I had removed leaves, a little trim, and some bubble bags, what should I do with them? Not much material but enough to try it out. Found the 1 gallon bags are small, did things different than I have seen. The material was in the freezer, pot and ice also, figured why not chill the pot because I had room. Water chilled in the fridge. Let's mix it up.
There is a course bag to catch the leaves but the bags as so small they do not hold much, I used some window screen to catch the big stuff.
Basically poured it through the filter bags, what was left not caught in the bags.
Then take each bag out and see what it caught, from the right the larger mesh size to smaller on the left. I was feeling some disappointment once I flipped over the finer size. Not much to show for my efforts.
But then the next bag was a surprise, a fair amount of mud, the finer size the same.
Scraping it off the bags, the number is the mesh sise.
Darn it, pretty much looks like hash from my ill begotten youth. Not a lot but the feed stock was not the greatest in quality or quantity.
I will have to try it some time.