Vancouver Cannabis Day Protest Leads To 2 Arrests

And i can say 100% that if i smoked in high school instead of alcohol that it would have made me more likely to stay in school. I hated the idea of school in general and learning/reading didnt become a passion of mine til after i started smoking. Sometimes guessing goes both ways.
And i truly believe that the schizophrenia argument is nonsense fear mongering that i would expect to hear coming out of ambrose or some other idiot.
People that are pre disposed to have schizophrenia anyway are going to wind up having it anyway so the mj is irrelevant.
A close friend of mine yrs ago woke up one day talking about having to save the world and killing his boss his parents took him to the hospital and right away they told his parents he has shizo probably caused by excess mj use.....then they ran tests and he had none is his blood so they asked us and i had never seen him do a single drug in his life yet they blamed mj which he didnt smoke.

Why would they blame mj?...what would be their motivation to come up with these outlandish claims?
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Why would they blame mj?...what would be there motivation to come up with these outlandish claims?
The drs assumed he was smoking because he hung with me and his cousin. He told them he never smoked and they tested him and still tried to say he must have used excessively in the past meanwhile he was only like 19 at the time.
It was ridiculous! Now they have changed the diagnosis completely because his family has history of dementia and other psyche problems.
But right away mj was the first thing they blamed.
The drs assumed he was smoking because he hung with me and his cousin. He told them he never smoked and they tested him and still tried to say he must have used excessively in the past meanwhile he was only like 19 at the time.
It was ridiculous! Now they have changed the diagnosis completely because his family has history of dementia and other psyche problems.
But right away mj was the first thing they blamed.
the path of least's easy to blame MJ but when they found out he didn't do it, they blamed his past.....i wish they would have found out what was wrong instead of blaming something like that. they should do their job instead of just collecting a paycheque. they should take their oath of "do no harm" more serious. blaming MJ for that when it's not a factor does harm
Took almost two years for them to figure it out and finally give up blaming mj. His dad still thinks the guy is a pothead and he still doesnt smoke. So the hospital helped change his fathers opinion of the guy for nothing.
It had alot to do with him hanging with me and i always smell like bob marleys back pocket but that shouldnt matter to a dr.

I went through the same thing when i just recently got hospitalized. When they ran down my list of meds, which are all meds that can cause seizures. They still said well maybe it was the mj that caused the seizure.
Meanwhile people got prescribed mj to combat seizures. Drs always want to point the finger at things they dont know cause its easier.
Neil Magnuson was the guy arrested for selling to minors, only he wasn't selling to minors he was handing out joints.. this was early in the day when there was only around a thousand.. they came with 50 cops when normally there's 5 or 10.. also all the cops had no badge numbers visible..
To be fair, it's worth brining up the disgusting # of kids they put on other drugs anyways.
Any kid that looks away from the teacher at some point gets ADHD medication. There was a kid at the school where my wife teaches that got put on medication because he was too smart so class bored him to death and he wouldn't pay attention. All that crap that creates life long dependencies (I know, preaching to the choir) is the crap I'm more concerned with.
I've got more friends in their 20s on anti-depressants that won't ever be able to quit.
To be fair, it's worth brining up the disgusting # of kids they put on other drugs anyways.
Any kid that looks away from the teacher at some point gets ADHD medication. There was a kid at the school where my wife teaches that got put on medication because he was too smart so class bored him to death and he wouldn't pay attention. All that crap that creates life long dependencies (I know, preaching to the choir) is the crap I'm more concerned with.
I've got more friends in their 20s on anti-depressants that won't ever be able to quit.
That is sad.
i do not even think kids should be allowed to have energy drinks ....alcohol. coffee,

but carl sagan, andres segovia and pilles of the smartest people on the planet smoked weed so

i would go with them ...adults...weed is good
I tried monster drinks ect for maybe 2-3 months, every week id have maybe 2, my gut was soar after a few, id quit them and felt much better, that shit is as bad as crystal meth lol and eats wholes in guts id assume. bad shit, haven't touched anything like it since
So what does it do to you?maybe should have said for you...

Red Bull just keeps me awake at night.
I have 2 major issues in the evening, either I can't sleep at all or I can't stay awake.
I have red bull for one and cannabis for the other.
Red Bull just keeps me awake at night.
I have 2 major issues in the evening, either I can't sleep at all or I can't stay awake.
I have red bull for one and cannabis for the other.
crystal meth is cheaper and last longer ha, a joke to the slow!
up for 3 days straight, get everything done and hit a rave, then sleep for 34 hrs straight and no one can wake ya, weight control also, great with weed at 3 am for a intense rush.
( exp 20 yrs ago) E.C dancer lol
Meth is BS why snort smoke that shit. Did plenty of speed and spent tons of time in Vancouver after hours but when Meth came around didn't touch that junk. Sure there was dirty speed but when you got good stuff you'd be up but no felling like a junkie for days. Its all in moderation at the end of the day but some drugs are just not worth taking.
The mmj and the developing brain thing has also been....found to be not true...
I recently read about a study of twins that was done...with respect to this point ....