Government advised people to stop hoarding. They say There will be no shortage of toilet paper because 70% of toilet paper in Australia is made in Australia. :wall:
and idiots like that ruin it for everyone else.
Now Australia has a toilet paper shortage!


Well-Known Member
it hasn't been a week, Bucky.

Vitamin Shoppe has their brand of Purell in stock. This is not gastrointestinal and there's no reasoning behind the toilet paper hoarding. it must be a 4CHAN rightie thing.

if you need gloves and mask, I can meet you in Denver somewhere..let me know.
I’ll take the gloves and mask.... Just need to get my hands on an uzi and find that toilet paper truck! :lol:

Buss Relville

Well-Known Member
Hey, Puss

Where is Bernie?

Oh, hey, lookie there. Bernie actually showed up at work yesterday.

NayVT I Sanders, Bernie

Good for him. Too bad he's only there about 60% of the time. I'm glad he's not my Senator.
Oh, btw. Biden's reappearance to the media was absolutely cringe worthy. No wonder you didn't actually post the video. lol.