What? Me have a plan?


Well-Known Member
I looked up neem oil and one thing that popped up was canola oil. Also canola and some dish washing soap. I tried that twice, I had a problem with a couple of plants, noticed after spaying the second time the oil and water separated into layers. Might be why the couple of plants were still bad. Took them in the tub and brushed off the bugs I could see with a small paint brush. The plant's are short so not too much of a problem. Since they were there I gave them a good soaking.

Emailed my cousin, she did genetic research on crops, one day I'll have to talk to her more in depth on what she did. She recommended a couple of tablespoons of dish soap in a quart of water. In the end I think I had aphids. That is a normal pen in the picture. I have a bunch trapped between two plastic drink glasses. Spurred me on to order some macro rings for my camera.



Well-Known Member
I have been fighting aphids, now it seems like I got fungus gnats. But I think I am close to harvest. Got my macro adapter yesterday. I Just took the shots freehand, need to play with the aperture and put the camera on a stand.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
What happens when you cone a feminized plant pretty far into flower? You get a slow growing stunted bush. I should have pruned it but I wanted to see what it would do on its own. Turned out the live leaves shielded your view of the interior, were there were dead leaves and a breading ground for my aphids. I trimmed them and uprooted it as I had a problem with Fungus Gnats also. This sure has been a learning experience.

Will it survive? We will see.

I cleaned it up right down to the root. I am going to try and keep it bug free, into some perlite

The reason I want to keep it around, really not going to get much out of it due to its size, but...

It has some seeds developing. Curious at what it will give me.


Well-Known Member
Posted asking questions in other threads, time to update in this one. If you find this on your leaves it is the molting of the skin of aphids.

Even worse, root aphids.

Cut everything down, want any residual pests not to infect the next grow. From one of the pop bottles.

Dunked them in dish soap and water, then water, then water and hydrogen peroxide.

Need a humidified space, improvised with some poly, pan of water and a fan blowing on it. Around 50% on my meter. Been in there for a week.



Well-Known Member
Two weeks at 50% RH @ 72 F. Trimmed most of it wet. Not the tightest buds around but about 15g per plant in the 2L bottles. I scrapped my CBD plants, they were in rough shape and I wanted to start a new grow. I have five seeds that have popped and if all works out they will be my mothers. Not sure if I want to do a grow diary, we will see when I have some clones.


Well-Known Member
And I thought I was off to a good start. Because my lights were right over the seed tray I didn't get a good look at the bunch till today and I noticed some of the more mature ones having issues. I started the seeds in Jiffy pellets and placed them in Root Farm Hydro Potting Mix. It says that it has nutrients, 4-0-1, and to start nuts within a month. It has not been that long, I am guessing I starved them and started a half mix of General Hydroponix MaxiGrow today.



Well-Known Member
Hey, I've enjoyed your journal lots of good experimenting. Gl with the new plants 4 the new year. Only thing I have to say is sometimes less is more. Keep on improving things.


Well-Known Member
After mixing the nutrients to the water at half strength they took off, seems the soil had nothing in it. They almost outgrew the dome so I have to decide where to put them next. I think they like the high humidity, not much in the air around here though, I need to install a humidifier. I want to expand my grow area but that means moving wood I have for building guitars and I don't know where I will put it. Basically juggling stuff. the most important thing gets to the top of the pile.

I wasn't sure if anyone was even reading my thread, was going to let it drift away. Glad someone is getting something out of it, I was always one to share mistakes. And trying different things, ("I don't know if you should be doing that.") to find out the why ("Oh shoot II should not have done that."). I think I learned enough to get through my next grow without any problems, I need to get the no THC strains grown. I had pain that was stopping me from doing things yesterday and the 1:1 ratio stuff mellowed me out (most of what I ended up with) but I was not confident enough to work with sharp tools on stuff I did not want to screw up. So a wasted evening without really getting wasted.

I have a few things I want to try out once I get my clones going. I think I should get out of the Newbie section though. Thanks for letting me know someone is reading.


Well-Known Member
I decided to take the Blurgberry CBD and enter it in the Solo cup grow. I am going to try a sort of Hempy grow with some perlite into the bottom and sprincled some in to fill in the sides. We will see how it goes. Not that I am the competitive type, far from it. More the inquisitive type, "I wonder what would happen if...". Naturally I never went anywhere in life.

I need to re-pot the others also but I had root aphids at the end of the last grow. Just to ensure that there are no eggs to hatch on my pots I am baking them in my oven at 250 F. I had it with bugs, might do that with all the coco that I got just in case that is where the little critters came from.


Well-Known Member
Building a tent for some mothers. 2"x2" spruce as a frame, poly wrapped around it. Straw beach mats with a reflective layer toward the plants. The bottom will be for my mothers, I have six stains that I am trying out. The top section is either for my clones or to humidify wood to build guitars.

The Dollar Store had 10W Led bulbs for $1 each, I am putting nine on each aluminum channel I have. I'll close up the slot and blow air through them to take away the heat. I'll have a manifold on either end and will be venting and drawing air from outside the box. We will see what I will need to do about keeping the humidity where I want it.



Well-Known Member
Got them wired up, need to mount the rails into the air manifolds and rig up getting the air in and out of them.

There is a difference between the bulbs, think the one was 9W and the other 10W, threw away the packaging yesterday. I will have a switch to take out the outer rails and one to switch off four of the middle row so I can run 50W. Maybe they will get the original bulbs in again and I will use the two outer rails on the top level and make two more for the lower.
The bug has gotten to you, and love the ingenuity of building and making rails and cabinet/tents!

Good Luck and Keep learning it takes awhile to figure out but it's easy


Well-Known Member
Measured the current for each of the modules, with the wall voltage at 118V the one bulb taking 0.52A with the hot one at 0.67A. 61W and 79W, so the individual bulb at 6.8W and 8.8W. The dimmer bulb taking 6.8W says that it draws 9W, which I read they usually draw less than indicated. The hotter bulb draws 30% more than the lower one, feels like it with the temperature of the rails. For what I want these for the lower wattage bulb might have been the better option.

Been building crap for a long time. Not too much on making the stuff look fancy, more just care about the function. I do need to know things, what is possible and what is not practical. A curious mind, and not enough sense to just go fishing.


Well-Known Member
Finely got it mostly together. I still have to humidify the space but at least I have the plants inside.
