Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
My wife is sewing masks as I type this for our family seeing as none are available in stores.
They might not be actually be helpful, and probably are not, but they do give one a sense of community & at least the feeling of no surrender, we will fight back against COVID-19 and that is imperative.
Look online for good DIY mask instructions, some are approved by authorities, there are good instructions out there. You can order a bunch from, this shit is gonna go on for awhile. If you find good N95 masks there, buy extra for the hospital and call someone and see if they need a source of PPE and forward it to them, I'm sure they are into these sources as well, the chinese seem to have anticipated the need and appear to be well stocked, they like to make money and will.


Well-Known Member
This man died 4 days after posting this on his Facebook page

I redirected it to @RealDonaldTrump
Seen the story, all these people and those in grocery stores need PPE, the rest of us just need a mask of any kind (DIY), unless you've got health conditions that would threaten your life or are older. Cheap vinyl gloves and masks required for public transportation, get them with your ticket or from the bus driver (plastic shield around him too)if you don't have them already. Gloves and masks in grocery stores too, let's get serious about it and get back to work at some level ASAP, gloves and masks will make it happen quicker and keep it at bay, along with other measures like mega testing.


Well-Known Member
This man died 4 days after posting this on his Facebook page

I redirected it to @RealDonaldTrump
ummmmmmmm, I know it's easy to say after the fact but as driver he should've and could've pulled the bus over and asked her to cover her mouth and if she refused he could request she disembark- I've seen bus drivers ask passengers off for less and they very much have the authority..I have to ask about his judgement too..he said he had 89 on that bus that he subjected them to potential infection during a pandemic..? then a FB rant?


Well-Known Member
Look online for good DIY mask instructions, some are approved by authorities, there are good instructions out there. You can order a bunch from, this shit is gonna go on for awhile. If you find good N95 masks there, buy extra for the hospital and call someone and see if they need a source of PPE and forward it to them, I'm sure they are into these sources as well, the chinese seem to have anticipated the need and appear to be well stocked, they like to make money and will.
We're recycling PPEs and masks here in Colorado- FVCK TRUMPY*!:finger:we have a governor that can lead..!:clap:



Well-Known Member
5 weeks ago my president said it was a “Democrat” Media hoax.

Negligent and malevolent president. A baby/man that mostly lies, who lives a moment away from foaming at the mouth. Negligent and complicit Republican Party. No hint of ethical awareness.

The United States could have done so much better.



Well-Known Member
Been there, done it on a good day & it was still a nightmare

This is going to be a complete & utter meltdown of the system that never actually worked well anyway, at least in the State of Connecticut.
Well, boy's & girls we always wanted deep down inside to be a part of History, & now we're there.
We will either be a Survivor or a Causality of the greatest Pandemic probably in the History of the World.
Amazing shit, right? :)


Well-Known Member
5 weeks ago my president said it was a “Democrat” Media hoax.

Negligent and malevolent president. A baby/man that mostly lies, who lives a moment away from foaming at the mouth. Negligent and complicit Republican Party. No hint of ethical awareness.

The United States could have done so much better.


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
This man died 4 days after posting this on his Facebook page

I redirected it to @RealDonaldTrump
Absolutely heartbreaking story. Just tryin to do his job. They should lock that lady up who coughed on the bus like that. His message is powerful and right on and hopefully reaches a lot of ignorant people to help change their bad habits and be more mindful.

I have co workers that are walking around without face masks and continue to socialize more then 6 feet apart. What I have realized that I have to do is not interact with them in person at all anymore . I will phone them or use my Vocera and I am trying very hard not to make eye contact as i pass them by in the hall so as not to initiate a conversation at all because that is just opening pandoras box. You can get the virus from just speaking to someone. No one knows who has it . I dont give a fuck if people think I am rude or antisocial. That type of thinking would show just how ignorant they are and I see the ignorance daily and it makes me mad, so isolating myself from them sucks because i really like some of them and they are nice people but so fucking stupid. With the virus working on severity and how much you accumulate in your system I Realize I will likely get it but the amount accumulated in my system i can try to keep as low as possible so my illness is not so intolerable.
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Well-Known Member
You know what I think?
I think this OP should be archived into the Smithsonian for future Generations to observe & to try to understand of what a granted small segment of the Society at large thinks about life under Trump, but we, the Heads, have always been at the forefront of Social change forever anyways.
When, and if they actually have the balls to create a Presidential Library for Trump, I want an RIU thread linked to it, just as a balance.
Fuck it all :)
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Well-Known Member
Did you have one?
It took me a year of tossing papers but I got it & ruled the fucking road :)

I had a Stingray, but not that fancy. I bought one for $5, stripped it down, painted it, bought all new bearings and tires. My friend and I were into the bike mechanic phase, it was a good hobby. We were into the dirt bike look, slightly before dirt bikes boomed. Then, on to the Continental 10 speed, the big league. Riding to the beach and back from the San Fernando Valley was a big accomplishment.
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