"essential employees"


Well-Known Member
You’d be surprised. I was in Al Kharj for 4 months and people get even more out of line (joke wise) when in a situation where you have scud sirens going off constantly. We had a scud attack drill one day and a full bird colonel come in asking me why I was playing solitaire in the shop, instead of in the bunker. I replied with “with all due respect, sir, there’s an ordinance storage area with 1.5 million tons of high explosives 100 yards from the bunker. If a scud hit that id really prefer to die instantly while playing solitaire then possibly survive with no limbs in a bunker.” He laughed and walked out of the room because he is human, knew I had a point, and thought it was funny.

This was the sign outside of where I worked.
View attachment 4521455
AHHH, BB stacker...lol


Well-Known Member
Yes, and they haven't implemented any limits on TP sales for some stupid reason. The meat shelves were bare last time I went there. Edit: Each base has their own limitations determined by the base commander.
seeing bare shelves i realized... 1 im going to be fighting mothers for baby wipes or using my shower as a bidet because i loathe tp and 2 if this turns to a real apocolypse dystopia usa im going to die of starvation because i am too damn picky when it comes to food :-|


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Staff member
Do you have any insight on how military installations are handling the situation? I know damn well they didn't allow the monkey see, monkey do, panic buying to empty the commissary and exchange shelves like we civilians are dealing with, but am curious if they are allowing personnel that live on base/post off of the installation.
You would be wrong


Well-Known Member
neither... it was meant as a joke but in reality is not a joke.... 900 a week is 22.50 an hr atleast 50 percent of the "essential work force" in the us is makin way less than that while they risk their lives to provide necessities... i am not against upping the unemployment to help those that need it but there are those out there that needed the help before this hit and those essential workers riskin their lives are doing it for way less... the dark joke is 900 a week would be incentive to just purposely get fired and end up bringin home more money then you would if you kept working ... i work for boeing im considered an essential employee even tho most airlines are grounded atleast im lucky to have a job for now... 900 a week would be a very decent pay increase for me but i am not one who works the system even tho my tax dollars go to all those govt assistance programs that people do game i do not get any tax breaks nor do i qualify for any of them even tho on my wage it is very tough to pay a 1000 dollar mortgage all the utilities car note car ins and food but i do it and i do it all by my damn self without any help or govt assistance... and besides i wouldnt leave my job because there would be no garauntee of being able to get one once this is over
Unemployment is for people who lose their job due to no fault of their own. I think punching her and getting fired would disqualify you. Just saying your plan may back fire

That was argument republicans made it would be so high people would take advantage of it. Who would possibly take advantage of this type of situation? There are people out there


Well-Known Member
well nice to meet you guys lol... ive been lurkin this site for a lil bit here and there when id have random questions always seemed the info here had experience and knowledge behind it been lurkin hard the last month or so gathering up lil bit of knowledge and tips for my plans but just joined couple days ago ... Nikki (waves) lol