
Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Left the Desert Fortress today to hit the bank and forage. One store had ground beef, another had a case of dogshit precursor, and a third had jumbo eggs. I don’t feel as besieged any more.

I visited my favorite gastropub and got me a beer cheeseburger and some beer to go RPT beer to go.

Heavy truck traffic was robust, at or near usual levels. Car traffic was maybe 1/3 usual levels. It was nice to get out, though Motherf Nature served me a goddamn headwind both ways.
Are the dining rooms in restaurants still open there? Traffic here is almost non existent. I took this pic coming back from my parents, that's the 401, the busiest highway in North America.

IMG_0775 (2).jpeg


Well-Known Member
Our Mayor just ordered closed all parks, our lakefront, and my fav bike trail, the 606. As crazy as that sounds, I support her decision. This is what our city looked like on beautiful, sunny and warm yesterday...



Police are fining people $500 a pop for such actions. Here's an article - Chicago fines scofflaws

We were doing so well, too. Here's what we looked like just a few days ago -

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Ursus marijanus
I was leaving the store the other day after scoring(!) eggs and chicken (on sale) and felt like I was harnessing my inner late 80's babushka returning from market.
The line at Aldi (gatekeeper only letting people in in proportion to people coming out) put me in mind of shopping in the USSR, and made me grateful that I never had such an experience til now.


Ursus marijanus
File under “people can be awesome” ...

The proprietor of that gastropub chatted with me while assembling and ringing up my order. I described my shopping finds to him “ but nobody had any toilet paper.

He asked me “do you need some? I can give you some.”

I declined (I am a slow user and should be good til like July.)

But what a kind and generous offer.


Well-Known Member
So last night was fucked up for me. Thank you guys for warning me that this shit can get worse even after feeling better. After feeling pretty good all day yesterday, I started feeling a new kind of funky. It was as if after a couple of days of letting the virus sit in me, my body finally decided to really off this thing. I got chills and tossed and turned sweaty and uncomfortable all night. Like non-stop sweat and aches. The really weird thing is that I never registered a fever! I checked my temp every hour, but I was incredibly a little cooler than usual. When I finally got up, the sweating had stopped, and I just felt fatigued and a little achy again. I feel okay now, and I'm just looking out for what this thing is going to do next. This is still nothing compared to that H1N1 I had a decade ago. I haven't been hungry yet today, so I just made a triple dose of my superfood drinks of Green Vibrance and Miracle Reds and sipped that down. Now I feel much better and I'm getting hungry, so I'm gonna go make a nice, big breakfast. My immune system is awesome, and I haven't been sick at all in over 3 years. I believe it's the reason this is hitting me in a relatively mild fashion. But it is no joke, I can see why so many are dying. Keep practicing all those safety measures, and I'll keep you updated on my daily recovery process. Go Team Humanity!


Virtually Unknown Member
So last night was fucked up for me. Thank you guys for warning me that this shit can get worse even after feeling better. After feeling pretty good all day yesterday, I started feeling a new kind of funky. It was as if after a couple of days of letting the virus sit in me, my body finally decided to really off this thing. I got chills and tossed and turned sweaty and uncomfortable all night. Like non-stop sweat and aches. The really weird thing is that I never registered a fever! I checked my temp every hour, but I was incredibly a little cooler than usual. When I finally got up, the sweating had stopped, and I just felt fatigued and a little achy again. I feel okay now, and I'm just looking out for what this thing is going to do next. This is still nothing compared to that H1N1 I had a decade ago. I haven't been hungry yet today, so I just made a triple dose of my superfood drinks of Green Vibrance and Miracle Reds and sipped that down. Now I feel much better and I'm getting hungry, so I'm gonna go make a nice, big breakfast. My immune system is awesome, and I haven't been sick at all in over 3 years. I believe it's the reason this is hitting me in a relatively mild fashion. But it is no joke, I can see why so many are dying. Keep practicing all those safety measures, and I'll keep you updated on my daily recovery process. Go Team Humanity!
That staying in bed and resting is no shit. Keep yourself hydrated and us updated.