worst/best quality or habbit


Well-Known Member
come on in, pull up a chair; here hit thisbongsmilie

here's a though for yall... allways pondered this one.... if a man/woman lives their life in complete solitude... nobody knows them... was that a life worth living?? or is it just a waste of an intelligent creature and interactions/relationships that never happened???
A life spent in solitude and deep reflection is a worth while pursuit. Our "inner space" is just as vast as out "outer space". Why not explore both? You see some of our greatest achievements came from the evolution of human consciousness. A balance is important however, that is why enlightened people remain to help the evolution of human consciousness. So solitude without teaching is incomplete. We must give freely of what we learn.


Well-Known Member
which is the more important though??? is life about what you do, or is it about what you do with others????
I would say this goes as deep as perception or the basis of who the individual 'is'. Some people's goals are to define themselves through inward realization, while others feel they need to express themselves socially, and I think it's the basis for the type of society we have today.

I don't really know exactly how to answer this, as I can't, both could be equally important, it's just how YOU see it.

Let me think some more, maybe I can sort this out.


I think it's up to the individual to decide for themselves.Free will.

true.. but we arent speaking "truth" ... "truth" is too concrete for philosophy... my point is if there is noone to sing his praises so to speak or to at least carry on a memory, what was the point?? or was his life a purer existense than that of which we live???


Well-Known Member
A life spent in solitude and deep reflection is a worth while pursuit. Our "inner space" is just as vast as out "outer space". Why not explore both? You see some of our greatest achievements came from the evolution of human consciousness. A balance is important however, that is why enlightened people remain to help the evolution of human consciousness. So solitude without teaching is incomplete. We must give freely of what we learn.
That's what we're doing currently, communication with others helps us atleast find some sense of surity in this chaos.

We've obviously all givin' this out own though (solitude) and were expressing it socially.

I would say it's probably most important to have some form of balance.

I couldn't handle all of these thoughts by myself, it's too much, expressing them allows me to atleast try to make sense of it all.


A life spent in solitude and deep reflection is a worth while pursuit. Our "inner space" is just as vast as out "outer space". Why not explore both? You see some of our greatest achievements came from the evolution of human consciousness. A balance is important however, that is why enlightened people remain to help the evolution of human consciousness. So solitude without teaching is incomplete. We must give freely of what we learn.

i like that one... so you say it is a balance between the two?? am i interpreting correctly??


That's what we're doing currently, communication with others helps us atleast find some sense of surity in this chaos.

We've obviously all givin' this out own though (solitude) and were expressing it socially.

I would say it's probably most important to have some form of balance.

I couldn't handle all of these thoughts by myself, it's too much, expressing them allows me to atleast try to make sense of it all.
dont worry, i wont sleep tonight; yall have kicked my mind into high gear and opened up some synapses that havent been running for too long


Well-Known Member
I would say this goes as deep as perception or the basis of who the individual 'is'. Some people's goals are to define themselves through inward realization, while others feel they need to express themselves socially, and I think it's the basis for the type of society we have today.

I don't really know exactly how to answer this, as I can't, both could be equally important, it's just how YOU see it.

Let me think some more, maybe I can sort this out.
I think a balance is important that is why people create beauty. We have inner realizations that we paint onto the world's canvas. Some call Leonardo's work "divinely inspired". Once you free your mind you can create anything in your own world. So the only rules are do what makes you happy, spread your joy, remain humble. The individual and the whole are equally important. Be at peace with yourself and you will be at peace with the world.:peace:


Well-Known Member
dont worry, i wont sleep tonight; yall have kicked my mind into high gear and opened up some synapses that havent been running for too long
One form of expression that helps me is drawing/painting, I love doing it when things seem to overwhelm me, I can do it for hours. I'm at one with myself, I find my peace/balance with it.


Ok, another off topic thing here...kinda...this song I'm listening to...its one of those things that is more than what it is....he paints a picture with the words.Depressing one....k I'm done blabbering.For some reason this convo reminded me of this song don't' know why.
YouTube - Vincent (Starry Starry Night) Don McLean

added to favorites... dont know if i can see the picture as clearly as needed in my current frame of mind.... need some inspiration... but i do see where you're coming from....


Well-Known Member
i like that one... so you say it is a balance between the two?? am i interpreting correctly??
Yes the only true duality is between the limited and the absolute but this is not a true duality its is mostly imagined. So balance is the only way to achieve peace.


Well-Known Member
I think a balance is important that is why people create beauty. We have inner realizations that we paint onto the world's canvas. Some call Leonardo's work "divinely inspired". Once you free your mind you can create anything in your own world. So the only rules are do what makes you happy, spread your joy, remain humble. The individual and the whole are equally important. Be at peace with yourself and you will be at peace with the world.:peace:

How do you know if you've acieved inner peace though? That's such a profound idea, it can be a simple as a 'feeling' like completing a homework assignment, that feeling of accomplishment, it must be soo much deeper.

Or this sense of balance.

trying to wrap my head around the idea, get your outlooks on it as well.


Well-Known Member
It's really just that simple, and that hard.
Be forever at peace with yourself through the cultivation of awareness.
Awareness is collective so any steps toward further awareness in ones lifetime are worthwhile. We have come to learn and explore the wonderment that is Life.

One form of expression that helps me is drawing/painting, I love doing it when things seem to overwhelm me, I can do it for hours. I'm at one with myself, I find my peace/balance with it.
Always have a creative outlet this is one of man's great beneficial instincts. :peace:


One form of expression that helps me is drawing/painting, I love doing it when things seem to overwhelm me, I can do it for hours. I'm at one with myself, I find my peace/balance with it.

i used to write and write... just free association... youd be amazed at what comes out