worst/best quality or habbit


It seems to be the one thing when I'm tripping/stoned as hell that really mentally blocks me.

I can't even summarize it, I've tried, I would think everyone to some extent would be able to catch my drift no matter how poorly I explain it. Explaining my thoughts in a relative way that can be conveyed to another mind is difficult, and unless you're seeking a similar solution (trying to reach your own variation of that idea), it'd hard to relate, or care. Bleh, can't even explain this. Haha, fuck it. :dunce::peace:

That's what too much analysis does to ya, sometimes I have to shut off my brain.

thats my favorite thing to do while trippin balls.... philosophical debate... puts you on a whole different wavelength... suprisingly eloquent too:mrgreen:


that just made me think; ive always wanted to trip my ass off and go out in public and just rant and rave about society/people... only thing stopping me is police now will arrest you for trying to exercise your free speech


Well-Known Member
thats my favorite thing to do while trippin balls.... philosophical debate... puts you on a whole different wavelength... suprisingly eloquent too:mrgreen:
Oh hell yeah, but when someone presents some good stuff it can lock up my mind, too many reactions and stray thoughts. ahh but i love it.


Well-Known Member
that just made me think; ive always wanted to trip my ass off and go out in public and just rant and rave about society/people... only thing stopping me is police now will arrest you for trying to exercise your free speech
I have so many 'random thoughts' people who weren't on that same wavelength would be thinking I lost my mind. I'd be locked up faster than Hannibal Lector.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I have a different problem...folks wanna warm up to me and I'm not interested.I don't trust most people.I'm cordial, but for some reason, folks are like "Oh hi!It's you!" when I go somewhere, and proceed to tell me their life story, and quite frankly....I don't care.It's all I can do to keep myself from climbing a building like King Kong and swatting at invisible airplanes....they really think I wanna hear about who they caught screwing their boyfriend?And how they're so mad at him, and he's a bastard, and then two weeks later their pathetic ass is hanging off of him?This is just an example.Most interactions are tedious for me...it's like I know exactly what will happen,and I can usually tell what a person is like in person just by talking to them five minutes or less.And sadly, most are muddying up the gene pool.
It seems to be the one thing when I'm tripping/stoned as hell that really mentally blocks me.

I can't even summarize it, I've tried, I would think everyone to some extent would be able to catch my drift no matter how poorly I explain it. Explaining my thoughts in a relative way that can be conveyed to another mind is difficult, and unless you're seeking a similar solution (trying to reach your own variation of that idea), it'd hard to relate, or care. Bleh. Haha, fuck it.

That's what too much analysis does to ya, sometimes I have to shut off my brain.

I also have a tendency to make friends with everyone I'm in close quarters with, so when a personality doesn't connect it's frustrating, and it's hard to accept that I really might not be 'compatible' with this person. I eventually get over it, but it's a little unsettling at first.

Haha, woo, and why do I choose to think about that, why not something else, too many questions


I have so many 'random thoughts' people who weren't on that same wavelength would be thinking I lost my mind. I'd be locked up faster than Hannibal Lector.

thats the wonderful thing about hallucinogens... you are allowed the chaos and peace of being insane; for a short while... you do kinda lose your mind.... the conformed part;-)


I have a different problem...folks wanna warm up to me and I'm not interested.I don't trust most people.I'm cordial, but for some reason, folks are like "Oh hi!It's you!" when I go somewhere, and proceed to tell me their life story, and quite frankly....I don't care.It's all I can do to keep myself from climbing a building like King Kong and swatting at invisible airplanes....they really think I wanna hear about who they caught screwing their boyfriend?And how they're so mad at him, and he's a bastard, and then two weeks later their pathetic ass is hanging off of him?This is just an example.Most interactions are tedious for me...it's like I know exactly what will happen,and I can usually tell what a person is like in person just by talking to them five minutes or less.And sadly, most are muddying up the gene pool.

there is nothing new under the sun... just the names, places and dates change....


Well-Known Member
I'm kind of wondering what it would be like to 'trip' forever. Would these seemingly chaotic thoughts become 'normal' in the most literal sense of the word - I can't even use a word to communicate that feeling anymore, 'normal' just doesn't cut it, sober doesn't either?

Just a stray thought.

grow's got it, I just look at as perspective, we each have our own, it is what it is


Well-Known Member
Exactly.I'm just so tired.I hope death is like one big long nap.Dreams are still good.
Without a doubt, it's hard on the ol' noggin to deal.

Dreams fascinate me too, when I'm stoned, etc.. I personally attach boundaries to my thoughts - real objects, I try to find comfort and stability in this state of chaos, but with dreams...it's different...unexplainable..

ahh i'm starting to feel like i don't know what i'm talking about.


I'm kind of wondering what it would be like to 'trip' forever. Would these seemingly chaotic thoughts become 'normal' in the most literal sense of the word - I can't even use a word to communicate that feeling anymore, 'normal' just doesn't cut it, sober doesn't either?

Just a stray thought.

grow's got it, I just look at as perspective, we each have our own, it is what it is

i've thought that too; one would probably just be extremely frustrated with the rest of society (oh, wait:roll:).... when i trip, i am the only sane one; those other people i see are the fuckin crazy ones!! you would feel that you are "normal"... others would see you as a loon... thats how i wanna go out; if i get a death heads up... im eatin a sheet and.............................................................:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I just see most of it as pointless, ya know...life is just a big,long trudge to the grave.Just keep your head down and shuffle your feet,and you'll get there, too.
Ya see, I tend to get pessimistic too, and that leads to apathy, and feelings that I can't have, or atleast to deal with all the bullshit like school, etc...

You express the level I get too eventually when I follow these thoughts - pointless, why even try?

I don't even know, sometimes these kinds of thoughts can get me down.. I'm kind of curious how some people can flow through all of it so complacently, and I guess...unaware? Maybe there thinking about something..but they supress it...these thoughts seem normal, but others don't think this way..:dunce:

I feel like I'm running into a wall right now..


Ya see, I tend to get pessimistic too, and that leads to apathy, and feelings that I can't have, or atleast to deal with all the bullshit like school, etc...

You express the level I get too eventually when I follow these thoughts - pointless, why even try?

I don't even know, sometimes these kinds of thoughts can get me down.. I'm kind of curious how some people can flow through all of it so complacently, and I guess...unaware? Maybe there thinking about something..but they supress it...these thoughts seem normal, but others don't think this way..:dunce:

can you say "sheeple"???

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh hey, don't worry, I'm not trying to hijack the thread with emo...no reassurance necessary, lol.Just stating facts.All we do is a drop in the bucket.
and not look at those around you on the way??? is there no one close to you??? you have children right??? you are doing far more than trudging with your head down (although it does feel that way:blsmoke:)


Well-Known Member
and not look at those around you on the way??? is there no one close to you??? you have children right??? you are doing far more than trudging with your head down (although it does feel that way:blsmoke:)
Nice way to put it, but I agree it certainly feels that way.